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Gun is charming.

He is very generous with smiles. He is also kind to people no matter what status they hold or from which family they are from and Off admired him for that. Not many people in the socialite would do that. In the centre of the hall, he can see Gun standing next to his father, trying his best greeting people and trying to recall their names. Off snickered as Gun broke into a small laugh behind his palm. An expression that he used a lot everytime someone complimented him, an act as if he was flattered and believed in their empty praises.

But Off knows better. It was all just a pretense.

Even though they are not close, Off knows him enough to read his expression. He takes pride in it. Whenever he was being polite, Gun would pull up the tip of his lips just enough to show his teeth. Or when Gun is feeling happy and a little bit proud of himself, his brow is lifted upward slightly with a spark of joy in his brown obs. Gun is also very affectionate, sharing his hugs and kisses casually towards people who are very close to him-and of course except for Off.

Although at this moment, Off is not sure if his polite demeanour would do him any good because Off knows that look. Gun is wearing that fake smile. The only kind of smile that would appear whenever he is tired of pretending. His eyes were wandering across the hall, clearly not paying attention to the guy who had been talking for the past five minutes ago. His father was nowhere to be found, probably attending the rest of his guests. Feet were tapping from time to time as if tapping them any faster would sprint the time.

Off's eyebrow shot up as he watched the guy begin touching Gun's shoulder. How brazen, Off snorted. It would not be a surprise if the guy turned out to be one of Gun's admirers. The smaller guy even has a fanclub just for him back in high school. Both Off and Gun share a fair amount of fans during high school, though Gun has it far worse when it comes to crazy stalkers. Probably because of his kind nature, Off wasn't sure.

Casually, the guy placed his arm along Gun's shoulder as if they're close, only to slide it down, caressing his arm. Gun could be seen a little startled but the smile didn't fade. He just politely backed a step. From the corner of his eyes, Off can see Gun excused himself and gave a waii towards the guy.

Off was about to look away until the guy grabbed Gun by the arm, halting Gun from walking out on him. There is nervousness streaked on the shorter guy's face. Smile no longer there as he tries to release himself from the grip subtly, doesn't want to create any commotion. Gulping down the wine down his throat, Off wiped his mouth and decided to make a move. He sauntered towards them slowly and put on his usual smirk.

"Is there any problem here, gentleman?" Off greeted them. Gun gave him a troubled expression while the other guy made a face at him. Wiping out expression from his face, Off glanced at the guy's hand. The guy lets go within seconds, albeit not too willingly.

"Off Jumpol. You are?" Off introduced himself and presented his best smile, holding out his hand for a handshake.

"Narapat Sakunsong. The heir of SS Entertainment" The guy responded, though, didn't return Off's handshake and left it hanging. Off snickered bitterly to himself and pulled at his suit, trying to maintain the smile on his face.

"Ah... the SS Entertainment. Is it the one that was broiled in a prostitution scandal few years back?" Off tapped at his chin, thinking. Narapat's expression turned sour at this. Gun's eyes widened as he looked at Off. Seeing Narapat's expression, Off emitted a mirthless chuckle and grabbed at the guy's shoulder.

"I apologize since I don't really keep up with the entertainment industry. I may have mistaken your company with another company" Off eased a smile on his face which soon fades and expression changed in an instant. The guy stiffened under his tightened grip.

Fixing a deathly glare, Off continued, "Although, being the heir of SS Entertainment doesn't give you the right to touch other people as you please, especially when they are uncomfortable with it. I hope you can treat my friend with more respect because if you don't, I may have to throw you out from this hotel. This hotel is mine after all" he finished.

Clearing his throat, Narapat fixed his tie and opened his mouth, "I just remembered I need to make a call to my friend. Please excuse me. Let's meet each other again next time, P'Gun" Narapat excused himself, not before throwing Off a glare.

Gun nodded at Narapat with a warm smile. As soon as the guy left them alone, Gun turned his gaze towards Off who had a victorious smile on his face. "You don't have to do that. I can handle him by myself" His tone came off haughty for Off liking. He does not appreciate it.

Narrowing his eyes, Off sighed heavily and slid one hand into his pocket. "Don't be too proud of yourself. You do not know what's going to happen back there if I didn't come and save your ass. I may be rude most of the time but at least I know the common courtesy of saying thank you if someone ever help me" Off mused without looking at Gun. It had Gun tripping in guilt. The creeping discomfort tangled in his throat.


"P'Off. I've been searching for you" A girl suddenly appeared, cutting Gun halfway. Off shut his eyes at the interruption and smiled at Pat, the girl he brought as his partner for tonight, not noticing the tight smile on Gun's face.

"The auction is going to start soon. Come on. I don't want to miss it" the girl clung to Off as she pouted. Nodding his head, Off held onto her arm and relented on her request. When Off was about to drag his foot, a hand shot out towards him, tugging at the hem of his suit.

"Thanks" said Gun. A silent apology was hanging at the end of his tongue, Off just nodded in acknowledgement.

With that, the taller guy began to walk away and joined Arm and Tay at the end of the hall.

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