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It comes to no surprise when Gun found himself getting carried by Off to the bedroom. Both of them were wet from head to toe after making out in the swimming pool. Lips hungrily attached to each other, tasting and licking everything. The taller guy pressed him against the bed and they both scurried to undress themselves. Heart pumping loudly in the ribcage and doesn’t seem to be slowing down any moment as Off’s tongue swept over the saliva dripping down his chin. Getting up, Off huffed roughly and chucked away his last garment, only to curl around Gun and planted a kiss on his mouth before he moved down further.

It was humid tonight, even with air-cond switched on. The bed was slightly damp from their wet clothes earlier and the sheets stuck on his back but Off wasn’t even bothered. Focused with his task in hand as he licked his way down to litter bruising marks over his chest and ribcage. Gun’s jaw swung open when his nipple twirled between index finger and thumb, whine stuck at his throat. 

“I am a good fuck so rest assured because you’re in good hands” Off panted against his skin, cocky smirk tugging at his lips, chin digging at Gun’s navel. His eyes were full blown, wide as he looked up at Gun.

The smaller guy couldn't afford a response because in a flash, Off was already licking at the wet patch on Gun’s boxer. Earning him an appreciative moan. One minute, there was the sound of a bottle cap in the background and the next minute there’s hand kneading his prominent tent before slipping past his waistband to tug on his cock.

“Shit, Off” Gun jerked in surprise at the contact of the cold palm, toes curling. Fingers scrambling to grab at the sheets as he felt the coil in his stomach heightened. His boxer was tugged harshly down his legs, tossed away a bit later. Off pumped his cock slowly building the pressure until it curved upwards, red and heavy against his stomach.

With obvious pre-come dribbling from the slits, Off lets go. He let his palms appreciatively run along Gun’s smooth thigh and split it wide open for Off’s eyes to feast on. Gun made a noise at the back of his throat. Skin flushed in scarlet red out of embarrassment. He tried closing his legs but the tight grip on his thighs were firm, steady on him. The big hand was back on him then, pumping him slightly. Gun hadn’t really noticed that Off’s was already facing Gun’s dick. It was until the next moment his cock was engulfed into warmth that he realized it, choking back sobs as Off sucked at the crown. Body shuddering at the sudden pleasure coursing through his body.

“Fuck” Gun cried as heavy tongue lapped on his length, running along the veins to jab on the slit. Off hummed around his cock and sunk lower with his eyes fixed on Gun, bobbing slowly. Curling and sucking gently at the sensitive skin. His hips unconsciously bucked when Off gave one particular hard suck that left Gun throwing his head back, whimpering as his hands scurried to grab at Off’s hair. His eyes turned glazed as he watched his cock disappear and appear between Off’s lips, cock twitching at the sinful image. This is not good. Gun definitely can’t forget this image even if he wants to.

Letting go of Gun red cock, Off mouthed at his  balls, alternatively using his hands to tug at the leaking rod. There was a fleeting touch on his hole at first. But Gun’s head was too fuzzy to register anything, only focusing on the pressure on his cock. Unaware of the tongue probing at his puckering hole. 

Not wasting anymore time, he inserted one finger slicked with lube. Gun broke a hiss at the sudden intrusion. Off tried pumping at the length as he sucked on his balls, licking on it so it would divert Gun’s attention from the pain. His thumb jabbed on slit mercilessly as his mouth busy biting marks at the thighs hanging over his shoulders. The smaller guy was still tight around his finger, however, he managed to push it into the hilt.

Off added another finger after that, gently slid along the one before he twisted and scissored almost immediately, sending Gun keening, choking back cries in his palm when Off hit the bundle of nerves inside him. Another hand steadily palms his cock faster and faster as he pushes back another finger until there were four fingers into the tight heat, pumping gently without a pause. When Off felt that Gun’s close, thighs muscles clenching and unmistakably tense, he took out his fingers and came up.

