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As soon as Off’s class was finished, Gun had dragged him by the wrist, furiously trudging along the hallways, squeezing his body between people and slipped into one of the classrooms. Of course, not forgetting to slam Off unceremoniously against the wall. Gun felt terribly satisfied at the sound of a whack.

“Wow, I don’t know you’re into rough kink. I’ll make sure to take a note down” Off groaned as he snapped his eyes open and was welcomed with Gun donned with a huge frame of spectacles on top of his nose bridge. It looked cute on him, especially with a blue beret on top of his head, bangs covering his forehead. Although, his eyes seemed to look much more dangerous than they usually do.

“We just masturbated each other, Jumpol” Gun snapped with an angry eyebrow. “Not dating. That’s it. Nothing more than that. And it’s not going to happen again. So, I definitely do not need lilies flooding in my locker or anything you would usually do for your lover” Gun aggressively stabbed his index finger across Off’s chest, hoping that it would leave a bruise.

“I thought you adore lilies?” Off asked, smirking. Now this guy is just simply playing dumb, Gun narrowed his eyes.

“I do. I just don’t like it when you give it to me. What are you trying to do now? As far as I know, I’ve already cleared my debts with you. We’re now zero-zero” Gun made a face, voice sounding rather frustrated more than he wanted to.

“You see, Atthaphan, I’ve won the dare” Off began with clearing his throat.

Gun watched those eyebrows lifted in full of mirth. That amusement twinkled in his eyes. That cheeky smile. He hates it when Off does that, looking at him as if he’s a joke. It appeared the first time they met at a Christmas party, and also when Gun was mourning over his A- in his elective subject, or whenever Gun talked actually. It was unfortunate that he trimmed his nails last night or he would have had the chance to scratch that handsome face.

“Whether you like it or not. You are mine now” long fingers dancing across Gun’s shoulder bridge before he gripped on it and pulled a devious smile. The one where Off looked like an angel with his lips curled gently, eyes shining, but Gun didn’t miss the horns on top of his head or the tail wagging behind him. That smile promised everything except nice.

“Says who exactly? It was supposed to be a one-time thing, Jumpol” Gun spoke, mouth full in distaste, stepping back as if he’s burned. The touch was no longer there but he can still feel the burn. The warmth.

The taller guy pushed himself off the wall and brushed the dust of his Louis Vuitton jacket before lifting his gaze, “Says me. Well, I thought since we've already fucked, let's date properly. Be my boyfriend” Off declared proudly. 

The guy came over towards him, hovering Gun like a fucking tower like Off would usually do. Mouth grinning sadistically as if he doesn’t know that the action is pissing him off even more. When in fact, Off knows. He always does.

“Wow, how romantic” Gun mocked, “Do you even hear yourself, Jumpol? April has long gone so you can stop with the joke now because I'm not gonna laugh"

“Regrettably, I'm not joking. My parents have been hooking me up with a bunch of girls that's far from my taste” Off chinned upwards as in deep thought for three seconds before shaking his head, index finger tapping on his chin for a second. Until he turned around to face Gun, eyes full of mischief.

“And then, I suddenly thought of how you're the first person that I find attractive. Whom I can actually endure for a very long time despite our daily arguments and how we actually understand and complement each other so well since we’re both come from an influential socialite”

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