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“Good evening gentlemen, may I introduce myself as a musical genius for tonight. You may refer to me as The Phantom”

First Kanaphan held his cape up followed by a smile under the mask. He was wearing a personalized white half-mask that covered half of his face, white bow tie and white gloves to match with the mask. He was wearing a white dress shirt underneath black vest and added a black coat to make it fancier with a black cape waving behind him. Off could tell it is a costume of Erik of The Phantom of the Opera. The costume was nice, although Off was slightly unsure if the character matched First’s vibrant personality. 

“Tonight, I will be hosting the party and there are performances prepared for you. I hope you enjoy this evening. Till then, enjoy!”

And the party ceremoniously launched with a champagne toast and fireworks blasting off in the starry night. People were cheering and shouting as they resumed dancing, loud thumping of bass in the background. Halfway across the swimming pool, Off could see Tay greeted First with a smile and a pat on the back before he continued making his way towards him with two glasses of a red coloured drink in his hands.

“Here. Your drink” said Tay and shoved one of the glass on his face. Off raised his eyebrow at the drink, judging it silently whether it is edible because under the dim lights, it seemed more like disgusting blood in a glass to him. 

“Oh for god sake, it’s just a cocktail. You have nothing to worry about” but Tay didn’t let him say anything and just passed him the glass.

Off took note of messy rolls of toilet tissue attire wrapped around Tay’s body and from this angle, he can see that some of the tissues were starting to rip because of the cheap material. The guy looked like a mess and it actually hurts his eyes. Off blinked hard. He really doesn’t know why Tay’s decided to be a mummy for today’s costume party. Tay has explained to him earlier that simplicity was needed rather than spending money for an expensive costume. Half-assed is actually more accurate, but Off doesn’t have the heart to break his heart so he just nodded.

“Easy for a mummy like you to say. Unlike you, an angel doesn’t drink blood or eat flesh. So, it is very important for me to take care of my holy existence” Off batted his eyelashes. He has decided to be an angel for tonight’s party. A white suit from head to toe to complete his ethereal attire. And of course, a pair of big white wings clung to his back to complete his costume. 

“Whatever” Tay just huffed and simply ignored him, chugging the drink down his throat. Off made a face. Feeling irritated at getting ignored. He was about to speak again until he was stopped upon a sight of a red devil sauntering gracefully towards them. Off can’t help the smirk lurking on his lips as he brought the glass up level to his mouth.

Gun the goody two-shoes as a devil. How clever.

“Well well well, look who's here? A devil in a disguise as a human. Have you mistaken earth as hell, Lucifer?” Off spoke once Gun stopped in front of him and Tay. Like usual, he received a deathly glare from the said devil.

Gun has a black shirt under a red vest and a red cloak wrapped around him perfectly. A tail peeking from behind his black pants and red horn was placed on top his head made him look more like a devil with glitters dusted on the apple of his cheeks. Gun looks spectacular. If the guy held a pitchfork in his hand, Off would have mistaken him as a real devil. And he certainly doesn't mind selling his soul with the devil.

“Save the praises. I know the disguise is superb” Off rolled his eyes out of annoyance. It earned him an infamous smirk from Gun. 

“Although, I have to say your angel costume is missing the halo on top of your head because you look more like a damn ostrich bird to me” The shorter guy took a step closer. Off glared at him sharp.

“Now, if you could excuse me, there's a couple of souls I need to prey on for my hunger tonight” Gun gave a devious smile. Eyes were wandering every corner and gave a light wave in the air in the other direction behind him. “And it seemed like Narapat is also looking for something to hit on tonight”

Off stood in his way, stopping him. “As if. You don’t like Narapat” 

“I also don’t like talking to a betrayer,” Gun glared at him and walked away. Off rolled his eyes.

“Oh come on, Gun. I didn’t betray—”

Halted by a thought, Gun turned around with a smirk, eyes turning in slits, “By the way, how does it feel to nail the bitch? Must be great to taint the sacred hole since she’s the infamous Virgin Mary after all” said Gun and then he was pushing through Off's big white wings, making Off accidentally knock on Tay's drink. Tay squeaked at the spill of drink on his tissues.

“Are you guys fighting again?” Tay sighed as he cleaned himself.

Off poured the alcohol down his throat and groaned as his eyes lingered at the sight of Gun approaching Narapat who was wearing a priest suit, looking surprised and disgustingly delighted as Gun’s hand ran over his arm.

“No worries. This is just us doing foreplay” Off gritted his teeth and Tay made a disgusted face.

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