Chapter 22

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I let out a big yawn and slowly opened my eyes. The sun dazzled my face and I blinked a few times before I got used to the light. I noticed a hand sliding up my torso and resting at my chest. I slightly smiled and looked down at the ginger, laying in my arms. I nuzzled my face into his hair and he moved his head a bit. He yawned quietly and looked into my (e/c) eyes. 'Good morning babe,' I mumbled and kissed his forehead. He giggled a bit, 'good morning'.
I got up and realized that we both were still naked. I smirked at the thought of yesterday. I walked to my closet and in the morror I saw how Shoyo was staring at me . 'Y'know, this body is all yours now,' I smiled and he blushed.

I threw his boxershorts and one of my T-Shirts at him and he chuckled a bit. I quickly put on a sweater and a pair of short sweatpants.
We walked down to the kitchen and my mum sat at the kitchen table. She had dark circles under her eyes and sipped at her coffee. I looked at her in confusion, 'what happened, why are you looking so tired?'. She looked at me with an annoyed face, 'because of you guys. You were too loud yesterday!'.
I began to burst out laughing and some tears formed at the edge of my eyes. Shoyo blushed like a tomato and I couldn't calm down. My mum just stared at me completely annoyed.

As I calmed down I wiped a tear away, 'I told you that we're gonna be extra loud!'. 'Are you being serious?!' Shoyo shouted, still blushing, and I giggled again. 'C'mon, I make breakfast as an excuse,' I said and mum smiled satisfied.

I roasted some eggs and bacon, toasted the bread and placed three plates at the table. We sat down and began to eat. 'What are your plans for today?' mum asked and I looked at Shoyo. He looked a little uncertain and nervous at his plate and poked with the fork in his egg. 'We're going to talk to Shoyo's mother today,' I said quite and mum nodded. 'Shoyo, if she still don't want you to come back, you can life here,' she smiled. The short boy nodded thankful.

I putted the dishes in the dishwasher and wiped the table. 'You're not going to work today, are you?' I asked my mum and she nodded, sitting on the couch and reading a book. 'Alright, let's go!' Shoyo said as he walked down the stairs. 'Okay,' I said, putting on my jacked and shoes. 'See you later!' I houted and mum nodded.
We walked down the streets in silent. Shoyo seemed pretty nervous and I intertwined my fingers with his. I squeezed his hand gently and gave him a motivating smile. 'Thank you for coming with me,' he mumbled. 'No problemo! I'm your boyfriend, of course I'll support you,' I smiled and gave him a thumbs up. He smiled slightly back and my heart began to beat faster. Could it be that I fall in love with him more and more? I didn't know that this was possible.

We stood in front of his house. He took a deep breath before we walked to his front door. He opened it with a key and we walked in. 'M-mum?' he shouted through the house. 'Shoyo?' a little voice yelled excited. 'SHOYO, YOU'RE BACK!' Natsu screamed and jumped on her brothers leg. I giggled and she noticed me too. 'Ohh (y/n)!' shy said, smiling bright. Their mum walked into the floor and stopped in front of us. 'We have to talk,' Shoyo said a little more confident. 'Alright,' she said and walked into the kitchen, indicating that we should follow her. 'Without you!' she hissed and I stopped my movements. I stared into her eyes and nodded. 'Hey Natsu! You wanna show me your room?' I asked the little girl and she jumped around excited. 'YAY! (Y/N) WANTS TO SEE MY ROOM! I SHOW YOU ALL MY BOOKS!' she shouted and I nodded. I looked at Shoyo and gave him a kiss on the cheek, 'You can do it'. He nodded confident, but in his eyes I could see how nervous he was.

'Wow this is so cool,' I smiled at the little girl. 'What's that?' I asked her. I couldn't figure out what this animal was supposed to represent. 'IT'S A RABBIT WITH WINGS AND A HORN!' she yelled disappointed. 'Why would somebody do that to an innocent rabbit?!' I asked confused. 'That's a fiction story!' she yelled. 'What?! But it's pink?!' I shouted back. 'You don't get it!' she yelled. 'You're right! I don't get it!' I shouted. We stared at each other and began to burst into laughter.

We played with Natsus horse figures as Shoyo walked into Natsus room and sat down next to us. 'Is everything okay?' I asked him worried. 'Looks like I'm going to live a little longer with you,' he smiled sad. 'I'm sorry,' I said and pulled him on my lap. He rested his head at my chest and inhaled my scent. 'Does that mean you're going to move out?' Natsu asked disappointed. 'Yeah, that's what it means,' he said, ruffling through her orange hair.

After a few more minutes Shoyo said, 'I think we should go now'. He grabbed my hand and I stood up. We said goodbye to his little sister. 'But you're going to visit me, right? Together with (y/n), right? Right?' she cried as she pulled at her brothers shirt. 'Of course!' he said with teary eyes and petted her head. His mum leaned against the door frame of the kitchen. I turned around and looked at her. She glared at me and I smiled innocent. 'Even though you don't like me, it won't change the fact that I'm your sons boyfriend,' I mumbled, staying next to her and her face got a little more angry.

I couldn't resist and smirked a bit. I walked to Shoyo and laid an arm around his shoulders. 'See you soon little princess,' I smiled and we walked out of the door.
After a few minutes walking Shoyo looked at me. 'Is everything okay?' I asked him a bit worried. 'What did you say to my mother?' he asked and looked into my (e/c) eyes. I sighed and looked at the sidewalk, 'I just told her, that the fact that she doesn't like me, won't change the fact that I'm your boyfriend'. He looked at me and smiled slightly, 'that was unnecessary, but you're right'. I grabbed his hand and he intertwined our fingers.

'(y/n)?' he asked. 'Mhm?'. 'I love you', he said smiling. I stopped and he turned around to me. 'I love you too,' I said, kissing him gently.

If you find some spelling or grammar mistakes, please let me know so I can correct them. :))

Have a nice day and thank you for reading

Teach me how to love! (Hinata Shoyo x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now