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It is a known fact that almost everyone adores Gun.

He's aware of it too, indulges in it as well. It was safe to say he's proud of the fact people crave for him, want to be him. Which is why Gun relented and played the image everyone wants him to be without complaining. The classic-goody-two-shoes-Gun, the smarty pants Gun, the oh-so-vulnerable-to-be-protected Gun, the clean untainted Gun. He was willing to be anything, until he was introduced to Off Jumpol.

Off was unusual. He is temperamental. He is a self-absorbed and confident piece of ass. And apparently, he is also someone Gun could never be. Because the taller male is reckless. Unpredictable. Off especially doesn't bend by the rules and only follows his instinct. He loves doing what he wants. Off doesn't pretend and for the first time in his life, Gun realized that he is jealous of someone.

So one day, when Off accidentally saw Gun kicking on the vending machine because his favourite drink was out of stock, Gun doesn't even bother to act nice or play pretend with Off. Maybe that's why Gun isn't fond of him. Because the person that he was jealous of knew his weakness and saw through his facade. Off has seen the real him and he finds no reason to put up the perfect image. And maybe that was also why Gun found relief being with him because he doesn't have to try so hard to impress Off.

Gun dislikes Off. He always knows that.

But somehow, the emotion tripled even more tonight. His nose flared when he saw Off joining Arm and Alice in the centre of the room playing suck and blow game on the couch, a girl in a nun costume by his side. The couple was wearing matching costumes as Joker and Harley Quinn. He can see girls were flocking around Off left and right as they passed the card around. The nun was giggling happily when the card fell, seemingly giddy at the fact their lips almost touched.

Gun didn't know why he felt irritated watching Off flirting with girls. Rush of emotions waved through his chest as Off had a hand resting on her thigh, smiling as he sucked on the cigarette tucked under his teeth and pulled it out to puff a smoke. Their eyes met and Gun twitched his lips at the smirk sent his way. He swore Off was doing that on purpose just to rile him up. Rolling his eyes away, Gun turned his attention to Narapat who was still blabbering about his wealth. This guy bored him as hell. He doesn't know why he talked to Narapat or even bothered to flirt with the guy.

"You like swimming, right? You should come to my house. I have a big swimming pool" Narapat said as he slid his hand up Gun's kneecap.

"Uh. Yeah. Sure" Gun smiled at the guy and awkwardly moved the hand off his knee.

Unluckily, the guy couldn't read hints because the hand was back on his knee. Gun nearly rolled his eyes at the blatant flirting. God, this guy is so damn persistent. Gun took the glass in his hand and sipped it, wandering his eyes around until his eyes caught Off looking at him. There was a flicker of fury under those pools of brown orbs, there's no doubt about it. Gun smirked.

"I should, shouldn't I?" Gun faked a chuckle.

Leaning towards Narapat, he took the other guy's drink and gulped it in one-shot. He hissed at the burn in his throat. The guy's eyes landed on Gun, watching him fascinatingly as Gun ran his tongue over his lower lips. From the corner of his eyes, he can see Off straightened up in his seat as he pushed the girl away, eyes burning a hole on them. Satisfaction coursing through his blood.

"You know, I always have a thing for you"

This time, Narapat caught his chin in his hand. Gun tried to keep calm when Narapat grabbed his face with another hand creeping over his thigh. His face fell when it slowly made its way up, dangerously close to his ass. Before Narapat could do anything though, Off had made his way and rushed towards them with eyes blazing lazers.

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