Chapter 16

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He smiled bright and I chuckled a bit. 'You're so fucking adorable when you're happy, please never lose this smile,' I mumbled into his neck. He giggled and petted my head while I laid down on him. 'Thank you for being there for me,' he whispered and I looked up to him, resting my chin on his chest. 'Of course, I mean, it's kinda my fault that you're in this situation,' I said in an apologetic voice. 'Are you dumb or something? It isn't your fault, it's my mother's fault,' he said, placing one of his hands on my cheek. I leaned my face more into his palm. 'Y'know, you make me really happy,' I mumbled and layed my head back down.

'Oi babe, before you fall asleep, you should change,' Shoyo giggled and I nodded tired. I stood up and walked to my closet, taking out a (f/c) t-shirt and shorts. 'You also want something?' I asked and turned around to Shoyo, he slightly nodded. I threw an oversized sweater at him and he catches it. 'Thanks,' he smiled and I took my shirt and trousers off. Trough the mirror I saw how Shoyo was staring and smirked a bit. 'Like what you see?' I asked and turned around. He blushed a bit but said, 'I'm just enjoying the view'. 'Maybe I should just sleep naked?' I thought out loud and Shoyo looked a little startled at me. When he caught up again he said, 'Yeah maybe, I'd like to see that'. I pulled my waistband down a little, so that you can see me defined v-line. Shoyo's smirk faded and he covered his eyes, 'That was just a joke, I'm not ready for that!'. I laughed and pulled my shorts back up. Then I put on a shirt and walked towards him. He took of his shirt and trouser, just sitting there in boxershorts, then he slipped through the sweater, that was waaaay too big for him. Gosh he's so adorable.

I layed down between his legs and rested my head in his neck bend. I could hear him sigh in relief. His fingers stroked my hair and I purred a bit. I could feel how my eyelids got heavier and heavier and then I fell asleep.

The next morning my mum came in again. 'Good morning, time to wake up! Sun has risen!' she shouted in a happy voice. 'And what do you want me to do?! Photosynthesis?!' I grumbled back and I could feel Shoyo laughing. My mum giggled, 'no I want you two to eat breakfast and go to school'. 'Alright, five more minutes!' I said, snuggling back against Shoyo. 'No, we get up now!' Shoyo said in a certain voice. 'Bruh,' I grumbled, getting up from Shoyo and walking into the bathroom. He followed me and I raised an eyebrow, 'Wanna shower with me or why are you following me?' I asked and he looked at me with big eyes. 'I didn't know you wanted to take a shower!' he shouted and I giggled. 'It's alright, brush your teeth or something, I don't care if you're in the bathroom,' I said, taking of my shirt and he nodded.

Now I was completely naked and I could feel his eyes in my back. 'I've got a nice ass, didn't I?' I asked chuckling. 'Nice is an understatement,' he said and slapped my ass. I looked over my shoulder at him and smirked. 'Should I turn around?' I said in an innocent voice. 'N-No I'm fine!' he stuttered and I laughed while walking under the shower and closed the curtains.

After a few minutes I was done, 'Could you please hand me a towel?'. 'Sure,' Shoyo answered and gave me one. 'Thanks,' I said while I wrapped it around my waist and then I walked out of the shower. 'You wanna shower too?' I asked and he nodded. Then he slipped out of his clothes and I looked at his not muscular, but trained body. I bit my bottom lip as I saw his ass. 'You're a pervert,' Shoyo said and I looked at him. 'Maybe,' I laughed and turned around to brush my theet.

We walked down into the kitchen. 'Where's your mum?' my boyfriend asked. 'Work,' I said plain and simple, shrugging my shouldes. He nodded and we began to eat breakfast.

At school I said goodbye to him for the time being and kissed his cheek. He smiled and walked to his classroom and I looked after him. 'Who's that?' a curious voice asked behind me. 'You should really learn to mind your own business,' I sighed. 'But you're my boyfriend, that means this is my business,' the girl in front of me shouted. 'In your dreams,' I said annoyed and walked past her. 'We'll see..' she mumbled. 'What did you say?' I asked and stopped. 'Nothing,' she said and walked to her classroom. What is she up to?

I shook my head and walked to my classroom.

A little shorter than usual, sorry ^^'

If you find some spelling or grammar mistakes, please tell me so I can correct them.

Thank you for reading and have a great day/night/ whenever you read that xD

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