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Casting a gaze on the wooden door, Gun brought his knuckles graze on the surface. It's now or never. With a long drag of inhale, he managed to knock on the door exactly three times. A moment of silence embraced his, toes curling from anticipation and hands settled on his back. No response. Is he not home? Maybe he didn't hear him so Gun decided to push the bell.

Click and Gun found himself froze, unsettled when he found Off standing inches away, hovering a foot before him wearing only a bathrobe. Hairs wet with water trickling down his long neck and the smell of spicy cologne almost made his feet tremble. Off Jumpol just had a shower.

"Are you going to undone me naked with your eyes?" his fair eyebrow jointed up teasingly as Off leaned towards the door frame with arms folded against his chest. “Or you, barge in and get tangled up naked in bed with me instead?”

His instincts kicked in and Gun immediately took a step back when Off proceeded forward, invading some space that nearly made them breathing the same air. Gun blinked. Blood was surely boiling onto his face at the moment. One thing Gun learned when meeting Off Jumpol nowadays is: Never show weaknesses or you’ll end up in nightmares.

Stepping up to his game, Gun swung his legs forward and intentionally kicked his right leg. Off was jumping up and down, rubbing his legs on the spot which was knocked with his boot, hissing aloud. Gun pouted cutely and decided to cheekily laugh at him, “Oops… sorry. It hurts, doesn’t it?”

“Fuck- what was that for? And let me tell you, it’s not even funny to begin with'' Narrowing his eyes at Gun, he collected himself with hands settled on his waist and pulled his bathrobe, fixing it from falling off his body.

“Neither were you twenty seconds before. Now, aren’t you going to invite me inside?”

Off heaved a breath, feeling annoyed. “I never welcome visitors. Especially, those uninvited”

"And what are you doing here anyway?" Off's tone turned out to be a bit snippy and sharp, probably regarding the previous incident.

"My apartment is locked and I left my keys with Tay, so he asked me to wait for him here" Gun said. It was a lie, a pretty small white lie to just give him a reason to meet Off at his suite. Not really make any difference anyway.

"What does that have to do with me?" Off crossed his arm, scoffing loudly as he glared. "I thought I'm a narcissist and selfish motherfucker who only fucks things that move. You don't want to stay here, I'm contagious" Gun bits his lips, head bow down in guilt. Now what else he’s supposed to say?

Sighing weakly, Gun licked at his dry lips and tried his best to speak calmly. "It was a mistake, alright. I’m sorry” but Off doesn’t look convinced, instead, the guy just scrutinized him up and down with a glare.

“And don't look at me like I’m some criminal. Mistake has been done. Can’t we talk inside at least?" Gun even pouted, the tactic that he used on his friends to get their sympathy but Off had the gall to roll his eyes at him.

Screw this.

“Fine, I’ll have it my way then” grunting, Gun pushed Off’s shoulder aside and padded his boots into the room.

Every Monday, Off Jumpol would usually have his club friends hanging out around his suite and Gun is usually warned of that. But somehow, it was erased from his memory tonight and he felt like an idiot to the max as eyes lingered on his body up and down. Mouth forming ‘O’ and snickering at the back while muttering couples of words. A guy with an arm around a girl brought up a thumb, probably meant for Off and others just pleasantly smiling ear to ear.

“Uhh… Jumpol, I can see you have guests here so I should take my leave. I don’t want to be seen as rude—” Off quickly closed the door and Gun felt his heart dropped. Maybe he could come up with a couple of lame excuses and get out from the door or kick him again and speed out from this building and never come again.

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