Chapter 3

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'So, what's up with you and this Kageyama-guy? ' I asked the orange haired boy. 'I've met him at a Volleyball tournament a year ago. He and his team were much stronger than ours, ' he answered quiet. 'And why were they much stronger than you and your teammates?'. He looked at me. 'Because our team wasn't really a team. I was the only member of the club for two years. I trained all day and asked friends from different clubs to toss me. Sometimes I also played with the girls team, but that wasn't the same. In the third year of middle school three first years joined, but that wasn't enough for a team. So, two of my friends from different clubs helped out. We couldn't train together and they barely knew the rules, ' he told me.

Whoa this little guy loves to talk a lot. I looked back at the street and just nodded.
'For how long do you play volleyball now?' the ginger asked. 'Today was my first training, ' I said. 'Oh.. And why did you join the team?'. 'Cause my therapist said so, ' I shrugged my shoulders. He gasped. 'Why do you go to a therapist?!' he asked kinda nervous. I looked back at him. 'Because I can't show or even tell how I feel. That's pretty problematic for me and for the people who surround me. I also got anger issues, that's why I thought I'd be a bad idea to join a sports club, but she said it's alright, ' he nodded so I guess he understood.

'Why can't you tell your feelings?' he asked further. Why is he so curious? 'I don't know, I just can't'. 'So, you can't tell if you're happy or not?' he asked shocked. 'Kinda, ' I answered. 'Do you know how it feels?'. 'I don't know. Good I guess?' I mumbled and raised one of my eyebrows. 'It feels extremely good. You want to share this feeling with other persons or just one. And you smile the whole time, ' he grinned. 'Like you?' I asked. 'Yeah!' he smiled bright and I recognized how a little blush began to cover my face.

I'm lucky that it's already dark outside, so he can't see it. 'You said today was your first training, right?' he asked after a few minutes of silence. 'Mhm'.

'Tomorrow, at 5 am, me, Tanaka and Kageyama will train in the gym. If you want to, you can join us, so you can learn how to play, ' Shoyo said. 'Yeah, why not, ' I answered him. 'Nice, ' he smiled and I gave him a little smirk. He told me about his time in middle school, when he was the only member of the club and what he learned from the girls. He also told me, that he began to play volleyball, because of the little giant that played a few years ago at karasuno. I just listened to him and nodded.

After a few more minutes we arrived my home. 'That's my house, I have to go now. See ya tomorrow, ' I said with a light smile on my face. He gave me also a smile and said goodbye.

Whoa that was a new experience. I've never talked that much with a person I just got to know.

'Hello sweetheart! You're finally home. How was your first school day?' my mother asked as I walked into the kitchen. 'It was okay, ' I just said. 'And how's the volleyball club?' she asked further. 'Cool.. I guess? I mean I don't hate the people there. They're all pretty nice and it's kinda fun to play with them, ' I answered kinda confused cause I didn't know how else to express my thoughts. 'That sounds nice,' she smiled 'do you already made new friends? I saw you and a boy in front of the house, talking to each other'. 'Are you stalking me?' I asked with a light smile. 'Of course,' she said seriously. I chuckled.
'So, who was he?' mom asked and wiggled with her eyebrows. I blushed and stuttered, 'j-just a t-teammate'. 'Huh? But you two looked a little bit closer than just teammates, ' she said and scratched her cheek. 'I KNOW!' she shouted, 'HE' S YOUR CRUSH, ISN'T HE?'.'M-MOM I JUST KNOW HIM FOR ONE DAY!' I yelled. 'So?' she asked. 'Urgh'.

She laughed and I sat there with a red face. My (h/c) hair fell into my face.
We didn't really talk anymore and ate dinner in a pleasant silence. 'I'm going in my room to do homework!' I said, while I put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. 'Alright. But don't forget to shower!' she yelled after me. 'I WON'T!' I shouted back.

After 30 minutes of homework I walked in the bathroom and took my clothes of. It's already 9p.m. and I have to get up at 3:30 a.m. if I want to be in time tomorrow. 'Urgh, who wants to play volleyball at 5 a.m? And why did I say yes to him?' I mumbled. I went into the shower and set the water to a pleasant heat. It was pretty relaxing and I forgot to look at the time. As I went out of the shower, I took on my boxershorts and shorts.

I walked into my room and threw the laundry in the clothes basket. I looked at the clock. ALREADY 10 P.M? I showered THAT long? Bruh fine. I layed down on my bed and checked my phone. Guess who texted me. Right. Kaya.

I read the message. 'It's a pity that we aren't in the same class, don't you think so?'. 'No I don't think so. I'm pretty happy about it,' I texted back. 'You're such a meanie'. 'Good. Now leave me alone. I need to get some rest, cause of your bullshit.' I said and went offline. For real now, how can a person be THAT annoying. If she wasn't a girl I would beat the shit out of her.

I looked out of the window and my eyelids became heavy. I yawned out loud and fell asleep a few moments later.

Teach me how to love! (Hinata Shoyo x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now