Chapter 26

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'Hinata! Also try to get the blocked balls! And don't just stand there!' Ukai yelled through the gym. 'I'm sorry!' Shoyo yelled back. We were at practice and it seemed likes Ukais mood wasn't the best today.
'Every ball could be the set ball! That means, give everytime your best!' he shouted and threw another ball at Shoyo's direction. He also didn't get this one, the ginger stood up panting and Ukai said, 'Otherwise, the ball you were careless at will make you cry and your opponent cheer!'.

Shoyo seemed to remember something and then he focused on the ball. This time he received it. 'Good job Shoyo!' me and Tanaka cheered. 'Stay up! You'll get another one!' Ukai said, but this time he seemed kinda proud. 'He's pretty harsh today, isn't he?' I mumbled in Tanakas direction and he nodded in agreement.

We trained until it got dark outside. I stood next to Kageyama and Shoyo. We all panted and drank something. 'WOAH THAT'S SO COOL!' I heard Nishinoya shouting. I walked towards him, 'what do you mean?'. 'These pictures are giant!' the bi-cloroed said impressed and looked at the bald boy in front of him. 'Told you so!' Tanaka said.
'Can I see it too?' Shoyo asked and Tanaka gave him the magazine. It was about the top three players in high school this year. And Ushijima from the Shiratorizawa was one of them. 'Kageyama failed on the Shiratorizawa school!' Shoyo yelled. 'SHUT UP!' Kageyama screamed and me, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi began do laugh.

'What's so special about this guy?' I asked. Tanaka raised an eyebrow and looked at me in disbelief, 'you've never heard of him?'. I shook my head. 'Me neither,' Shoyo said. 'Ushijima is currently the strongest ace in the prefecture,' Tanaka explained and I nodded. 'Yeah he really looks like a real ace,' Daichi said and we all looked at Asahi. 'And why are you guys looking at me now?!' he said in a nervous voice. 'Cause you're a pussy,' I said and the others laughed.

'Don't drive yourself crazy. Shiratorizawa isn't our only problem,' Ukai said as he walked towards us. 'Right, there are still the top four from the last year,' Sugawara said and the coach nodded. 'Among other things, I also mean them. And other strong teams are coming this year. For example Wakutani Minami and Date Kougyou. They also call them 'The iron wall'. They have the highest defenses. You guys lost against them a few months ago, right?' Coach Ukai asked. Shoyo and Kageyama gasped and I raised an eyebrow. We lost?

' Date would normally be in the top four again, but in round three they met the Shiratorizawa and lost. So they only came in 16th place,' the tall man explained further, 'and next..ah I heard you had a trainings game against them a few weeks ago. Their setter is also the strongest attacker of the team, on his regular position is he amazing and all in all he could be the best player of the prefecture. Oikawa Tooru, he's the captain of Aoba Jousai'.
'Urgh, the great king..' Shoyo stammered and I grinned a bit. It's kinda funny how he hates and admires him. 'These are the top teams of the prefecture, and then there's the Shiratorizawa. The top ace Ushijima Wakatoshi, who leads the winner team. That's it, I guess. We're talking about the details later,' Ukai said and shrugged his shoulders.

'Remember, no team even thinks about to lose. They all want to win. And while we give everything in training, the others naturally do the same. It doesn't care if they're strong or weak opponents, if you want to win, you fight for it, never forget that! You can do that! Nobody, ever again, should be able to say that we're crows which can't fly anymore,' the Coach said.
'Yeah!' we all shouted in union.

Then out of nowhere Takeda slammed through the gym doors, 'urgh good you guys are still here! Sorry for being late, the session lasted forever! It's here! The team lineup for the preliminary decision!'.
'If we win the first match, we play against Datekou, if they win too,' Sugawara mumbled. 'Of course they win, but that's not it. In our block there is also the Aoba Johsai,' Tsukishima said and I looked closer at the paper in front of me. 'For real?' Tanaka asked.

I looked around and I saw Kageyama and Shoyo freeze and stare at nothing with creepy eyes. It was ice cold down my back when I saw their eyes. How the fuck are they so creepy sometimes?!  'We will win the first game!' Daichi shouted and I gave him a thumbs up.

After practice we walked into the club room and changed. 'Ukai's speech really motivated me,' I said and the others agreed. I took of my shirt and turned around as Tanaka shouted, 'We will beat their asses!'. 'Tanka! Watch your mouth!' Sugawara hissed and I laughed. I noticed a pair of hazel eyes on me and looked in Shoyo's direction. I winked at him and he began to blush. 'God, please stop that. If you guys continue flirting like that I'm going to throw up', Tsukishima said and looked disgusted away.
'What!? And I wanted to make out with Shoyo right in front of you guys!' I shouted playfully sad. The whole team looked at me and Shoyo began to blush even more. I began to laugh a bit, 'calm down, it was just a joke!'.

'Have you guys even made out yet?' Asahi asked and I looked at him with an are-you-kidding-me-face. 'Of course they haven't!' Nishinoya shouted and Tanaka nodded in agreement. 'You sure about that?' Kageyama asked, trying to hold back a laugh. He was the only one who knew that me and Shoyo already had sex. And why? Because Shoyo accidentally told him as we three practiced together. 'I don't think either that they ever have done something like that,' Sugawara agreed. 'But they're in a relationship since like three months!' Daichi complained. 'So you think they already made out?' the gray haired team mum asked. 'Yeah, sure. Why not?' the captain asked. 'Cause Hinata is baby!' Asahi said and I my look switched confused between the boys.

'What if they already had sex?' Daichi asked. 'Pff, as if,' Tsukishima said and Kageyama really tried to hold back his laugh. The boys stopped arguing and looked at us. 'Did you guys already have sex?' Nishinoya asked curious. What the fuck shall I answer him?!
Instead of answering I packed my clothes and pulled Shoyo with me. 'OH MY GOD! THEY ALREADY FUCKED!' Tanaka yelled excited and Sugawara stopped us at the door. I looked down to him. '(y/n), Shoyo, did you guys have sex?' he asked in a protective voice. 'Calm down Sugawara, it's not like Shoyo could get pregnant,' I said and chuckled nervously. Fuck! How dumb am I?! Now they know for sure we have already done it and that I'm the top and Shoyo's the bottom. Shoyo glared at me and I send him a look that said 'I'm sorry, please forgive me, I'm dumb like shit I know. Love you'.

Sugawara and the rest of the team gasped. 'C-can we go now?' I stuttered completely embarrassed. 'Did you use a condom?' Sugawara asked. 'Sugawara, can we please go no-' Shoyo asked but Suga interrupted him. 'Did. You. Use. A. Condom.' he repeated his question. 'Oh my God, yes we did!' I shouted and he looked a little calmed now. 'You can go now,' he said, still in a strict voice and me and Shoyo rushed through the door.

'Well, that was embarrassing,' I said and Shoyo nodded. 'But also kinda funny,' Shoyo laughed and I agreed. We intertwined our fingers and walked back home.

Hey, I've got a question. Should I do a Oneshot book? If yes, just write your first request here. It would be about Haikyuu at first :)

If you find some spelling or grammar mistakes, please tell me and I'll correct them.
Thank you for reading and have a nice day

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