Chapter 9

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The next day I went to practice, just to tell them, that I'm not allowed to play volleyball for the next week. The nurse said I've got a concussion.

I walked into the gym and the first one who saw me was Tsukishima. 'Ah Hello Unicorn, how are you' he asked with a smirk. 'Shut up four eyes' I said and went to Daichi. 'How's your head?' he asked. 'Fine, but I'm not allowed to play volleyball for the rest of the week cause I've got a concussion' I answered.
'Seriously?!' Shoyo yelled as he heard what I said. 'Tomorrow is our game against Aoba Johsai! How are we supposed to win without you?' he said and Suga nodded in agreement.

'I'm sure you guys gonna get this' I smiled. 'And also, I'll come with you! I want to see you guys play and win! And of course I'll cheer for you' I said grinning. 'Are you gonna wear a cheerleader costume?' Tsukishima asked sarcastically. I smirked a bit and answered 'Just for you honey'. He looked a bit disturbed and went back to practice.

'Are you staying for practice?' the ginger asked. 'Yeah, I mean, somebody needs to walk me home. How else am I supposed to find the way? ' I said seriously. His cheeks were covered by a blush but he began to laugh, and then he also went back.

I was just sitting there, watching them training. Urgh this sucks.. I want to play too. I've got too much energy that I need to let out.
After about an hour, Daichi yelled 'Okay guys! That's it for today! Please be on time tomorrow'. And with that the other boys walked out of the gym to change their clothes and maybe take a shower.

I was waiting for Shoyo as Tsukki and Yamaguchi appeared in front of me. I moaned in annoyance . 'What do you guys want?' I asked. 'You know, you pretty suck' Tsukishima said. 'And?' I asked again. 'You probably should stop playing volleyball. And also, you have to take care of your pretty head' he said. 'Thanks for your advice, and also, I know that I'm beautiful' I teased back. 'Pfft don't be so confident, you're just a little sucker' he said angrily. 'Bro, you're maybe an inch taller' I smiled. I recognized how provoked he was. He was about to leave and Yamaguchi just stood there, not knowing what to say or do. 'Oi, you forgot your puppy!' I yelled after him. He grumbled and they left as Yamaguchi ran after him. Finally. 'What was that?' Shoyo asked as he walked towards me. 'Uhm.. You know, just-' I stuttered. 'You love to mess with others, don't you?' Sunnyboy asked. 'To be honest, yes. It's pretty fun' I said and he rolled his eyes but chuckled a bit. 'You are incorrigible' he said. 'Maybe I am' I sighed.

We walked home together in silence. I just looked at him. His messy, orange hair, his hazel eyes, his light skin and his height which is pretty cute. Everything about him was just perfect. He's cute, he's kind, sometimes pretty annoying and loud, but I don't care about it. 'Is everything okay?' Shoyo asked and stopped walking. I did the same and looked down at him. 'Yeah, why?' I asked. My face began to heat. 'You were staring at me' he said. 'Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to' I said nervously and scratched the back of my head. 'You know, you're cute when you're blushing' the tangerine chuckled. 'You're blushing too' I said and he covered his cheeks. I laughed a bit at his actions.

'I-I wanted to ask you something' Shoyo said and looked straight into my eyes. 'What is it?' I asked kinda nervous, not knowing what he wanted to talk about. 'On Saturday we had a date, right?' he asked. 'Y-Yeah, why?' I stuttered unsettled. 'I would like to repeat that' he shouted. I let out a relieved breath.
'Yeah me too' I smiled and he looked a bit shocked. 'Look, Shoyo, I have to admit that I like you. Maybe more than I should. And maybe I shouldn't tell you yet' I said and looked at the ground. 'I- I like you too' he said and blushed.

I didn't recognized that we were standing right in front of my house. 'Since when are we at my home?' I asked myself. He laughed and said 'That's why I stopped walking'. 'Oh'.

'Okay then, I see you tomorrow' I smiled. 'Yeah..' he said and looked a bit awkward. 'Everything okay?' I asked. 'I'm kinda nervous because of tomorrow.. and.. and I don't know what to do know, because I've never liked someone like that' he panicked.

'You're too cute' I smiled and kissed his cheek. He instantly turned as red as a tomato. I chuckled 'bye'. As I walked into the house I looked out of the window and saw how Shoyo panicked. He jumped around and didn't know what to do. I knocked at the window and he saw me. As he realized that I saw everything he ran away and I couldn't resist and began to laugh.

'Are you okay?' Mum asked as she walked up to me. I didn't realized she was there and screamed. 'Geez you scared the shit out of me' I mumbled. 'Why were you laughing?' she asked amused. I told her what happened and she also began to jump around. 'DOES THAT MEAN YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND NOW?!' she yelled. 'I don't know, we didn't talk about that' I said. 'WHAT?!' she yelled startled.
'You ask him tomorrow!' she said. 'Mum I-' 'No ARGUE!' she shouted and left the living room.

Wtf my mum is secretly a yaoi fan girl.
And with that I went upstairs and started to do my homework.

If you find some spelling or grammar mistakes, please tell me so I can fix them. :))

I hope you had fun reading. Have a nice day! ^^

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