Chapter 15

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'Are you nervous?' I asked the short male, standing in front of his house. 'Kinda,' he answered but the he looked at me and smiled slightly. 'Thank you for coming with me,' he said smiling and as response I kissed his cheek. 'SHOYO! YOU'RE HOME!' a young voice shouted. We looked at the front door and there was a little girl. She looked like her brother, hazel eyes and orange hair.

She ran towards us, 'Who's your friend?'. I kneeled down, 'Hello little princess, my name's (l/n) (y/n)'. Her eyes sparkled at the word 'princess'.
'Natsu! You know you're not allowed to run out of the house without me or Shoyo!' a woman, obviously Shoyo's mother, shouted. 'But Shoyo is here! And he brought a friend with him!' the little girl yelled excited. You can tell that they're siblings, they both have lot of energy. 'Ah hello,' Shoyo's mother greeted me. 'Hello, my name's (l/n) (y/n), nice to meet you,' I said while I shook her hand. 'You can call me Mrs. Hinata,' she said and I nodded.

I looked a bit nervous at Shoyo and he smiled uncertain. Mrs. Hinata and Natsu walked back into the house. 'Are you guys coming?' she asked and we nodded, rushing after her. 'I've made dinner. (y/n), if you want to you can eat with us,' Shoyo's mother said. 'I'd love to,' I replied smiling and she just nodded and putted another plate on the table.

I sat down next to Shoyo. 'So, how do you know each other?' the woman asked us. 'Uhm well, w-we met in the volleyball club,' Shoyo stuttered. 'And you guys are friends?' she asked further, raising one of her eyebrows. Geez, I think she's pretty skeptical of me.
'(y-y/n) is my..he's my b-boyfriend,' the boy next to me said quick and closed his eyes, afraid of his mothers reaction. 'He's your what?' she asked. Shoyo looked up to her but I spoke instead of him, 'I'm his boyfriend'.

She looked a bit startled and then she began to speak, 'Natsu could you please go to your room?'. 'But whyyyy?' the girl whined. 'Because I said so,' she said with a sharp undertone, still smiling. The little girl mumbled something and walked out of the kitchen. Me and Shoyo looked at his mother. 'So,' she began,' you both are a couple?'. 'That's what boyfriend means', Shoyo said. She didn't say anything and we didn't dare to break the silence but then Shoyo spoke up, 'are you okay with me being in a relationship with a boy?'. She looked at my boyfriend and then at me. She looked me directly in the eyes and I looked back, without any expression that could show how nervous I was.

'I think you should leave me alone for today,' she said and looked at Shoyo. 'Sleep at (y/n)'s place, I don't care. But for today, I don't want to see or talk to you amymore,' she said and left the kitchen. We still sat at the table and Shoyo stared shocked at the chair where his mother sat a few moments ago. I stood up and walked to Shoyo, kneeling down next to him and and pulling him into an embrace. He quickly hugged me back and I heard a quiet sobbing. 'Hey babe, it's okay. She just needs some time to process it, after all you're still her son. She loves you no matter what. My mum was also shocked as I told her, she didn't talked to me for about four days. But not because she thought it is disgusting or something. I'm sure after processing it, she'll apologize,' I said, trying to comfort him. He nodded and stood up, reaching for my hand. We walked up to his room and he packed some clothings, his school stuff, toothbrush and everything else that is important.

I took his back and we were about to leave as Natsu came to us. 'Shoyo, he's your boyfriend, right? Does that mean you love boys?' she asked and I smiled at her cuteness. 'Yeah, that's exactly what it means little princess,' I smiled and she smiled bright back. 'I like you!' she said. 'Yeah I like you too,' I said, ruffling through her hair and she chuckled a bit. 'Shoyo! You're boyfriend is amazing, could he please visit us more?' Natsu asked and Shoyo replied, 'if mum's okay with that, but we have to go now, see you soon lil' sis,' Shoyo smiled with watery eyes. I took his hand in mine and squezzed it gently. He smiled and we left the house.

We didn't talk the during the way home. We putted our bikes in the shed. 'You can already go upstairs, I'm talking to my mum,' I said and he nodded lightly and took his backpack. I walked into the kitchen, 'Mum? Is it alright that Shoyo's gonna stay here for a while?'. She turned around and looked at me, 'Of course it is. Did something happen?' she asked a bit worried and I explained everything. 'That poor boy, but does that mean you two finally found together?' she smiled slightly. 'Yeah,' I said, smiling back. 'Can I ask you something?' I mumbled looking at her.
'Of course, what at is it sweetheart?' she said. 'Why did you want me and Shoyo to get in a relationship?' I asked. She smiled and looked into my eyes, 'because I saw how happy he makes you. Since you're in the volleyball club, you changed completely. It's like, you're much more confident now and everytime you talk about him you just sound.. sound so happy. I want the best for you, and it seems like Shoyo is the best', she answered and I pulled her into a hug. 'Thank you mum, I love you,' I whispered and she hugged me back.

'Before I forget it, this is for you!' she smiled happily and gave me a little box wrapped in wrapping paper. 'Open it with Shoyo,' she smirked and gave me a wink. What did she plan? I sighed and went upstairs to Shoyo who sat on my bed.

'Hey babe,' I said, walking up to him and he looked at me, 'you're alright?'. He nodded weak and I sat down next to him, laying an arm around his shoulder. He rested his head on my chest. 'I'm sorry,' I mumbled into his hair. 'You don't need to be,' he answered. I looked at him. 'Tomorrow ist friday, that means weekend. What do you think about another date?' I asked, trying to distract him. He looked at me and smiled, 'I'd love to'. I smiled back and gave him a short kiss.

'What's that?' Shoyo asked and pointed at the little package in my hand. 'I don't know, Mum gave it to me and said we should open it together,' I explained. 'Do you want to open it?' I asked my boyfriend and he nodded. I handed him the package and he began to tear off the paper around the box. As we realized what Shoyo was holding on his hands, we both began to blush. I looked him in the eyes and we began to blush deeper.

'MUM!' I yelled running down the stairs, Shoyo behind me. 'What is this?' I asked and pointed at the condom pack in my hand. 'You can never be safe enough!', she defended herself. Shoyo was standing next to me, blushing like a mess.
'C'mon boys, there's nothing embarrassing about it!' she shouted. 'Are you being serious right now?' I yelled. 'Just take it. You'll need it sooner or later,' she said. 'You know what, nevermind. We're gonna be extra loud!' I shouted and walked back to my room. I just heard her laughing.

Shoyo walked after me in the room. 'I mean, she's not wrong, we'll need it someday,' Shoyo said, still blushing like a tomato. 'Yeah you're right, but it's still pretty weird', I chuckled and pulled him on my lap. He wrapped his arms around my neck and looked deep into my (e/c) eyes.
'(y/n)?' he asked. 'Yeah?'. 'I love you,' he whispered and pulled me into a deep kiss. I threw him on the bed and climbed over him. I kissed him again, 'I love you too'.

Today it's a bit longer ^^

If you find some spelling or grammar mistakes, please tell me so I can correct them :D

Have a nice day and thank you for reading

Teach me how to love! (Hinata Shoyo x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now