Chapter 10

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Okay, no need to be nervous. He said he likes you too, so it's fine. I guess? Urgh I HATE feelings. Why are they so complicated?! It just doesn't make any sense.

I was already standing in front of the bus, waiting for the other team members. 'Oi! Hello (y/n)! ' a friendly voice shouted. I looked around and saw how Sugawara was walking up to me. 'Hello Sugawara' I smiled. 'How are you? I mean, because of your head' he asked a bit worried. 'Everything's okay, no need to worry about it' I answered. He nodded and we talked about different things. I accidentally mentioned the awkward situation between me and Shoyo yesterday and he smirked. 'No no! I DIDN'T WANT TO TELL YOU!' I shouted. 'Aww it's okay. I promise I won't tell anyone, but in my opinion, you guys are so cute together' he said. Wait? Wut?

'What do you mean?' I asked. 'Just the looks you guys give each other and how he cares about you. It's pretty easy to tell that you two are in love' he chuckled. 'IN LOVE?! I know him for like two weeks! How am I supposed to fall for someone in TWO weeks?!' I asked the team mum. 'Everything's possible' he smiled. Did I really fall for Shoyo that fast? 'Even if I fell for him, doesn't mean he did too' he looked at me with an are-you-fucking-dumb-face.

Before we could talk any further Daichi and Tanaka came. 'Hey!' Tanaka shouted and waved at us. We waved back.

After 10 minutes everyone, except for Shoyo, was there. 'Where's Hinata?' Kageyama asked me. 'How am I supposed to know?' I asked back. He blinked 'aren't you guys dating?'. 'WHAT!? NO WE'RE NOT!' I yelled. 'Oh sorry, seemed like that' he said plain and turned back to Daichi. What the actual fuck.

'I'm sorry I'm too late guys! I needed to go to the toilet' Shoyo yelled as he arrived the bus. 'Woah Hinata, you look like a corpse!' Sugawara yelled. 'I'm a little bit excited, you know?' he said. 'For real Shoyo, you look fucking ill' I said worried about him. 'I'm fine I promi-' he held back vomiting. 'We really need to go now!' Daichi yelled. We went into the bus and I carried Shoyo on a seat. 'Are you alright?' I asked. He nodded and looked at the ground. I sat next to him and laid an arm around him.

'You look pretty exhausted, try to sleep a bit' I mumbled in his fluffy hair as I laid down my head on his. He cuddled up to my chest and enjoyed my touches. He nodded and closed his eyes. I did the same, still holding him tight. 'Sure you guys aren't dating?' Kageyama whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes. 'Not really, I'm working on asking him out' I said in a low voice, trying not to wake up the little tangerine in my arms. He smiled and as I looked behind him I saw Sugawara smirking too. 'Oh lord, please save me' I mumbled.

'Are you guys yaoi fan girls or what?' I asked a raised my eyebrow. 'Huh? What is yaoi?' Tanaka asked. 'Nevermind, would take too much time to explain' I said and yawned. I laid my head back on Shoyo's and took his hand in mine. I heard a satisfied mumbling and smiled a bit. We were sitting like that for the rest of the drive.

I didn't really fell asleep, I just daydreamed. And then I heard a 'CLICK'. I opened my eyes and saw Sugawara and Kageyama smiling. I rolled my eyes and checked at my phone. Tobio already send me the picture he took a few seconds ago. I looked at them. Not gonna lie, it was pretty cute. Shoyo was pretty cute. I smiled down at my phone as I heard Shoyos voice. 'Wanna send me the picture too?' he asked, smirking a bit. I blushed and nodded.

I looked from my phone to Shoyo's and saw how he took the pic as home screen. 'Oi, you're cute' I said chuckling. He blushed and pressed his phone against his chest. 'You - You're such an idiot' he yelled as red as a tomato. 'Same for you' I laughed.

'We're there!' the coach yelled and we all stood up. 'Still nervous? ' I asked and the healthy looking boy started to become pale again. Shit. I shouldn't have reminded him. I took his hand again and smiled. 'Shoyo, you're one of the best, and most impressive volleyball players I've ever seen. Just because this is your first game against an other team, doesn't mean you won't be as great as always'. He blushed deep at my words but nooded. He became a little bit more confident but was still pale.

'Oi Kageyama! Are you still such a selfish player?' one of the other players from Aoba Johsai teases. Kageyama just ignored them. 'Seems like that' the weird haired boy said. 'You better watch your mouth' I grumbled. He looked at me. 'Did you say something?' he asked, trying to provoke me. And it worked. 'I think you understood me, dumbass!' I said a little louder. 'Oh so you're trying to mess with me, huh?' he asked. 'I'm not trying, I am' I answered with a smirk. Before we could argue any longer Daichi appeared. 'That's enough (y/n)! Apologize!' he prompted. 'Why should I apologize? He started!' I complained. 'You're so childish' the Aoba Johsai boy said. 'You want me to hit you, don't you?' I asked and glared at him. As he looked into my (e/c) eyes, something in his expression changed. 'You know what, nevermind. Sorry' he said and walked away. What was that?

Daichi hitted the back of my head. 'What did you think?' he asked and I apologized to him.
'Why did you do that?' Kageyama asked as the captain walked away. 'Cause we friends, I guess' I said uncertain. He smiled and gave me a pet on the shoulder ' You're right'. 'Boy you're smile is scary' I said. 'WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!' he yelled and I ran away, him chasing after me.

It there are some spelling or grammar mistakes, please tell me so I can correct them :))

Thank you for reading, have a nice day ^^

Teach me how to love! (Hinata Shoyo x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now