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“We fucked”

As if he couldn't even bear with the thought of peace, Off proceeded to be an ass like usual and successfully destroying their peaceful Saturday breakfast in the early morning. 

Both Gun and Tay unceremoniously choked on their cereal meals. Gun lifted his head off his bowl, wishing his eyes could fire laser at the taller’s head at this moment while Tay was coughing non-stop, patting at his chest as he tried to calm his breath. No wonder he’s been feeling that something was a bit off when he arrived. However, we fucked is not actually the missing piece that Tay had expected in his equation.

“I thought we'd agreed that we’re never  going to talk about it” Gun hissed under his gritted teeth. Legs swinging to kick Off under the table. The smarty pants though, has pushed his chair to the back and let devilish smirk plastered on his lips as Gun kicked the air.

“Yes, we as in you and me” Off gestured to the both of them with one damn eyebrow raised, looking smug before continuing, “But now I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to Tay. And if you want to be discreet, try to wear a high collared shirt that can hide the red marks on your neck. It would at least erase the suspicions”

Gun’s eyes widened as he quickly slapped at his neck, blushing in red. Head bowing instantly as he cursed Off under his breath. Tay was left gawking at the sudden revelation, eyeing at the suspicious red marks behind Gun’s palm and a spot under his jaw. Yup, that surely looked like something Off would have done.

Off turned to Tay and clicked his tongue, hands lazily waving in the air, “Or maybe I should say that it’s actually just masturbation so rest assured that there’s no penetration involved, only hands and co—”

“Gosh, please! Save it for yourself. Geez, I’m trying to eat some food here. Not vomit them”

Tay rolled his eyes, hands firm clasping against his eyes and tried to eat again. But when he took a look at the cereal drenched in milk, white milk, nauseous crawled up his throat and he gagged. Dammit. Tay might have thrown up in his mouth a little and he is surely not going to drink milk anytime soon, thanks to a certain Off Jumpol.

“How did this happen?” Tay groaned, quickly pushed the cereal meal away before narrowing his eyes at the two culprits in front of him.

“You guys are lucky Arm and Alice are not around or else you guys are not going to hear the end of this. I mean, you two can’t stand each other without choking each other by the neck” Tay said in an incredulous tone with accusing index finger pointing at them. Sounding too shock to comprehend that these two best friends of his have been sleeping together behind his back.

“It’s not a big deal” Off rolled his eyes at his dramatic tone, pushing the finger away from his face.

Tay brought his gaze on Off who has an aloof expression.

“Of course it is, peng. And especially you, Gun. I thought you are more rational than Off” Gun on the other hand, however, seemingly a bit guilty about the whole situation as he has his head bow lightly in shame. Tay was about to continue with his argument but then his phone rings.

“Hey, New. Wait a second” Tay picked up the call, only to clasp over the speaker to warn them with a stern voice. Off raised his eyebrow at the unfamiliar name. “We’re not done yet. I need details”

Gun quirked an eyebrow at his attempt to appear intimidating, which he failed because there’s a bit of milk on the corner of his lips and his messy hairstyle was flopped on his forehead, and Tay looked like a nerd high school boy with that glasses on and stain on his white shirt doesn’t make it any better. With that last failed warning, Tay giddily skipped and twirled on his feet out of the door with a wide grin stretch on his face. Off might have felt a bit regretful that Tay didn’t fall flat on his face when he tried to trip Tay on his way out.

Gun shook his head with a smile and continued eating his cereal. Then, a long leg was kicking him under the dining table. It was nothing rough that could hurt, only a light push to wake him from the drowsy morning. Still, it managed to annoy the hell out of him because Gun wasn’t really in the mood to fight.

Dragging his eyes from the bowl, Gun tiredly pulled a scowl on his face and asked, “What do you want, Jumpol?”

“So, want to tell me what made you upset yesterday? Aside from the classic Oab Wiwie problem, of course” Off spoke in a clear tone, fingers fiddling with his fork as his eyebrow crept upwards. He jabbed on his french toast and cut it in half as he waited.

“What made you think that I have other things to be upset about?” Gun tilted his head sideways at the question. Off hummed for a moment, eyes staring back at Gun as he thought silently. He put down his utensils, only to clasp his hands together and settled his elbows on top of the table.

"Well, you pissed me off more than usual and you're being quite clingy afterwards. And as far as I remembered, our deal was only for fifteen minutes. Not for the whole night" Gun looked away in embarrassment for a second at the mention of last night.

When Gun did not offer any answer, Off tried again, "Is it your father?"

"I don't know whether to feel amused or annoyed at the fact you got it correct" Gun’s eyes turned into slits. Off broke into a small smile.

“He's a businessman, Atthaphan. If you keep thinking of how disappointed you are with him, just stop it. It’s not gonna make any difference and it’ll only end up with you getting hurt” Off picked up his utensils again, twitching his lips to the side.

Gun stared at him with glazed eyes this time, lips jutting out in a pout. The sight annoyed him, somehow. Off can feel something akin to pity curled in his chest as he noticed this, something humane and very unlike him. Off decided that he hates this feeling. It made the toast in his mouth tasted like gum. Sticky and extremely frustrating to chew on. God, the masturbation last night must have made him a softie, he face-palmed mentally.

Spitting the toast out of his mouth on a napkin, Off exhaled as he spoke in a low voice, “Cheer up” he exhaled. A bit later he reached for water across the table and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

“I may not be close with my parents, and would usually meet them once in a blue moon. But I do share the same experience you’re having right now so don’t think about it too much, alright. Just---continue having fun like you always do” and don’t lose your smile, Off thought silently at the back of his head and lightly kicked Gun’s smaller feet because it’s how he cheers people up. By annoying them.

But Gun’s eyebrows are still creased on top of his head so Off leaned over the dining table and reached out to place his index finger on each tip of Gun’s lips, stretching it out gently, “Come on, give me a smile. You look like a goat with that pout on your face”

“Ha ha. Very funny” Gun laughed sarcastically at the tease, rolling his eyes while the other guy kept pinching at his cheeks. The smaller guy swatted his hands away with a glare, unconscious to a smile forming across his lips.

But Off who saw this, struck on spot. He blinked slowly. That smile though, should have come with a warning. It was nothing too wide of a grin or amusement. Only a brief sight of relief. Yet, it nearly tipped Off to the edge. He bit his lips at the rush of excitement inside him as he let go of Gun and sat down back on his stool.

“Are you still upset?” Off asked, resting his chin on top of his palm with another hand touching over the rim of his glass. He licked his dry lips as he exchanged glances with Gun. Feet dazedly moving under the dining table, accidentally brushing his left foot against Gun’s. His skin was soft and warm.

“Not anymore,” Off inhaled as Gun pulled the mug to his curled lips and sipped. “Thanks to you, I guess”

Smile was hanging on to Gun’s plump lips. It’s still there as eyes blinking back at Off. Gun didn’t pull away his feet. He didn’t initiate anything either. Just settled there innocently against Off’s feet and let warmth lingering on him, bleeding into his skin.

For once, they were not choking each other by the neck and finished their breakfast right there, clinking of utensils against china plates filled the room with sunlight fluttering over their face as they exchanged glances, munching quietly. Feet sliding over each other once in a while. Off thought absently as he poked at his unfinished toast with a ripped hole in the centre using his fork, that this—is different.

A good one or bad one, he wasn’t sure. 

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