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“The economy has been declining for these past months. Thank goodness the new branch I opened in New York is holding up quite well. I heard it is best to invest in the food industry now since it’s been striving—”

Gun was only half listening. Far more interested in the orchestra playing Symphony No. 9 in the background as he chewed on his bread with bits of kaya jam splattered on it, indulging himself in the high pitched stroke of violin integrated together with nimble sounds of piano resonating in the air. It was just another brunch of family gathering between the socialites in a private club house garden.

Gun wasn’t quite sure what was the purpose of the gathering except for bragging about their power and wealth, talking about politics, about investments and their profits, how they could work with the world to make them even more money and become more richer than they are now. Just another adult stuff. Gun stuffed himself with a croissant he stole from Arm’s  plate and munched, looking at his father who was seated four seats away from his right. The old man was clad in Armani suits with a tie that he insisted to wear despite the warm weather, nodding stiffly as Tay’s mother spoke.

Gun wouldn’t say he hates this stuff. It was fun at first, knowing people from all over the country and making friends, from the richest down to the decent rich man. But when you grow up and learn the bitter part of life that people just want to mingle with you because you are rich and have the right to enter private lavish decorated buildings, you might want to give it a second thought before you decide on your friends. And also, it started to become boring when you were forced to enjoy these conversations with adults because you don't exactly have interest in any of it. 

“How’s university, Off? You’ve been quiet the whole time” Tay’s mother asked a little too loudly and the whole table found attention fixed on the end of the table. The said guy lifted his gaze from the plate to look in front.

“University’s great as usual. My grades have been consistent. Thank you for asking” Off answered briskly with a polite smile, about to cut on his steak. Gun snorted, who eats steak in the broad daylight? 

"Aren't you going to introduce your partner?" this time, Gun’s father spoke, hand gesturing to the girl clinging to Off, arms tightly locked around each other as if afraid that he'd run away the moment she pulled away.

Unlike others who came together with their parents, Off had come to the gathering with a partner. Gun figured his parents must be still busy handling their hotel business, especially since competition is getting tight nowadays where hotels bloomed like mushrooms left and right. Although, Gun wasn’t sure why Off even bothered to come since he didn’t even mingle with others and talked with his partner only.

" I should, shouldn't I?” Off cleared his throat and dropped his utensils to pull the girl into his chest. 

“Everyone, this is Nana" Gun eyed the girl next to Off, fair skin and hair pulled up in a ponytail. The girl frowned at Off for a second before nodding at everyone a smile. Her smile is pretty, Gun will give her that.

"It's Ana actualy. Anasthesia. With the h " The girl emphasized.

"Right. With the h. Take note everyone. Very important" Off grinned, words full of sarcasm and Gun could see Tay muffled his chortles under his palm who was sitting next to Off. Gun almost felt pity for the poor girl. Almost, until she pinched at Off’s arm and hugged the taller guy by the neck, trying to kiss his cheek. Gun’s eyes quickly rolled at this and looked away. There goes his appetite. 

“I’ve heard you’re going to take over your father’s business next year. Is that true?” Tay’s mother probed. Off shifted his jaw, silent for a minute and fingers halted in the midst of air. Curled fist around the utensils didn’t go unnoticed.

Gun took note at the trace of irk which vanished as soon as it appeared. Tay has a guilty expression on his face as he looks back and forth between his mother and Off. Off never really likes people minding his business or even asking about his future. He would rather talk about it on his own accord.

With certainty clear in his gaze, Off placed down his utensils carefully and composed his body, presenting a pleasant smile. “Father and I haven’t really discussed the whole future proposition. Although, I do believe the decision will be made once I finish my study. All I can say, I’m a lucky bastard. Cheers” Off laughed loudly, raising his glass high. It sounded a bit hollow though, Gun noticed. Everyone responded with laughter as they also raised their glasses up and took a drink.

Is he okay?

Gun swung his legs forward, trying to catch Off’s attention. The original idea was to ask Off whether he was feeling under the weather, but apparently the guy can’t read lips for shit and Gun had accidentally kicked his legs a little too hard than what he had in mind. So Off ended up wincing and rubbing at his leg, glaring at the unknown legs under the table. Across the table he found Gun was looking at him with an abashed smile.

Not waiting any moment, Off paybacked using his long legs to his advantage and kicked his chair which made Gun spill his drink on the table. It was fortunate that it didn’t spill on his clothes. Gun rounded his eyes at Off and mouthed What was that for, you jerk?, accompanied with a pair of angry eyebrows 

And as annoying as always, Off mimicked him back with his stupid face and continued eating his steak with a victory smile on his face. Gun tried to kick once again yet thanks to Off’s fast reflexes he caught Gun’s leg under the table between his long legs and clamped them tight. 

Gun tried to wiggle his leg out, however due to his disadvantage for his short height, he’s incapable to fight or he might fall off the chair and embarrass himself in front of these people. Gun mouthed let go at Off who was smugly smiling wide as he ate his steak while watching Gun fighting to release his leg. 

While they were busy (though it was Gun mostly) throwing silent insults at each other, Gun’s father suddenly made an announcement, “My company is going to hold a charity event this Sunday to support a homeless organization. It’s part of a collaboration with Vogue magazine so I’m hoping to see all of you attend the event in your bestest suits. Off, do bring your parents together. And of course, with Anasthesia too” his father nodded at Ana, holding up his glass in the air. 

“Of course. I’ll be glad” Off nodded his head. 

Ana grinned happily and rested her head on Off’s shoulder. Off just smiled at her in return and gently patted her hand, resting it there after. Gun stopped struggling and looked at Off who had his eyes on the girl next to him, a small smile curled. Under the table, Off released his legs and continued eating his brunch and Gun felt empty in a sudden. Discontentment clung to his chest. Picking up his fork, Gun stabbed at the bread on his plate and munched, trying to swallow the lump in his throat.

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