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“I’ve been meaning to ask you this because it’s been bothering me for awhile” Off started.

“What is it?” Gun squeezed an enormous amount of shampoo into his hand before rubbing it on both of his palm and massaged shampoo into Off’s wet hair gently. The other guy sighed at the pressure, smiling as he looked affectionately at Gun’s serious reflection in the mirror.

“How many times have you kissed a guy?” Off questioned, tried to sound casual as he can, keeping his voice level and wished Gun didn’t hear the shake in his tone. His lips twitched as he waited for Gun’s response. Feet tapping against the floor in anticipation and when he looked up, he met Gun’s eyes in the mirror.

“Hmm..I think it’s three. But I don’t think the first one could be considered as a kiss though” Gun halted from shampooing his head, chin tilted up as if thinking.

The answer made Off’s eyebrow fell. Lips pouted a little because as far as he knows there are only two guys that Gun has kissed, “Three is quite a lot for someone who’s been chasing after one guy for years” if Off appeared upset, Gun didn’t call him out for it.

Instead, the smaller guy spread a wider smile “What can I say, people find me attractive” Gun cheekily wiggled his eyebrows and continued rubbing his fingertips into Off’s scalp.

Off knows Gun was just teasing, but he can’t help the frown on his face. Narrowing his eyes. Off stared at Gun’s reflection at the mirror, “So there’s me and that random guy you gave your first kiss at the club. Who’s the other guy?”

“Josh” Gun quipped flatly. He playfully shaped Off’s hair upwards like a mohawk and giggled to himself, completely unaware at the crease of his eyebrows.

“Josh? Josh as in Josh Wayar kissed you?” Off emphasized, sounding all incredulous at the information. It came off a bit bitterly than he expected.

The taller guy wrapped his hand at Gun’s wrist and turned around. Face turned serious with an eyebrow dragged upwards slightly. Off bit his cheeks, nose flaring at the sudden memory crossed his mind. He knew there’s something else between both of them when Gun suddenly introduced Josh to their group last year, from the way the guy was suddenly close with Gun and being all touchy.

“It’s an accident actually. It was that one time when I slipped, and he was the closest thing I could grab and unintentionally dragged him down along with me, knocking our face together. My lips bled nonstop after yeah . Quite embarrassing, if you ask me. That’s pretty much it” Gun explained, scrunching his nose.

“Oh” Off  blinked at this, doesn’t know why but he can feel his muscles relaxed instantly.

“Happy now?” Gun cupped Off’s face in his palm.

“Yeah. Well, it’s not like I’m upset before. I’m just asking” Off coughed into his palm with eyes blinking repeatedly, trying to brush it off like he didn’t care. Although, he knows Gun can see it on his face because his lips were twitching terribly as he resisted the urge to crack a smile.

Gun stared at him for a moment. Then, he sat by the bathtub and wiped the shampoo foam on Off’s cheeks, making the other yelped at the sudden action. “Why are you being so cute, Off Jumpol?” Gun pinched at his cheeks, chuckling.

With a wide smile plastered on his face, Gun tipped Off’s chin and brushed their lips together. Off let Gun suckle at his lower lip, drawing out a groan in his throat. He sighed in content at the feeling of butterflies fluttering in his ribcage. Fingers were running through his shampooed hair as Gun pulled their face closer so he could push his tongue deeper.

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