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Spotted: Oab was caught proposing to his girlfriend in a restaurant last night. Some of the resources revealed that Oab had rented the restaurant for the whole night to surprise his girlfriend, and indeed even we were surprised. There were rumours going around the last few days, about Oab moving to America to take over his family’s business and this proposal might be the answer to our questions. Also, it seemed like they have been living together for the past few months as our insiders said Oab had bought a villa away from the city early this year. With the whole affection shown at the dinner, the couple looked unmistakably in love. Looks like we’re going to get an early wedding after all.

Always true, Aristocratz

Off was panting heavily as soon as he entered the hotel’s bar. Gun was on his fifth glass of champagne when a pair of shiny shoes appeared in his sight and took a seat next to him. Tay must have snitched about his whereabouts to Off. God, that betrayer. Gun made a mental note not to trust Tay again.

“I take it that you have read the news” Off said in his deep authoritative voice. God, he hates when the guy used that voice because it sounds so pretentious and fake and sexy. Okay he didn’t actually mean the last one.

“Leave me alone. Go make out with your girl or something. I don’t care. Just go” Gun murmured under his breath. 

“I’m alone today”

His head was buzzing and his sight a little bit blurry but Gun can still feel his heart deep in his core. He can still feel the throbbing pain of his heart being trampled apart. He hates this because he feels the tears coming in his eyes and Gun doesn’t want to cry because Off Jumpol is there next to him, watching over his action, hovering his small slumped body.

Gun titled his head awkwardly to the side, palm holding up his chin as he stared at Off, waiting for the cheer of victory hollered at Gun’s face. Or the infamous smirk to creep on his face saying I WIN. But there was none. Off doesn’t say anything neither he’s looking at him. Strange. Off should be laughing now since he’s the one who was so hell bent to see Gun losing. 

“Why aren’t you laughing? You should be smiling at your victory now and popping champagne left and right” Gun chuckled giddily and pulled Off’s arm, waving it wildly in the air. The chuckle sounded empty even in his half-drunken state. Off was silent, hands dropped to his side as soon as Gun lets go.

“Do I look pathetic to you?” Gun asked and cupped Off’s stricken face in his small hands. The guy was fighting for a moment to be let go but Gun was persistent so Off relented. 

Brown orbs laid on him. It looks gentle under the dim light, much softer and it was so weird that there was no humour that could be found on his face. Because as far as he knows Off, he’s the only one who would always find pleasure in seeing Gun’s misery. Although, it might be the alcohol because he can see concern flashing in Off’s gaze and it makes him sick to the guts.

“Yes. Extremely” Off spoke so Gun lets go, scoffing bitterly at the response. 

Running hands in his messy hair, Gun chugged his newly filled glass and hissed, letting it burn in his throat that it hurts. He wanted to laugh at himself. He also wanted to cry. Off is not even looking at him anymore as if Gun doesn’t even worth his time. There was a lurch going up his throat. Gun hates this. Slumping his shoulder, he closed his eyes and dropped his head on Off’s shoulder, resting it there and took a gulp of breath and exhaled, taking in the warmth.

A sigh escaped. 

“I hate you” he grumbled.

It came off like a murmur instead because Gun was pressing his face on Off’s expensive suit, blinking back his tears and clutching on the sleeves, holding it as if he’s holding on to his dear life. A bit later, there was a hesitant pet on his hair. Warm big hand, pressing at his head before carefully stroking down his hair. Consoling, like always.

It is always like this. Gun hates that Off is always the one who finds him when he’s weak on his knees. When he was all sad, fragile and close to tears. Just like last time when Off caught him getting yelled at by his father, and the other time at the party when he was crying by the bush after puking all his inside. He hates that Off’s presence made Gun’s twisted insides turn calm in seconds, soothing him with his gentle touches. Despite that, Gun snuggled into the suit deeper.

“I’ll get you home” Off finally said.

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