Chapter 31

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In the third set it was 31 to 32 for Aoba Johsai. I stood next to Sugawara and we both watched the game tensed up. We were cornered and at the last moment, Kageyama  setted the ball to Shoyo and he jumped as high as he could, convinced that he will bring us back to a tie. But then, out of nowhere a three man block appeared in front of him. Shoyo hitted the ball with his palm as strong as he could, but he got blocked. Before the ball could fall down on our side of the court, Kageyama, Asahi and Nishinoya tried to receive it. But it was to late, the ball touched the ground and Aoba Johsai got another point. Now it was 33 to 31, and Seijoh won the match.

Shoyo and Kageyama crouched on the ground and I walked towards them, 'Shoyo, Kageyama.. We have to line up'. The orange haired boy turned around and looked at me with teary eyes, 'I'm sorry'. I reached for his hand and tried to smile as good as possible, 'you don't have to apologize, it wasn't your fault. You were amazing out there'. He took my hand and we walked to the edge of the court. 'Thank you for the good game!' both of our teams shouted in union. We walked up to the net to shake our hands. In front of me stood Iwaizumi and then he grabbed for my hand and smiled lightly, 'you guys did a good job out there'. 'Thank you, you too. But next time, we'll beat you,' I said with watering eyes and he chuckled a bit. 'I can't wait for that day,' then he turned around and walked away. We walked past Seijoh, our eyes pinned at the ground, not able to look anyone in the eyes. We were disappointed. Not in our team, rather in ourselves.

'Line up!' Daichi yelled with a trembling voice. We stood in front of the people who cheered at us. 'Thank you!' we all shouted and they began to clap their hands. 'You guys did amazing!' one of coach Ukais team mates yelled and I smiled slightly. I looked up and saw a few more people than expected, who cheered at us. I mean, they were way less than the amount of people who cheered at Seijoh, but still more than expected. We walked to Ukai and Takeda. 'We pack up, the next team warms up immediately. We then cool off above or outside,' caoch Ukai said and we nodded. 'Seijoh will be playing the quarter-finals shortly, it's gonna be hard for them,' the coach mumbled and we walked out of the gym. I put my head under a tap to cool off a bit. Kageyama did the same thing and Shoyo was right behind us. 'The meeting starts soon,' Shoyo said in a quiet voice. We turned of the tap and Kageyama looked at us, 'I'm sorry. They had totally seen through the last attack'. Kageyama walked away and I looked down at my boyfriend. It looked like he was about too explode or something and the he ran towards our setter and pinned him on the ground , ' DON'T APOLOGIZE! DON'T ACT LIKE IT WAS A MISTAKE THAT YOU PLAYED THE Ball TO ME!'. I looked startled at the scenario, not knowing what to do.

'Hey guys, the meeting begins in a few minutes,' a friendly voice said and we all turned towards the direction the voice came from. There was Takeda with a small smile on his lips. 'You did a great job today be proud of yourself,' he said and his smile got brighter. Shoyo and Kageyama looked at the ground, still sitting on a meadow. 'B-but we lost,' Shoyo mumbled and I looked back at Takeda. 'Yeah, unfortunately you have, but you've learned a lot, right?' he asked, still smiling and I nodded. 'Yeah, and next time, we'll beat their asses,' I said in a strong voice. Shoyo and Kageyama looked at me but then they agreed. 'That's what I wanted to hear, but we have to go now, c'mon,' the teacher said and we walked behind him.

We walked out of the building and Ukai turned towards us, 'alright, let's go eat something, I pay of course'. We looked at him a little perplexed. 'Uhm.. Eat something?' Daichi asked confused and Ukai nodded. We walked into a small restaurant that was run by an old lady.
We sat in front of the table and stared at the food in front of us. 'Thanks for already letting us in,' Ukai thanked the old lady and she smiled, 'Nothing to thank for. It is rare that I can serve so many young men'. The blond coach smiled and turned towards us, 'With such a long and intense game, you put a lot of strain on your muscles. That's the way it is. Good nutrition is important for regeneration. This not only prevents injuries, but also gives you new strength. And you will definitely need it. So eat! Good and healthy stuff!'.

We spoke our prayers and began to eat.
We all began to shove the food into our mouth. The most of us began to cry. A lot of tears fell down Shoyo's cheeks and I gently swiped them away. I didn't let any tear left my eye, because I have to be strong for Shoyo now. He looked at me and swallowed the rest of the rice that was in his mouth. He pulled me into an embrace and began to cry in my shirt. I stroked his hair and my hand ran up and down his back. 'It's alright baby, I'm here,' I whispered into his ear and his grab around my shoulder got stronger. I gently kissed his temple and he chuckled a bit. 'I love you..' he sobbed and looked at me. I put my hands on his cheeks and squeezed them lightly, 'I love you too'. Then I gave him a peck on his lips, 'forever'. He smiled and we both ate further.

So, that's it. That's the end of my book 'teach me how to love!'.
Thank you to everyone who read and/or voted for it.

I hope you guys liked it, cause I think it's shit. ^^'

Maybe I'll write an epilog but I have to think about it xD

Alright, thank you for reading and have a nice day. I hope you'll read my next book if I write one :))

Teach me how to love! (Hinata Shoyo x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now