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Off blinked his eyes a couple of times, finding him seated at the back of a limousin in the middle of the night. A hand came up to his thigh, sliding up and caressing it slowly, building anticipation inside him. The hand is smaller compared to his. It does look very familiar to him. In the next seconds, Gun abruptly appeared and sat next to him. Gun didn’t say a word except watching him with eyes half-lidded open. Off can feel his heart fluttered. It always does the trick every time Gun gazes back at him.

His eyes were sparkling and he thinks he can see a reflection of himself from Gun’s glistening eyes. Off gulped hard when Gun’s face leaning closer towards him, he shut his lips tight. Gun passed by his face, a hot breath crept up Off’s ear. Gun whispered in a low voice, however Off could not hear anything when the little one pressed his body on him, feeling the warmth. Off didn’t reply and he didn’t expect the little one needed a reply anyway when there is a press of warm palm on near to his crotch.

Off muffled a soft moan when those little fingers accidentally grazed his crotch. Then, a pair of lips nibbled and kissed his ear at the same time. It was soft and moist, everything like he had imagined. The little one dragged his lips from his ear to his neck, tickling his neck with puffy breath. Off felt a tongue licking his neck down, leaving a stripe of saliva on his neck. Gun gave a gentle bite before he kneeled down in front of him. He can feel his heartbeat run in rapid as he watched Gun slid to kneel between his thighs.

Hands clutched on top of his thigh and grazed upwards only to stop near his crotch. Fingers slowly reaching out and unbuckling Off’s belt unceremoniously, pulling down the zip pants after. Off can feel heat boiling inside his body when he exchanges glances with the other, cheeks blushing in red. His dick twitched when Gun started coming closer.

He can feel his mouth dry at the sight of Gun cupping his crotch in his palm, caressing with gentle care. Anticipating. It’s already making a tent and if this keeps going, he’s going to explode anytime soon without touching himself. Off groaned when the other reveals his throbbing dick, wrapping it gently around Gun’s smaller hand. Before Off could say anything, Gun slowly dipped his head down—

“Dude, wake up. It’s lunch already.” Arm slapped his body hard, Off winced loudly at the pain.

He opened his eyes tiredly, watching students exiting their class and partner up to buy their food. He sighed at this and bumping his head on the table. Off winced. But he probably deserved this for having a wet dream about Gun Atthaphan. He is sick. Out of many people, he dreams about Gun.

Cupping his face in his palms, he grunted out loud, “Shit, I am so going to hell” Off sighed, looking down under his desk. He can see a quite prominent tent in his pants. It was definitely the same in his dream. Damn it. How is he going to solve this now?

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