Chapter 24

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I sat on the couch, reading a book and Shoyo's head laid on my lap. He was playing something on his phone. I stroke through his hair and we enjoyed each other's company. The tangerine sighed out loud. 'Is everything okay?' I asked as I looked up from my book. 'I'M SOOO BORED!' Shoyo whined and I giggled. 'Shall we go to town?' I proposed and Shoyo looked like he was thinking about it. A few moments later he answered, 'yeah sure, why not? I'm hungry, can we get something to eat?'. 'But..but we ate two hours ago,' I stumbled in disbelief. How can he be hungry again? 'So?' he looked up to me and I laughed a bit. 'Alright let's go!' I said and he jumped up fromm my lap. When he pushed himself up with his elbows, one of them slipped into my balls.

I inhaled sharply and oppressed a scream. My face went red and a few tears formed in my eyes. '(Y-Y/N)! OH MY GOD! I-I'M SO SO SO SO SORRY! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!' Shoyo yelled. 'I-I'm f-fine..' I stumbled and a tear left my eye. 'I'LL GET YOU A COOL PACK!' the short boy began to panic. I would laugh about his awkwardness but the pain is too big. He came back with the cool pack in his hand and slammed it between my legs. I cried out as a new wave of pain swept through my body, 'SHOYO YOU FUCKING IDIOT!'. He began to panic again, 'I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sor-'. I interrupted him by dragging my hands against his lips, 'Please, shut up, just for one minute'.

Tears formed in his eyes and I looked a little shocked at him, 'why are you crying?'. 'Because you hate me now! I've hurt you!', he sobbed. 'I-I don't hate you, I'm just in suffering pain,' I smiled, or at least I tried to. 'You still love me?' he asked. 'Of course I do! Dumbass!' I yelled. He sobbed and I hugged him while I dragged my nails into his back.

A few minutes later, the pain disappeared and I loose my grab around Shoyo. I gave him a kiss and we both relaxed again. 'You still want to go into town?' Shoyo asked and I nodded.
We slipped into our shoes and walked out of the door frame. I intertwined our fingers and we walked to the mall. 'Whatcha wanna eat?' I asked the short boy and he looked around. 'Uhm, what about sushi?' he asked smirking, well knowing that I won't deny it. My eyes began to sparkle and I nodded voiently, 'SUSHI'. He smiled and I pulled him with me by his sleeve. He chuckled a bit.

We made our order and Shoyo payed the man behind the counter while I sat down excited. 'How can someone love sushi as much as you do. It seems like you love it more than me,' Shoyo said while sitting down. 'Because I do,' I said plain and Shoyo looked at me, open mouthed. 'For real?' he asked. 'Huh? Yeah. Sushi looks good, it tastes amazing, well it smells but it's still tasty,' I said, ''s just like you! Nevermind I love you both'. Shoyo looked kinda offended, 'I smell?'. 'Yeah,' I answered plain. He wrinkled his nose, 'and what do you mean with 'taste amazing', huh?'. I smirked and looked directly into his hazel eyes, 'You know exactly what I mean'.
His face went red and I chuckled.
Our number was called and I jumped up to get the sushi. As I came back I separated the chopsticks and took the first bite. I'm simping for sushi.

'Wanna go shopping now?' I asked orange haired boy. A strand of my (h/c) hair hung on my face and I blew it away. 'Sure, I still need some swimming trunks and a few shirts,' he said. 'Yeah me too. Then I'll have more clothings you can wear and steal from me,' I chuckled and he did too.

We bought a lot of things and and walked back home. 'Wanna go to the park? There's a lake and the sunset is pretty beautiful there' I suggested and my boyfriend nodded. 'I'd love to' he smiled and we jogged to the park since it's just one or two kilometers away.

Sorry, I didn't have any motivation for today, that's why this chapter is so short.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day! :))

If you find some spelling or grammar mistakes, please let me know so I can correct them.

Teach me how to love! (Hinata Shoyo x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now