Chapter 27

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'Sendai City Gymnasium,' I read out loud as our team stood in front of the big gym. 'Our first tournament in high school!' Shoyo shouted excited and jumped around. 'Calm down,' I said, putting my hand on his head. 'Let's go!' Daichi said and walked in and the team followed him.
I hears two guys talking, 'Karasuno? They've got a pretty uncool nickname.. I think it was 'the crow that can't fly'. The other dude chuckled and our team stopped in front of them. Everybody looked at them with a dead glare, but I can say mine and Kageyama was the scariest. That's what I call years of training.
One of them turned around and as he saw us, he mumbled something to his friend.

'What did I just hear? We can't fly, huh? ' Tanaka asked and slipped himself between the two guys. Daichi pulled him back by the collar, 'stop that and come with me!' then he turned around to the unknown boys, 'I'm sorry'. 'I-it's okay,' one of them stuttered.

We walked through the entrance and everybody looked at us. 'What the fuck,' I mumbled and Shoyo took my hand. I guess he was nervous or something or maybe scared because everyone looked in our direction. I just ignored the looks and stared straight ahead. A few people mumbled something like, 'they're just dressed black' or 'one of them doesn't even look like a highschooler'. Do they mean Asahi? 'Isn't that Asahi Asumane from Karasuno?!' one guy shouted. Yep, they mean our big cry baby. 'Did you never hear of him? He used Kitaro students to beat up others! Also, he sells drugs on the streets!' another dude mumbled. 'Bullshit,' I said and the two boys who were talking about Asahi looked at me. I send them a death glare and they quickly turned around.

A lot of boys stared at Kiyoko and it seemed like Nishinoya and Tanaka weren't happy about that. They 'protected' her by surrounding her, ready to attack everyone who's tying to talk to her. She hitted them with a clipboard and walked away. Now, a few boys talked about our libero and then about Kageyama. Bruh, that's so fucking annoying.
'Do you know something about him? Is he also special?' a boy said and pointed at Shoyo. 'I have no clue who that could be,' the other male said and I turned around. 'Wh-what about him?' he stuttered to his friend. 'I don't know but he's fucking scary, we should go back to our t-team,' his friend responded and they quickly turned around.

We walked into a big room, where all the other teams were. I wanted to say something to Shoyo, but when I turned around, he wasn't there. I looked around and saw him talking another team.' I'm not gonna lose against you!' he said and I dragged him with me by his collar. 'You should really calm down and stop messing with everyone,' I said, 'and I always thought, that I'm the problem child'.

We walked to the sports hall and stopped in front of it. 'The gym is so big! It smells like pain and fame!' Shoyo yelled. 'What the fuck is he talking about?' Kageyama asked me. 'I wish I'd know,' I mumbled back. And then a team, full of big guys walked towards us. Everyone, except for the first year's, seemed tensed. I walked a step forwards and looked at their jacket, 'ahh that's Datekou'. A big guy with wite hair pointed ant Asahi, and our ace just stood there. 'What do you want from him?' Nishinoya asked but Asahi held him back. Wow I've never seen him so confident. The white haired boy and Asahi stared into each others eyes. Then a guy ran towards us 'STOP THAT! I'M SO SORRY!'. 'It's alright,' Daichi said. 'I'm sorry, but when he recognizes an ace, he is targeting it,' an other boy from Datekou said and tried to drag down his arm.
After they walked away Asahi had a mental breakdown. He can't deal with stress.

We all began to stretch and I noticed how tensed Shoyo was. I sighed, 'you good?'. 'I have Fage Stright!' he yelled, staring into nothing. 'You have what?!' Kageyama asked. 'I think he meant Stage Fright,' Sugawara said and the tangerine nodded voiently. Why am I dating him again? 'I bet you're scared because of Datekou, right?' Nishinoya asked him. 'No, you're absolutely right! I'm totally tensed!' Shoyo panicked. '(y/n), could you please do something to calm him down?' Sugawara asked. I sighed and kneeled down. I placed two fingers under his chin, forcing him to look at me.

He stared into my eyes and I slapped him. A few team members gasped and I looked at Shoyo, 'better?'. 'YOU COULD HAVE JUST KISSED ME!' he yelled, holding his cheek. 'Sorry, but now you're not nervous anymore,' I said and stood up. 'Now Asahi,' I said and walked towards him. 'NO NO YOU REALLY DON'T HAVE TO DO TH-' he shouted nervously and I interrupted him with a slap. 'Better?' I asked and looked  at him. 'Yeah, thank you,' he said with tears in the eyes.

'We have to line up now!' Daichi yelled and we walked into the gym. 'We're gonna win this,' Shoyo said and I nodded determined.

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