Chapter 1

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Short disclaimer:

I wrote this thing when I just turned 15 years old and I'm about to be 18 now, so this 'book' is about 3 years old. Back then my grammar sucked and when I reread it I just cringe.
I'm also sorry for some plots that don't make any sense, since some of them are in the middle of the story and then never appear again.
But it seemed like some ppl really enjoyed the book, so I'm just gonna uplaod it again after taking it down for several months.
I won't edit any of my mistakes or rewrite this thing cause I'm not interested in this story anymore.
But have fun reading it!

There are three different types of people. First, the ones who feel things like everyone else. Second, the ones that feel things much more intense than the rest. And third, the ones who can't show or tell their feelings. I belong to the third category. The most time I can't tell or even show how I feel. 'Your feelings are too complicated to understand,' that's what my therapist said.

'But you can learn to read them'. Well, here we are. 'And how do you think should I do this?' I asked her. 'Tomorrow is your first day at Karasuno, right?' she smiled. I just nodded. 'Well, you'll go to a sports club. There you meet new people. You will learn to trust others. And also, sports makes men emotional,' she winked and I sighed. 'What sport do you think I should do?'

'You're pretty tall. You observe people fast, and your reflexes are pretty good. Why don't you join the volleyball team?' she looked into my (e/c) eyes. 'Doesn't sound that bad. I guess I'll give it a try,' I mumbled. 'Great! Is there anything else you want to talk about?'. I shook my head. 'No thank you...I'll see you next week,' I smiled slightly and gave her a little wave. 'Goodbye!' She smiled and stood up from her chair.

As I left the building I looked up to the sky. 'This is gonna be pretty interesting,' I mumbled. 'HEY! WATCH OUT!' a voice shouted. I looked around and saw a tiny boy who ran pretty fast in towards me. I couldn't get out of the way anymore and he ran into me. We both fell on the hard ground. He lay on top of me. 'Oh my God, I'm so so sorry!' he shouted. 'It's alright, could you please get off of me?' I asked. 'Ahhh of Course,' he stood up and reached for my hand. 'Thanks,' I said. 'Are you alright?' he mumbled insecure with a slight blush on his cheeks. 'Yeah, what about you?' I looked down at him and he just nodded. 'Alright then, I have to go, see ya,' I said while walking away. He just looked after me and said a quiet 'Good bye'.
'He was pretty cute,' I thought while walking home. His orange hair reminded me of the sun and his brown eyes were deep and seemed happy.

'I'M HOME!' I shouted through the house. 'Welcome back, sweetheart,' my mum said as I walked into the kitchen. 'Hi mum, what's for dinner?' I asked. 'Curry,' she smiled, and I gave her also a little one. I took a glass out of the cupboard and filled it with water. 'How was therapy?'. 'As boring as always... She said I should join the volleyballteam, so I can meet new people, make friends and learn how to trust,' I sighed. 'Sounds good, maybe you will find some people you like and then you can invite them. It's been almost three years since you invited someone. And if you're lucky, you maybe find a boyfriend,' she grinned. I choked on my water and looked a little startled at her. 'What? You've been single for the last 15 years!' she said. 'I AM 15!' she laughed out loud and I smiled. 'Here's your curry, you have to be strong for tomorrow'. 'Thanks mum,' I smiled and took a big bite.

'HOT! ' I shouted out. 'What did you expect?! I just took it off the stove,' she giggled. I glared at her. 'Don't look at me like that! That's your own fault!' I chuckled a bit. 'Your laugh, even if it's just a little chuckle, is Beautiful,' she smiled and my cheeks were covered by a red blush. 'Thanks... I guess?' she just smiled. The rest of our meal, we talked about her job and my first day at school tomorrow. Not gonna lie but I'm pretty excited.

After dinner I went to my room and sat down on my bed. It's 8 p.m. I checked my phone and saw that I have a new message. 'Tomorrow is gonna be our first day at new school! Aren't you excited?' I read out loud. Why is she always texting me? The message was from my old classmate Kaya, we're in the same class since middleschool. 'How many times did I tell you to stop texting me?' I texted her back. 'Oh come on (y/n) , don't be grumpy'. I rolled my eyes. 'Well, I wouldn't be grumpy if you'd stop texting me. I already told you, I don't even like you! God dammit'. I started to become angry, the literally only feeling I can assign. Yeah, I've got some anger issues.. But I'm working on it.  'You're so mean! But I don't mind. See ya tomorrow babe ;*'. BRUH.

I just went offline and lay down. Hopefully, she's not in my class. I would go insane if I had to see her face every fucking day. I started to think of diffent things, like joining the volleyballteam, and then, the little sunnyboy appeared in my mind. If I'm lucky, he's in the same school as me. I'd like to see him again. I let out a small sigh before my eyelids started to become heavy and I drifted into a deep sleep.

So yeah.. This is the first chapter of my book 'teach me how to love!' and it's also my first book in english.
English is not my first language, so please tell me if there are some spelling or grammar mistakes ^^
Oh and leave feedback if u want to

Teach me how to love! (Hinata Shoyo x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now