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9.27 p.m.

 "The number you have dialled cannot be reached. Please leave your message after the tone. Beep"

“What the hell, Gun. Don’t tell me you thought it’s 8 in the morning tomorrow” Off harshly spoke against the receiver. He clicked the red button and pulled his hair in frustration. Off sighed the tenth time for that night. He had left 23 messages and 30 missed calls altogether yet Gun had not responded to any of them.

Gun is late. Off is half furious and half worried. 

He paced around, only to return back to the same spot and heaved out loudly in frustration. Gun is not going to dump him right? Off chewed his lips, unsure. Grabbing at the bouquet of lilies from the spot he left while ago, Off shook off his negative thoughts. Gun is probably late under certain circumstances that could not be avoided. It's fine, Off tried to console himself. With a heavy heart, Off went inside the restaurant and took a seat in front of his parents, placing the bouquet on the seat next to him.

Tilting up his head, his eyes casually meet the gazes of both his parents. He held in his breath when his father looked at him dead serious and glaring away at the empty seat next to him. His mother touched her husband’s hand as his shoulders tensed up, whispering some words. Off couldn’t read her lips but he could tell, Gun must have been included in either sentences.

“Are you sure Gun Atthaphan is coming tonight, Off?” his father asked with a stern voice. Off huffed lightly under his breath as he tried to calm his nerves.

“It’s been an hour and a half and I need to catch my flight in the next two hours ” he could feel the intensity starting to rise as his father spoke.

Off blinked and untangled his clasped hands, putting them on top of the table. He licked his dry lips and eased a smile on his face, silently hoping that his nervousness won’t show, “I’m sorry, father. He was probably caught up in the traffic”

“It’s okay. Let’s just wait, alright” his mother broke the ice. Off heaved in relief when his mother smiled at him in assurance, trying to calm his father.

His father just gave a nod and reached out for the glass. Off grabbed a knife and fork back in his hands, continuing where he left his food. The atmosphere has been heating up ever since the dinner started and he is going to die if the tense doesn’t cease for another hour.

He hopes Gun arrives soon.

When his phone vibrated, Off nearly jumped in joy. But when he realized it was Tay who called him, his happiness deflated within seconds. Slipping his phone out from his pocket, Off was about to speak but Tay’s nervous voice cut him off, making his blood run cold.

“Peng, you’re probably not going to like this but Gun’s on Aristocratz”


Spotted: News flash, Gun Atthaphan was seen entering Oabnithi Wiwattanawarang residence in rush this evening as soon as news of Oabnithi broke his engagement. According to some birdy, Gun's still pining over Oab him despite his  constant make-out with Off. Guess the rumor wasn’t that far-stretched after all. Whether he’s there to make out or to comfort, it seemed that the cat was out of the bag now. Looks like Gun is ready to jump into the arm of his prince charming to abandon his dark knight Off Jumpol. Let’s all send some sympathy to Off Jumpol, shall we?

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