Chapter 25

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We sat down on the bank of the lake and looked at the reflection of the sun in the water. Shoyo leaned his head against my shoulder and a pleasant tingling went all over my body. I closed my eyes and inhaled the mixture of Shoyo's shampoo and the scent of nature. The sun was setting more and more and the air became pleasantly warm. The heat of the midday sun was gone for a long time. I noticed how Shoyo looked up to me and I opened my eyes. My (h/c) hair stroked my face gently. Shoyo began to talk, 'Y'know, I really enjoy being with you. I love you, no matter what. I'm thankful for everything you gave me and mpfh-'.

I interrupted him with a kiss. As I leaned back I laid my palm on his cheek and chuckled, 'you should stop talking so much, you already told me multiple times how thankful you are'. He smiled gently back, 'Yeah I know, it just feels like I owe you something, that's why I'm saying it so often'. I ruffled my hand through his hair, 'stop that, of course I help you'. He slapped my hand away. I grinned and began to tease him a little, 'are we getting salty?'. 'pfft, I'm not Tsukishima,' he grumbled and looked away. I began to laugh because of his comparison.

'Oi, don't be mad baby,' I smiled and placed two fingers under his chin, forcing him to look at me. He still didn't want to look at me and I picked him up and threw him over my shoulder. 'Hey, W-what are you doing, dumbass?!' Shoyo yelled and a few Passers-by stared at us. 'I think you should cool down,' I said and as he realized what I meant, he began to hit my back. 'Oi, be careful. That hurts!' I whined. 'THAT'S THE REASON WHY I'M DOING IT' Shoyo yelled louder. 'Oh c'mon a little bit water has never ever harmed anyone!' I said and walked to the water. 'Don't you dare to throw me into the wa-'.

Before he could finish, I already threw him in. The face of the boy in front of me became as red as a tomato, not because he's blushing of embarrassment, no because of anger. I tried to hold back my laugh and he stomped out of the water, walking towards me. He took of his shirt and threw it at me but I dodged it and it landed in the sand, causing me to burst out in laughter. 'That's it!' he shouted and ran towards me. I ran away and Shoyo chased me through the whole park. We got a lot of weird looks, but we didn't care about it. I was just focused on Shoyo and running away, while the tangerine was focused on me and his revenge.

We ran back to the bank of the lake and I couldn't escape anymore. Behind me was the water, next to me, in both directions, I was surrounded by reed and in front of me was Shoyo, panting slightly. 'I give up! What do I have to do to not get wet?' I surrendered. 'There's nothing you can do anymore! Now you're going to take a swim! ' Shoyo shouted with a playfully evil voice and I giggled a bit. 'Please! Have mercy on me!' I shouted back desperately. 'NEVER!' he shouted and ran towards me. A few people stand a few meters away and watched the whole scenario. I began to laugh and jumped voluntarily into the water. Shoyo couldn't stop anymore and landed on top of me.

'Hello beauty,' I mumbled and he began to blush. He rushed down from me and we both chuckled a bit. I also took of my shirt and threw it at the meadow. I did the same thing with my shoes and socks, since I'm wearing just a short sweatpants. Shoyo also threw his shoes at the meadow and I ran deeper into the water. 'What are you doing?' Shoyo asked. 'You were the one who said I'm going to take a swim now, remember?' I asked and he smiled. He ran after me and as the water was too deep for Shoyo to stay, he wrapped his legs around my waist. 'Is the water too deep for my poor baby?' I asked and Shoyo nodded. I laid my arms around his back and pulled him a little closer. 'Shoyo...' I mumbled. 'Mhm?' he looked at me. 'I love you,' I whispered into his ear and he got goosebumps. I chuckled at his reaction and he mumbled, 'I love you too, dumbass'.

'Shut up,' I giggled. He smirked, 'force me to'. I rolled my eyes and laid my lips on his. I kissed him passionately. His soft lips and my rough ones moved in sync. I bit into his bottom lip and he moaned. He opened his mouth a bit and I shoved my tongue softly into it. As so often, my tongue explores every inch of his mouth. My hands slipped down and gently squeeze his ass. He pulled away and looked at me with big eyes, 'We're in public!'.
'So?' I asked grinning and he rolled his eyes. 'We should go home now, the sun has already settled down completely,' Shoyo said while he looked up to the sky. I sighed, 'just when it got exciting'.

'Once again, we're in public!' he said and hitted the back of my head sligh. 'Alright,' I said and let my arms go off of him. He already loose his legs around my waist and slipped down at my body. He was completely under water and the only thing I could see was a mop of orange hair. He dived up again and glared at me. I just laughed and walked out of the lake. 'Dumbass..' he mumbled and followed me.

I think I'm gonna end this story soon. If I keep writing like this it's gonna be boring and I wouldn't know how to end it.

I think about writing a Sugawara, Bakugou or Bokuto FF soon. All boyxboy

If you find some spelling or grammar mistakes, please tell me and I'll correct them.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day :D

Teach me how to love! (Hinata Shoyo x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now