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It took them almost three weeks to work it out again. Close to three weeks until they could loosen up and dance around each other again, leaving lingering touch.

“God I missed this. I missed this so much” Gun breathed out, voice shaky. Blinking dazedly, trying very hard to refrain from moaning as Off pinned him against the wall. Gun tiptoed and pulled Off’s face, meshing their mouth together so he could hungrily sucked Off’s breath away, bringing out the low sound at the back of his throat. 

“...‘m too” Off mumbled against his skin, pulling at Gun’s ruffled hair as he slid his tongue into Gun’s mouth and swirling their tongues together. Gun moaned at this. Off smirked at the reaction, swiping his palm under the shirt, teasingly running his finger along the other’s spine. He can feel Gun shuddered under him as he trailed kisses down his neck, nosing his way down across his skin.

Gun threw his head back at the sudden hand cupping at his crotch, palming him. The palm slipped under his pants was slightly rough, but the friction was enough to make him groan, loudly as he could because yes, he missed this too. He missed Off’s touch, Off’s kisses down his body, Off’s warmth enveloping him. 

Off teared his clothes apart as Gun undid his, undoing the buckle of his pants. Tangled limbs knocking each other, hastily pulling every garment that’s blocking them from any contact. Yearning for touch against the supple skin. They didn’t make it to the bedroom and settled for the island in the kitchen instead because Gun is losing sanity and he can’t wait any longer. He just needs to touch him Off, needs to feel him. All of him. 

Off heaved loudly, “ Fuck ” choking on the last part as the mouth on his cock swallowed the tip. String of curses left his mouth then.  

Breath hitched and trembling at the tremors running down his spine, one palm running up and down his thighs, while Gun bobbed his head up and down the length. He pushed himself up, huffing his breath harshly because there’s a warm tongue along his cock, flicking at the tip and Off was close to losing himself, teetering at the brink of sanity. The friction was still rough despite being coated with saliva, and Gun was using the precum on his tongue so he could swallow further.

 Shit , Gun” Off whined when Gun gave a particularly hard suck, keening at the pressure.

There’s a string of saliva as Gun pulled out, lips wet and red with eyes hazy as he palmed Off. Cock warm and heavy on his smaller hands. A deep groan of pleasure stuck in his throat when Gun flicked his thumb at the tip, only to draw out his tongue, running along the veins as his smaller hands kept a steady pace. Off can feel the coil tightening in, blood rushed through him like a trainwreck and a low whine escaped his mouth.

But he didn't want to end it yet, so Off thread his finger through the locks and tipped Gun’s chin upwards. Off’s tongue darted out to lick at the plush red lips and jumped off from the counter, only to hoist Gun by his thighs and settled the smaller guy against the counter. They kissed vigorously, messy, as if they’re starved for each other, hands clutching over any bare skin they could find. Both of them groaned as soon as their erections rubbed against each other.

“Ah” Gun breathed out with head thrown back,  keening when Off left his lips to suck on his nub a little harshly.  His eyes were squeezed shut and cheeks turned a darker shade of pink. 

When there’s a large hand wrapped around his flushed cock, Gun choked on his saliva, trembling at the press of wet swipe of tongue against his hot skin and shaky puffs of breath escaped. Saliva was dripping down Gun’s chin as Off stroke him, rough pad rubbing on the head incessantly while continuing his ministrations at the other nipple. And not before long until Gun was coming, a long moan drawled as Off bit on his shoulder. 

“Shit, I’m never going to eat here again” Gun chuckled weakly when he spotted his white cum dripped, contrast against the dark coloured kitchen island. The taller guy cackled loudly as he shared the same humor.

“We should go to the bedroom. I don’t want you to hurt your back” Off said, grinning as he tried to pull away.

“Yeah, we should” Gun repeated his words like a parrot, hands have yet come to a halt. Only proceeding to feel the smooth skin under his pads while he bit on the supple bruised lips, grazing over the open mouth only to lick the inside hotly. Off can’t help but moan, skin flushing in red.

“But only after you finger me” Gun whispered, only to swirl his tongue along his earlobe and bite on it. It drew a low grunt from the other, hissing. 

“Shit, you need to stop talking like that”

Because Off’s leaking, aching terribly and halfway to falling apart, and Gun was seriously testing his patience with the smug face plastered on his face. As if he knew just where and how to push Off’s button. And they’re nowhere near the bedroom neither had a lube in hand. 

“Come on, I want to feel you”  

But Gun was whining like a child, already tugging at his elbow so he could press his heels at the Off’s ass with an innocent smile, naked without a thread, sitting on a kitchen island with legs wrapped around Off’s waist as if he didn’t just have his release seconds ago. It made his throat dry. Something burns in the pit of his stomach, fuelling his desire even more.

“You’re sure, Gun?” Off questioned out of courtesy, though he already knows the answer at the back of his head. His voice was deep, dropping an octave lower than usual as he brushed Gun’s bangs aside to press his lips against his temple. Anticipation was buzzing through him.

“Yeah. I want to feel you inside me. All of you ” and if it wasn’t because of his dazed mind, Gun would probably notice the curled smirk tugged on Off's lips and the way his eyes turned darker under the bright lights. Except Gun was too intoxicated to focus, and there soft caress against his skin that he can barely think so he snuggled further into Off’s side and purred, oblivious to what’s coming to him. 

“God, you’re driving me crazy” was Off’s last words, breath heavy.

The next moment, Off fingered Gun like he was told too. He didn’t waste any time to slow down after nudging knees apart and pressing a finger in. Gun was already prepped on the kitchen island, keening and whining, grabbing on the side, trying to close his legs but a hand splayed along the expanse of his thigh stopped him, keeping him impossibly still. Gun was in crimson red as his legs spread wide open while Off plunged in another slicked digit so he got full three fingers crooked into the prostate. Gun writhed and moaned, eyes squeezed shut his eyes.

And then, Off fucked Gun against the kitchen island. Gun felt amazing around him, like always, and the noise they made together was filthy and pure pleasure. With a vice grip over a thigh on one hand, and one hand clutching on the red ass, Off thrusted deeper, slamming the cock against the prostate painfully over and over again.

It sent Gun gasping and crying out loud, didn't even bother clamping his mouth closed because it was already past embarrassment at this point. Hips rocking into a quick and harsh rhythm, tipping both of them over. When he felt Gun tightening around him, probably nearing his release once again, Off dug his fingers deeper on the thigh and used it as leverage to speed up his thrusts. Gun was clenching around him, incredibly tight as he climaxed for the second time that night.

Off didn’t even hold back after that.

Mercilessly, Off fucked through the orgasm, pounding past the hole as he chased after his release. Pace unforgiving as Off pressed Gun’s legs further apart, to get in deeper and feel him—all of him. He bit on the reddening nipples that left Gun to wail weakly, pressing his nose to breathe harshly against Off’s neck, toes curling at the feel of cock stretching him out. Sound breathy moans and slicked skin slapping against one and another echoed throughout the room as he pistoned harder. Without a warning, Off came then, white comes spilling into the condom as he sunk his teeth further into the skin.

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