Chapter 23

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Good morning,' I mumbled as I walked in the living room and sat down at the couch, next to my mum. 'Good morning! How did you sleep?' she asked and smiled. 'Not good, Shoyo had a restless sleep and kicked me multiple times,' I said and let out a big yawn. Under my eyes were deep dark circles and my eyes were half closed. 'I see.. maybe Shoyo had nightmares or the thing with his mum couldn't let him sleep,' she guessed. 'Yeah, I already thought about that, maybe I should do something with him, that'll distract him from the thoughts about his mother,' I thought out loud. My mum clapped with her hands and smiled, 'that's a good idea! Why don't you go on a date today, huh?'. 'Yeah, sounds like a plan, but what shall we do?' I mumbled.

It was a sunday and 7 am. Shoyo was still sleeping and I thought about making breakfast. '(y/n)? Today I'm going out with a good friend, so the house is yours,' my mum said. 'A good friend, huh?' I asked, smirking a bit. 'Don't be dumb! It's a she,' she said laughing. 'Whoa I didn't know you swing that way,' I chuckled and she threw a shoe at me. 'I was just kidding,' I giggled. 'I know,' she said smiling and left the house. 'See you later!' she shouted and walked away. I closed the door and walked into the kitchen. I opened the fridge. 'What if I make waffles for breakfast? Shoyo loves sweet things,' I mumbled and grabbed everything I needed for them. I placed the stuff on the counter and searched in one of mum's cookbooks for a recipe. After 5 minutes I finally found one. 'Shit, I didn't got eggs, we ate them all yesterday!' I grumbled as I looked into the fridge.
'Looks like I have to go to the grocery store,' I sighed and picked up my shoes.

I ran towards the store as I bumped into someone. 'I'm sorry, I didn't look where I was going,' I apologized and looked at the person in front of me. Isn't that this Oikawa guy? 'Oh no need to worry,' he smiled, 'aren't you that one guy from Karasuno? The one that was talking to a tree as I was flirting with you?'. 'Are you.. being serious right now?!' I asked him, not believing that he'd be that dumb. 'What ever, since we met I wanted you to ask, if we could go on a date?' he smirked and I giggled a bit. 'Listen, I'm flattered, but..' I looked up into his eyes, 'I' m already dating someone'. He looked at me a little startled. 'And who?' he asked, his voice sounded like he wasn't believing me. 'Hinata Shoyo, Karasunos volleyball team, you already played against him, orange hair, hazel eyes and pretty turned up,' I said. 'Ahh this boy, I remember,' he said in thoughts. 'Yeah, it was nice to meet you but I have to go now,' I said, trying to avoid the conversation. 'If you want to, I can help you with the purchase,' he offered and I nodded.

'That's a lot you're buying,' Oikawa said while he carried the purchases. 'Maybe,' I said and shrugged my shoulders. He carried two bags and I had three.
At the way home he tried to flirt with me, but I ignored it. He sighed, 'You're being serious about you and this little boy, don't you?'. 'Of course I am,why wouldn't I?' I asked the older male confused. 'There was never a guy that could resist my charm,' he said confident, a little too confident. 'Okay,' I said plain and Oikawa looked at me with an are-you-being-serious-right-now-face.

'There we are,' I said while putting the groceries on my doorstep and took the bags from Oikawa. 'Well, thank you for helping me, I really appreciate that,' I said with a bored voice. 'Of course sweetie,' he smiled. I rolled my eyes and before I could open the door, Shoyo slammed it open, 'Who are you calling sweetie, great king?!'. Oikawa looked a little shocked and then he looked at me and asked, 'so you guys are already living together?!'. 'Kinda,' I said, shrugging my shouldes. His look switched between me and Shoyo. 'A-alright, see you soon..' Oikawa stumbled and left my front yard. I let out a sigh in relief, 'thanks for saving me'.

'He flirted with you!' Shoyo yelled outraged. 'Uhm yeah, but I didn't flirt back and I told him I'm in a relationship with you,' I said, looking at the angry tangerine. 'Why were you with him?' he asked. 'Are you jealous?' I asked smirking, wrapping my arms around his torso. 'What?! Of course I'm not! Answer now!' he yelled and I chuckled. 'I bumped into him, while walking to the grocery store,' I explained. 'Mhm sure,' he grumbled. 'Oi baby, don't be jealous, okay?' I said in a childish voice and pecked the tip of his nose. He giggled and pushed me away. 'I'm making waffles, alright?' I said smiling and Shoyo nodded.

Shoyo has set the table and putted the waffles on a plate. 'Thank you for the food,' we said in union and began to eat. 'Does it taste good?' I asked the short boy and he mumbled something I couldn't understand. 'Guess that's a yes,' I chuckled and he smiled with full mouth. 'Shoyo, that's disgusting. Swallow down before you open your mouth,' I said and looked disgusted away. He swallowed his waffle and chuckled, 'sorry mum'. We both laughed and ate up our breakfast.

Teach me how to love! (Hinata Shoyo x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now