Chapter 5

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Everyday at 5 a.m, me, Shoyo, Kageyama, Sugawara and Tanaka were in the gym to train together. I got a lot better and I started to become friends with the other guys. Me and Shoyo walked home together every day and my mom always send me suggestive looks. It was also a kind of miracle that Kageyama started to befriend me. But Daichi noticed that I, Sugawara and Tanaka were mostly exhausted and tired during training. Even in the evening, I'm always training with Kageyama and Shoyo.
Why? I don't know. Maybe I want to spend more time with my new friends.
Woah I never thought I would ever call someone my friend. But it feels good to know that there are persons who care about you. Even if I know them less than a week.

Today is Saturday morning and the game starts at 8 am. Today was the first day in a week where I could wake up as usual. It felt like heaven. My alarm clock rang at 6 am. I started to get myself ready and today I went by bike to school. As I reached the gym, the other guys stretched already. I went to them and joined in. When we were all warmed up, the match started.

Kageyama tossed the ball to Shoyo and he hitted it with his palm. I saw how his eyes began to sparkle and his smile got brighter from moment to moment. 'It felt so good, ' he mumbled excited. 'Come on guys, that wasn't really special!' Tsukishima said. 'Guys! Hinata hit the ball with closed eyes!' Daichi yelled. Wait what?! Everybody looked startled at Shoyo. 'Wait! You hitted the ball without even watching?!' Kageyama yelled. 'You said I can trust you and I did! And also it worked, why are you mad?!' the ginger said. 'But who trusts someone 100%?!' Tanaka asked. 'I didn't know what else to do!' Hinata complained. This guy is unbelievable!

The game went further and after about 30 minutes it was over. Tanaka, Kageyama and Shoyo won. I was glad about it, because Kageyama was a great setter and it helped Shoyo to get some confidence on the field.
And Tanaka was just Tanaka. But the best thing was to see Tsukishimas pissed face. At the beginning of the game he teased Kageyama with, 'Oh the great King mimimi'. Lord, this boy is so annoying, but he's not that bad in volleyball. Neither is Yamaguchi..I mean, he's still pretty unconfident, but he's not bad at all.

I saw Shoyos smiling face. I couldn't resist and smiled too. He's so damn cute when he's happy about something. The tangerine saw me and looked straight into my (e/c) eyes. It was like we were alone, but just for a second. I shook my head and gave him a thumbs up. He grinned brighter than before and his cheeks began to get red. As I saw this I blushed too. God dammit! Could I please stop to blush so fast?

Again, Sugawara saw everything. We played some matches as a young man ran into the gym. 'Guys! I got an audition with Aoba Johsai!' he yelled exited. 'Who's this?' I asked Daichi. 'This is our advisor, Takeda, ' he answered. I nodded. 'Woah for real?! THIS IS GREAT!' Shoyo yelled. 'But they've made a condition, ' the he said. 'What is it?' Daichi asked. 'Kageyama has to be the setter, for the whole game'. For real? 'Why would they made such a shitty condition?' Tanaka complained. 'Tanaka! Language!' Suga yelled. 'uhm.. english ?' he answered. His response made me laugh a bit and Tsukishima rolled his eyes. 'I don't know, ' Takeda said and shrugged his shoulders.

Kageyama looked like he saw a ghost. 'Is everything okay?' I asked the setter. He looked up to me, 'Huh? Uhm yes! Everything's fine'. 'Doesn't seem like that,' I replied. 'You know, there's this guy, Tooru Oikawa, the captain of the team. We used to be in the same team in middleschool and he teached me the most things I know, ' he answered. 'Is this a problem for you?' I asked and he shook his head. 'Of course not! We're gonna destroy them!'. I nodded confident.

After practice me and Shoyo walked home. 'Hey! It's only 1p.m! Wanna do something together?' I asked the orange haired boy. 'Yeah, of course, ' he smiled. God he's so cute..NO STOP THIS KIND OF THOUGHTS! He's NOT thinking the same about you!
After a minute of silence I asked with a light smile, 'And what do we wanna do now?'. He looked like he was thinking about it. 'I don't know.. wanna watch a movie?' he asked. 'I'd love to, ' I grinned and his face turned red. 'Looks like I'm not the only one who blushes fast, huh?' I teased. He grumbled and I chuckled a bit about his reaction. 'No need to be grumpy, I think it's cute, ' I said. As I realized what I just said to him, it was my turn to blush and he laughed.

After 10 minutes of teasing each other we arrived the cinema. 'What do you wanna watch?' I asked. 'What about this new action movie! It looks super interesting, don't you think so?'. 'Yeah you're right, ' I said and I bought us two tickets and some snacks. 'Hey wait! Why are you paying for it? It was my idea to watch a movie!' he complained. 'Because I asked you if we wanna do something together. I asked for the date, not you, ' I grinned. WAIT! DID I JUST SAY DATE. 'I-I mean if you want it to be a date! You don't need to! We can just watch the movie as friends, ' I stuttered. 'I think a date sounds good, ' he smiled and I felt myself exhaling in relief. He chuckled at my reaction. 'But after the movie, we go and get some pizza. And then I'll pay!' he shouted. Before I could complain about it, he pulled me in the movie theater.

Sooo Shoyo and (y/n) went on their first date now ;)

If you find some spelling or grammar mistakes just tell me, I'll correct them ^^

Have a nice day :D

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