Chapter 2

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The next day, my alarm clock rang at 6 o'clock in the morning. I let out an annoyed groan and hit the clock with my palm. 'Shut the fuck up, I'm already awake!' I shouted angrily. I sat up and looked at the wall.

After five minutes of staring at the wall, I decided to get up and walked in the bathroom. I looked at the mirror and saw that my (h/c) hair was completely disheveled. I sighed out loud and went unter the shower. The water ran down my body and I just enjoyed the feeling of it. As I was ready I put a towel around my waist and brushed my teeth. The toothbrush was still in mouth as I went back to my room to put on my school uniform, which was black. Again, back in the bathroom I washed my brush and styled my hair as good as possible.

As I went downstairs my mother already waited for me with breakfast and a bentobox for school. I slightly smiled at her. I looked at the clock in our kitchen. 6:30 am. School begins at 8am.

'Good morning Mum,' I said. 'Good morning honey,' she turned around and saw my uniform 'you look so good!'. A light blush covered my cheeks. I hate compliments so much. We ate breakfast together and when we were done it was already 7.10 am.
'I have to go now, please don't be late at school. The first impression is very important,' Mom said and ruffled through my hair. 'Yeah I know Mum, but could you please stop that?'. She laughed. As soon as she left the house I went upstairs to pack my back.

Then I saw the registration formula for the club you want to go to. Fuck I forgot to fill the formular. I began to fill it out and then I looked back at the clock. Urgh it's already 7.25 am. I need to hurry when I want to be in time.

I grabbed my backpack and ran down the stairs. In a hurry I forgot to take my bento box with me.

I reached school at 7.50 am and searched for the gym. After 5 Minutes I finally found it and went inside. It's not that big but it's enough for practicing volleyball. Then I realized, that I was not alone. Right in front of me was a boy with black hair, maybe one or two inches smaller than me. I looked curiously at him an saw how he hitted the ball at the opposite side of the net. Not gonna lie, that was pretty impressive. A few seconds later he recognized me. 'Uhm.. Hey?' he said. 'Hi'. He wanted to say something else but we were interrupted by an excited boy.

Wait! Isn't that the boy from yesterday? So, he's really at the same school as me?
He didn't saw me and looked at the black haired male with big eyes. 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!' he shouted. Do they know each other? 'I remember you! You're the small guy from last year!' the black haired said.

I didn't listened anymore. I just looked at the little ginger and every movement he made. A few seconds later I felt a tap at my shoulder and turned around. There stood three males. One with brown hair and eyes, one with silver /gray hair and hazel eyes and a bald one. 'Hey! Are you here to join the volleyball club?' the brown haired asked. 'ARE YOU?' the bald one shouted. 'I- uhm.. Y-yeah,' I stuttered. 'Hey Tanaka! You're scaring him! Stop that!' the gray haired guy said. 'I'm sorry Sugawara,' he mumbled. The boy with brown hair looked at me 'I'm Daichi, the captain of the team'.

'I'm (l/n) (y/n). ' I said and gave him my registration formula. He smiled and said 'thanks'. I just nodded. Then he looked at the two arguing boys. 'You know them?' Sugawara asked. I shook my head. Then Daichi, Tanaka and Sugawara went to them. I just stood there and watched the scenario. Yep, I was right. This is gonna be interesting. The name of the black haired guy was Kageyama. He and sunnyboy started to argue again and Daichi couldn't calm them down. Then a tiny and chubby man walked in the gym. 'What is going on here?' he asked. 'You know, it's very problematic when the teammembers don't listen to their captain,' he said.

Daichi wanted to answer but in the moment he opened his mouth, a ball hit the conrector straight into the face. Ouch, that must have hurt. I saw how his wig flew through the room and landed on the head of the captain. Tanaka began to laugh and under his breath he said, 'it's not funny guys!'. But he was the one who died because of laughter? Duh. After that, Daichi told Sunnyboy and Kageyama to come back, when they accept that they're mates now, and threw them out of the gym. 'Do you think they'll get that?' I asked him. 'They have to,' Sugawara said and I just nodded.

Sugawara looked at me 'Tell me, (y/n) , how tall are you?'. 'Uhm.. About 6'1, I guess,' I answered him. 'Wow you're pretty tall,' Daichi said. 'Is that why you came to the volleyball club?' Tanaka asked. 'No, I came here cause my therapist said so,' I said, shrugging my shoulders. The other three boys went silent. After about one minute of cringe silence Tanaka said 'I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-'. 'It's alright,' I interrupted him and gave him a slight smile.

'Well, it's pretty late. I think I should go no-'. This time I got interrupted by two guys slamming through the door. 'WE WANT TO SHOW YOU THAT WE CAN PLAY TOGETHER! WE WANT A GAME! TWO AGAINST TWO!' they shouted in union. Tanaka began to laugh, 'are you guys being serious right now?! ahahaha'.

But Daichi agreed. He and two other first years against Tanaka, Kageyama and Sunnyboy. At Saturday morning. Sugawara came to me and asked 'Are you gonna be there?'. I thought about it for a second. 'I mean yeah, why not?' I mumbled more to myself than to Suga. 'Great!' he said and patted my back.

As I took my back, ready to go home I saw Sunnyboy and how he pushed his bike. I walked faster to get to him. 'Hey,' I said. He was startled and jumped slightly to the side. Then he recognized me. 'You're the boy from yesterday, aren't you?' he said with big eyes. 'Yeah,' I smiled, 'I didn't think that I would meet you here'. 'Me neither,' he answered. 'By the way, my name's Hinata Shoyo, but you can call me Shoyo,' he smiled bright. 'Oh uhm, sure. I'm (l/n) (y/n) , but you can also call me just (y/n), ' I said a little bit overwhelmed. He nodded and smiled, 'I like that name'.

Chapter number two uwu
I'm saying it again. My first language isn't english, so if there are some spelling or grammar mistakes, please tell me in the comments ^^
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