Chapter 8

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The next day was pretty boring until lunch break. 'C'mon, you know you like me too!' Kaya yelled through the whole hallway while I tried to escape. 'You shithead! Why can't you just admit that I fucking hate you!' I yelled back while she ran after me. Some students gasped as they heard how I talked to a girl. Well, I don't give a shitty fuck about her being a girl. Just because her being her doesn't mean I won't treat her like every other person.

I tried to go away from her but she kept following me around. As she lost me for a moment, I went to a corner where nobody else was, hoping she wouldn't find me there. I sighed out loud but a few seconds later I saw her again running towards me. Ah Shit. 'Ahh I see the game you play! At first you're trying to run away so I can chase you, and then we go to lonely corner where nobody else can see us' she smirked. I was disgusted by her guess and suggested vomiting. 'Stop that' she laughed 'You know you want me'. I wanted to yell that I'm, obviously, gay but I wasn't ready to come out yet. She placed her hands on my chest and I was looking for a way to escape.

I'm sorry Kaya, no I'm not, but there's no other way to keep you away from me. I've already hinted to hit her, as she was pulled away from me. She screamed as she fell on the ground. I looked at the boy in front of me. 'Fuck off' he yelled and she ran away. 'Wtf Shoyo, why did you do this?' I asked the short boy. 'Because, you wanted to hit her, you could've just pushed her away! And also I don't want you to get in trouble!' he said angrily. 'What did you think? You look like a furious beast!' he said. And then I realized that I was sweating, my face red from anger and my fists shaking.

'Look, I.. I'm sorry' I mumbled and tried to avoid his glance. He sighed out loud. 'And I thought you're the intelligent one' he smiled light. I looked surprised at him. 'Calm down now' he said low. 'I'm trying' I pressed out. He just looked at me and then he pulled me into a hug. He laid his arms around my waist and rested his head on my chest. I hugged him back and pulled him tighter. We just stood there for a few minutes. I really enjoyed his warmth. 'Better?' he asked, mumbling in my chest. 'yeah' I whispered back. I could feel how he smiled and then we released our embrace. 'Thank you' I said, smiling down at him and he just nodded.

'By the way, what happened to your head?' the ginger asked and pointed on my forehead. 'Uhm.. I ran into a lamppost..' I mumbled. 'YOU DID WHAT?!' Shoyo shouted and began to burst into teast because of laughter. 'You heard me' I grumbled and he continued laughing.

'We should go back now' I said as he calmed down. He looked at me while I was walking away. I stopped and turned around to him. 'Are you coming?' I asked. He looked at the ground, his face red and he began to mutter. 'Uhm.. About- About saturday'. I thought about Saturday and began to blush. 'Wh- What is it?' I asked. 'So, before your mum- ahh.. You know what! Nevermind' he shouted and ran away. What the hell? Wanted he to talk about our almost-kiss? Wanted he to say that it was a mistake?!

Okay calm down again! He would've pushed me away if he didn't want it. I went back to the school building. Some people looked at me with a weird face. I don't know how to describe it. It was kinda shocked? Angry? Disappointed? I don't know and I don't care. I gave them a glance and they looked away. I sat down at my desk and waited for the next lesson to begin.

'You're staring' Sugawara said while I was looking at Shoyo during practice. 'What? No I'm not' I said, loud enough for Sunnyboy to hear it. He looked over a little bit confused but turned back to Kageyama. 'I don't know what to do' I sighed. 'What do you mean?' Suga asked while he played the ball to me. 'I'm confused, why are you guys so nice to me' I said, playing back. The gray haired boy catches the ball and looked at me. 'Because you're our friend' he smiled. 'You think about me as a friend' I asked the setter and he nodded. 'Of course' he said like it was normal and played the ball towards me. 'Why?' I asked while taking it and playing back. 'Because you're kind. You're such a likeable person. And your awkwardness is really cute' he chuckled.

I was so distracted by his compliments that I didn't pay attention to the volleyball and it hitted my bump. 'Shit!' I cursed. 'It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!' I mumbled as I held my head. 'Oh fuck (y/n)! I'm sorry! Is everything okay?' Sugawara panicked. 'Yeah, just give me a second' I pressed out with tears in my (e/c) eyes. Shoyo saw me sitting on the ground, almost crying because of the pain. '(y/n) ! Oh my God, are you okay?!' he yelled as ran towards me. Everybody stopped training and they looked at me. 'I'm fine, don't worry' I said as the boy kneeled next to me, holding my shoulders and trying to calm me down.

I would chuckle of his actions if it wouldn't hurt so much. Fuck what happened that this shit hurts so much. After a few moments I calmed down and looked at Shoyo. 'Hey I'm fine now' I mumbled in his ear and he looked at my bump. 'Shit, but it doesn't looks like that' he said. Daichi looked at my forehead. 'You better go to the school nurse' he said. 'You don't need to come back after, your training is over for today' he smiled and I nodded. I felt dizzy and everything went black for a moment. I supported myself on Suga's shoulder and finally managed to get up.

'Should I go with you?' Shoyo asked worried. 'No it's fine. I just felt dizzy for a moment' I said, trying to calm him down. He nodded and I went to the nurse.
What a fucked up day.

If you find some spelling or grammar mistakes, just tell me and I'll fix them. :))

Thank you for reading, have a nice day! <3

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