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Throughout the dinner, Gun was on the edge and restless on his seat. Feeling slightly guilty for ignoring Off. But talking and listening to Oab slowly made him at ease, giggling at the story of his encounter with Tay yesterday. His eyes sparkled brightly as he laughed at the part where Tay fell on his knees because his slipper broke.

The atmosphere was nice for a while with Brahm’s Symphony No.  4 melody filling the hall. It was during the meal course when his anxiety crept up in his nerves again as he felt a foot running up and down along his leg. He jumped at the sudden touch, Oab touched his shoulder, asking if he’s okay. Gun dismissed him politely with a smile and faced the suspect in front of him.

Off winked at him, bringing his glass up.

It gets worse after that. Because the previous foot is now slipping between his thighs under the table, toes pressing at his crotch. It sent chills up his spine. Gun was taken aback him at the bold action, nearly choking on his drink. Grabbing at the napkin next to his plate, Gun wiped his mouth, not forgetting to throw a death glare at Off across the dining table. Thankfully, his father seemed clueless next to him while Oab was much more invested in his steak than his surroundings. He doesn't know what's going through Off's mind whether he's just being playful and adventuring, or just simply wanted to tease him. Fixing a deathly glare, Gun pushed away Off's toes from his crotch and dragged his chair slightly to the back.

When most of the guests were inside the hall, listening to his father’s speech, Gun texted Off to meet outside. Despite being steered clear from any attention, Gun only allowed Off to stand three feet away from him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Gun hissed under his breath. His shoulder squared, looking tensed all over with hands clutched in balls.

“Being lovey dovey as boyfriends would do?” Off smiled. His cheeks slightly red under his gaze.

“I wouldn't call running up your toes on my crotch as lovey dovey, Off. I know you always have silly pranks under your sleeve but now is not exactly the time to tease me. I’m not really into exhibitionism, and the last thing I want is to get yelled at for indecent misbehaviour during a charity event”

“And I thought we agreed to be just friends tonight” Gun sighed, looking away.

“Oh god. It’s just a joke, Gun. Relax” Off stands close, so close. Gun could smell alcohol under his breath and wonders if he's drunk. When he gave no response, Off reached for his hands, entangling their fingers together.

"Off, behave please. Other people might see us" Gun looked behind his shoulder and tried his best to shove the other guy off him.

"Come on. Don’t be upset. And I think I have an idea how to make you feel better" murmured Off as the taller guy closed on him, leaning so they’re inches away.  Cheeky smile curled on Off’s face and Gun can't help but drop his defense, letting Off hovering over him. 

“Look at me” Off said, hand grabbing at his neck and Gun complied.

Those brown eyes were hard on him, shining brightly as Off’s face slowly coming closer. Gun can't look away. There was something intense clouding those gaze and he thinks it reflected in his eyes too. Gun gulped at the sight of slicked lips. He wished they were somewhere else private right now so he could sweep it with his lips at this second.

As if the guy read his mind, Off sealed their lips instead. The press of lips successfully calmed him. A hand came up his neck and slowly made its way down his chest. A victory smirk tugged on Off’s lips as soon as Gun began kissing him back. The taller guy moved him into a corner and slid down his hands to grip Gun by his hips, grabbing him close.

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