Chapter 30

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'Urgh, my back hurts so much,' I heard Shoyo whine and I slowly opened my eyes. He sat at the edge of my bed and held his back. I growled and sat up, 'is everything okay?'. He turned around and looked at me in annoyance, 'no, my fucking back hurts and I can't stay up straight'. 'Oh,' I mumbled, still half asleep. 'Why is that? Last time your back or something like that didn't hurt, did it?' I asked a bit worried and stood up to get a bottle of water for him. 'No, nothing was wrong,' he whined as he walked behind me. 'Then what was different this time?' I asked and he growled a bit. 'Maybe it's because you were to rough this time,' he hissed and I bit my tongue. 'Why don't you say something?!' I asked and turned around, looking at him with big eyes. 'Because.. it felt so good at the moment,' he whined and I smirked a bit.

'I never wanted to know anything about your love life,' my mum said behind us and slurped at her coffee. I turned around with burning cheeks, 's-sorry I didn't noticed you'. 'Me neither,' Shoyo said in an apologizing voice. 'It's alright,' she said, stood up and walked to the cupboard. 'Here take these, they'll help against the pain,' she sighed and handed a small packet of painkillers to the short boy. 'Thank you,' he smiled, still blushing and my mum nodded satisfied. I handed my boyfriend a bottle of water and he took the pill.

'When do have to be at the gym?' Shoyo asked as we ate our breakfast. 'At 12 am, and now it is.. ,' I turned around and looked at the clock, '10 am'. I looked back at Shoyo and he nodded, chewing his cereals. 'You feel better now?' I asked the ginger in front of me. He stood up from his chair and walked a few steps and smiled, 'yeah, it feels better now'. 'Okay good,' I smiled back and he hugged me from behind. I kissed his cheek and stood up to put the dishes in the dishwasher. We walked upstairs to my room and changed. 'Can I have one of your shirts?' Shoyo asked and I threw a (f/c) colored shirt at him. He giggled and putted it on and I admired his small frame. He turned around and smirked at me, 'You can't help yourself, right? I always have to stare, don't you?'. 'I mean, have you ever looked at yourself? You're cute and hot at the same time,' I smiled and he blushed a bit. 'I love you too,' he mumbled and I chuckled.

We packed our bags and my mum drove us to the gym, 'thanks mum!'. 'Thank you (your mother's first name)!', Shoyo said and she smiled. 'Have fun and win this game, alright?' she said while giving us a thumbs up. 'Yeah,' we both smiled and she drove away. We walked into the gym, where our team was already waiting for us. 'Hello,' we greeted the team and they waved at us. 'Alright guys, at first, we'll run five rounds and the we're gonna stretch,' Daichi shouted and and we began to run.

'Ah (y/n)! Today we play against each other! By the way, you look stunning ,' a voice singsang behind us while we were stretching . Me and Shoyo turned around and faced Oikawa. 'Yeah, I know' I said while shrugging my shoulders. 'Aw (n/n), you're always so emotionally cold,' he cried and I gave him an annoyed face. 'Why should I show my feelings to you?' I asked and he whined. 'You also opened up to Chibi-chan,' he said sulking. 'Chibi-chan?' me and my boyfriend asked confused and the tall male in front of us pointed at Shoyo. 'Ah, yeah, because he's my boyfriend,' I said and looked at him with blank eyes. 'Y'know I could be your boyfriend, right?' he said, wiggling his eyebrows. 'Yeah, no. Forget that. I'm pretty happy with him,' I said and walked past him. He grabbed me at my sleeve and turned me around, his face was maybe two inches apart from mine and he smirked. 'What?' I asked and he stared into my (e/c) eyes. 'You know I could give you so much more than he does,' Oikawa smiled. 'You sure bout that?' I asked and he nodded. 'You know what,  alright, show me what you got,' I said and waited for what he's gonna do now. Shoyo looked at me with big eyes, 'are you being serious right now?'. 'Shht, just wait and see,' I smirked and looked at Oikawa.

The captain of Aoba Johsai grabbed a ball and served it almost perfectly. Shoyo looked at him open mouthed and big eyed. 'That's the power of the great king,' Shoyo mumbled and I looked a little impressed at him. I whistled and he walked back towards us, 'See? I'm much better tha-'. He was interrupted by a ball hitting the back of his head, 'HEY TRASHYKAWA, CONCENTRATE ON OUR WARM UP AND STOP BOTHERING (Y/N)'. Oikawa turned around and whined, 'Iwa-chan, you're so mean!'. Iwaizumi sighed and walked towards us, 'I'm sorry for his behavior, he's such a pain in the ass'. 'It's alright,' I chuckled, 'I knew you would do something like this'.
He raised an eyebrow and then chuckled, 'alright, see you later'. I nodded and turned back around to Shoyo.

'How could you know that Iwaizumi would do something like this?' the tangerine asked. 'I saw Iwaizumis tensed look as he saw Oikawa bothering us, and the last time you guys played against each other I saw how Iwaizumi yelled at him. It was kinda obvious that he would react like that,' I laughed a bit and Shoyo nodded, so I guess he understood what I mean. 'Alright guys, time to line up!' Daichi yelled and we walked to the edge of the court. 'Have a good game!' we all yelled in union and then we went to our positions. 'Let's go!' Tanaka yelled and Kageyama served the first ball.

So the next chapter is probably gonna be the last one. :)
I wanted to thank you guys for 1k reads.

I guess soon I'll begin to write a new book :)

Alright, thank you for reading and have a nice day :D

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