“You’re okay?” Off left a chaste kiss on the corner of Gun’s mouth, lips smiling because he can see Gun narrowing his eyes at him. For the first time in his life, Gun appeared so wrecked under him, eyes glassy with hairs matted against his forehead from sweat. He snaked his arm around Gun’s waist, mouth back to attach with Gun’s as he heaved a breath. 

“No” said Gun. Not unkindly, only annoyance at the stupid question. But he doesn’t really have the time to get mad at Off because somehow kissing the taller guy is much more important at this moment. So, Gun does what he does best and grabbed Off’s face in his palms, returning the kiss. He sighed as Off sucked on his tongue, swirling their tongues around as their cocks flushed against each other.   

After slipping on a condom with a generous amount of lube, Off gave a questioning look at Gun, “You’re sure about this?”

Both of their cocks looked angry and painful from this distance, but Off needs confirmation before initiating anything. He may not be considered as a gentleman, but he is also far from a bastard who simply looks only to be satisfied for his pleasure. Off appreciates an active partner and the last thing he wants is Gun regretting this.

“Yeah” Gun exhaled shakily. “Yes, please” because the intensity is killing Gun and his brain can’t think straight anymore and he just wants to feel Off inside him now.

With that last confirmation, Off didn’t hesitate to line up his cock over the entrance. Anxiety was clear in his eyes as he felt Off’s hard length nudging into his puckering hole. Off rubbed Gun’s shoulder, running his hands up and down his back to calm the other guy’s nerves as he began pushing into Gun. A wince escaped Gun’s bruised lip. It made Off paused, chasing after Gun’s lips as he waited patiently for Gun to get familiar at the stretch before he continued filling him in completely until the hilt. The slide was painful for both of them. Off grunted in a rough voice, completely light-headed at the pressure on his cock.

“God, you feel so good” Off whispered into Gun’s neck. He rocked back and forth in an agonizing slow pace, taking his time to work Gun open, sucking a spot behind his ear only to twirl his tongue inside the earlobe. By the time Gun was letting out a loud moan, the one that had him arching his back and eyes brimming with tears, Off decided to pick up his pace. With one thigh hanging on shoulder, Off spread wide open another thigh, changing the angle and thrusting deeply this time. 

“Ah!” Gun cried, expression’s strained with eyes screwed shut at pleasure.

Sounds of skin slapping, heavy breathing echoed in the silent room. Gun was muffling his incoherent cries into his palms, biting back at the skin as he whimpered. Groans and gasps broke from their lips as they moved, sliding against each other with their chest heaving. Off fixed a bruising grip on the thigh and fucked deeper, faster, hitting against the prostate incessantly until Gun’s spine curved, writhing at the pleasure. Balls slammed red against the ass cheeks every time Off thrusted inside Gun, pace unforgiving as he chased his orgasm.

Heat was coiling in his stomach and at the matter of seconds, Off came, hips bucking up in the heat as he rode out his release. Gun wasn’t that far back either as he had Off’s big palm circled his length. With just a swipe of thumb over the slit, Gun found his release, clenching around him tight. White spurts splattered on his chest and few landed on his face. The taller guy milked him dry until he was limp and sated. Exhausted and completely drained.

Gun whimpered weakly when he felt Off pull out his softening cock and tugged off the condom to throw it somewhere in the room. Off slipped next to Gun as he exhaled and curled a smile when he noticed a cum landed at the corner of Gun’s lips. 

“You got something here” Off chortled. His thumb swiped over the cum, dragging it so the white stain smeared across the bottom of Gun lips. Grabbing open at Gun’s jaw, Off lapped at the lip before slotting his mouth over Gun’s and tasted the salty cum on his tongue. Gun made a noise at the taste.

“You’re gross” Gun made a face. Off chuckled, smiling at the upturned lips.

“Can’t argue with that” 

As the moon beamed across the dark sky behind the clouds, Off fell asleep against the steady breathing rise and fall of Gun’s chest. Gun on the other hand pressed Off’s closer, snuggling into his warmth. They dozed off as their limbs weaved around each other, sinking deeper into their profound comfort. 

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