Chapter 12

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'Hey guys, wake up! We're home!' a voice shouted and I opened my eyes. 'Sugawara?' I asked. 'Yeah! Get up now, we're back,' he said. I looked out of the window and saw that we were standing in front of Karasunos entrance. 'Hey Shoyo,' I said, shaking the sleeping boy on my shoulder. He hummed tired. 'We're home, get up!' I said, shaking him more violenty. 'I'm up!' he shouted and looked annoyed at me.

'C'mon guys, we need to get out of the bus!' Suga said with a light smile. We both nodded and got up. We walked to our bikes. 'It's pretty late, why don't you stay over at my place for tonight?' I asked the short boy. He looked at me with tired eyes, 'Yeah, sure.. Sounds good'. 'Nice,' I said smiling, 'but call your mom so she won't worry about you'. He did what I told him and I texted my mother, asking if it was okay that Shoyo's gonna stay for the night .
'My mum said it's fine,' Shoyo told me. 'Same with my mother, she said it's alright,' I said smiling.

We arrived my house. 'We put our bikes in the shed. Come with me!' I said and Shoyo followed me silent. I opened the shed and putted my bike in it first. Then Shoyo gave me his. I locked the little house up and we walked to the front door.
'Come in,' I said and the ginger took of his shoes. 'We're home!' I shouted through the house. 'Welcome back!' my mum yelled. 'Dinner's in the fridge,' she said smiling as she walked towards us. 'Hello Mrs (l/n),' Shoyo said smiling and shook her hand. 'Ah Hello Shoyo, nice to meet you!' she said happily and it seemed like she was also a little excited.

Me and Shoyo putted the food in the microwave and began to eat in silence. 'Is everything okay?' I asked the boy in front of me. 'Huh? Yeah I'm just tired,' he answered and I smiled at him.
After dinner we went upstairs. 'Wanna take a shower?' I asked and he nodded. 'Wait, I'll get you a towel,' I said and went to my closet. 'Thank you,' he said sarcastically as I threw it in his face. I giggled a bit and showed him the bathroom.

After about 20 Minutes he came back. '(y/n)?' he asked and I looked up from my phone. He stood there shirtless, just the towel around his small waist. Fuck I'm getting nosebleed. His body was not very muscular, but he got a light sixpack. And his biceps was also not bad. I could also see a little part of his thighs which looked pretty good. And his calves... Oh my god.

'Hey (y/n)!' Shoyo said in a loud voice. 'Huh?' I looked at him a bit confused. 'I asked if you have some clothes for me,' he said, giggling because I was staring. 'Sure,' I answered as calm as I could. I gave him a (f/c) hoodie, a shorts and a pair of boxershorts. 'Thank you,' he mumbled with a red blush on his cheeks, walking back into the bathroom to change. As he left I let out a breath in relief. Damn this boy is so good looking. I noticed that something other than my brain was thinking the same thing. You've gotta be kidding me..
As Shoyo came back I rushly covered my boner. 'I-I'm also gonna take a shower,' I stuttered and he nodded.

I ran into the shower and looked down at my muscular body. 'Your timing is terrible! We didn't even saw him naked you little pervert,' I mumbled.
Well, I guess I have to do what has to be done.

After the shower I went back to my bedroom, just in shorts. My mother stopped me in the floor. '(y/n), I know boys can't get pregnant, but if you two are going to have Sex, please use protection,' she said in a calm voice. 'What the fuck mum! We're not going to have sex! He isn't even my boyfriend,' I whispered angrily. 'Hold up! I thought I told you to ask him today!' she said. 'Mum could you please talk a little quieter?' I asked. She sighed, 'sure but please just ask him. It's obvious that he likes you too!'. 'Fine, I just need some time, okay?' I asked and she nodded.
Damn, why does she want me to have a boyfriend?

I opened the door to my room and saw how Shoyo was sitting on my bed, looking at his phone. He was wearing my hoodie and looked so fucking cute in it. The shorts went up to his knees.
He's so fucking adorable.

Shoyo noticed me, '(y/n)?'. 'Yeah?' I asked. 'Where am I going to sleep?' the ginger asked. 'I don't know, I thought you would sleep with me in my bed,' I said, shrugging my shoulders. He began to blush as he realized that I was shirtless, 'yeah that sounds good!'
'Should I wear a shirt? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable,' I said as I stood in front of him. 'No it's fine..why are you so hot?' he asked and then he realized what he just said. 'I'M SORRY, I DIDN'T MEANT TO-,' 'It's alright. Not gonna lie, you're hot too,' I said blushing. His face was red and we both didn't know what to do now, so I just lay down.

We both talked a little about everything. About school, our team, the game against Aoba Johsai today and about some personal stuff.
' (y/n)?' the short boy next to me asked. 'Yeah?' I responded. 'I know it's pretty obvious, but I'm not sure yet..are you- are you gay?' he asked. Okay, I didn't expect that. I mean, it is obvious, but I never said that I was. 'Uhm, yeah,' I responded kinda nervous. 'Okay,' he said. We both were quiet for a minute or two. 'What about you?' I asked. 'I mean.. I never fell in love before, but it seems like I am,' he stuttered. 'Did you just say, that you fell in love with me?' I asked to tease him.

He sighed, 'I don't know.. I really enjoy your company, I love spending time with ya and everytime when you're around I just feel so.. so WUSH and WAM, y'know?'. 'Yeah I think I know what you mean, I feel the same,' I said, smiling slightly.

I turned around to him and looked in his hazel eyes. 'I love your eyes,' I said, blushing light. It feels like I'm getting lost when I look into them. 'Thank you..,' he muttered as he came closer.
I could feel his hot breath on my (s/c) skin. His eyes looked at my lips and I just looked at him. I gently pulled him closer at his waist and he squeaked a bit. His hands clasped at the back of my neck. 'Shoyo..' I mumbled. 'What?' he asked. 'Can I kiss you?' I asked in a trance because of his smell.

Yeah, I know that I'm mean :)

If you find some spelling or grammar mistakes, please tell me so I can correct them.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day ^^

Teach me how to love! (Hinata Shoyo x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now