Chapter 7

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The next day, Sunday, I was on my way to my therapist. Man, why do we have an appointment at 10 a.m? If you didn't noticed, I hate getting up early. I walked in the waiting room and the women behind the counter smiled at me.

I saw how a patient left the room and my therapist came out and smiled at me. 'You can come in now' she said. I stood up and followed her into the room.
'How have you been the last week?' she asked. 'Pretty good I guess' I said and she nodded and wrote it down.

We talked a while and she listened to my current problems. I told her that my anger issues weren't a problem this week and she smiled. 'How's your new school?' she asked. 'It's pretty good. I understand everything and I think I've got some friends now. I signed up for the volleyball team, as you recommended to me. And it's great! I'm really not that bad and my team mates like me I guess. And there's this guy, he's pretty loud and sometimes annoying, but I really do like him' I said and couldn't stop talking until she interrupted me. 'I'm really happy you found some friends, (y/n) ! It's nice to see how excited you are when you talk about them' she smiled. 'I was excited?' I asked her with big eyes. 'Yeah! Seems like you're happy about your situation'. 'Happy means that I feel really good and that I want to share that with someone, right?' I asked. She blinked 'uhm yeah, that's pretty much how happiness feels'. I smiled and she looked surprised but then she also did.

'Goodbye! See you next week!' she said and I nodded. On my way home I thought about what she said. 'It's nice to see how excited you are when you talk about them'.
Wow, seems like I really found friends. I never thought this would happen..but I think I'm happy.
I smiled while I was in thoughts, not noticing anything around me. And then it happened.. I bumped into a lamppost. 'Ouch, you fucking piece of shit why are you standing here!' I sweared while I was rubbing my forehead. I kicked it and shouted 'DIE!'. An old lady looked terrified at me and started to walk faster than before. I sighed and touched my forehead again. FUCK IT HURTS!

As I came home I walked in the kitchen and took a cool pack and held it at my head. I also grabbed some Ice Cream, sat down on the couch and turned the TV on.

As my mum came home she found me sleeping in front of the TV with a cool pack over my face. She giggled and took a photo. 'Hey (y/n) wake up!' she chuckled while shaking my shoulder. 'Huh? I didn't do anything, I swear!' I yelled as I woke up. My Mum began to laugh out loud and I gave her a confused look. 'What's going on? Why are you laughing?' I asked, still half asleep. Then she showed me the picture she took of me and I began to blush.

After she calmed down she asked what happened to my head. 'I ran into a lamppost' I mumbled. 'What did you say?' my mum asked. 'I ran lamppost' I  mumbled again. 'You have to talk louder' she sighed. 'I RAN INTO A LAMPPOST, GOD DAMMIT!' I yelled and she looked at me with big eyes. As she realized what I just said, she couldn't hold it back anymore and began to laugh. 'Haha pretty funny' I said sarcastically. 'Of course it is! HAHAHAHA' she laughed with tears in her eyes. 'Nice that you are so pleased with my suffering' I said annoyed.

Then I walked up to my room and took off my clothes. I went into the bathroom and started to shower. I thought about what happened yesterday with Shoyo. If Mum wouldn't have interrupt us, we would have kissed. A feeling of tingling spread across my entire body. Is the water to hot? I turned it off and went out of the shower. I putted a towel around my waist and went back to my room. It's still not gone..

Today the chapter is shorter than usual. Sorry about that ^^"

If you find some spelling or grammar mistakes, please tell me so I can correct them :)

Teach me how to love! (Hinata Shoyo x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now