Chapter 19

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A few weeks passed and tomorrow we're going to Tokyo. Shoyo's still lives in my home, his mother didn't contact him and he's to stubborn to text or call her. Me and my mum don't care about it. My mother loves him and he helps us with the chores . Two weeks ago he went to his home when his mum wasn't there. He packed the rest of his stuff and moved in.

We both layed in my bed, I was reading and he played something on his phone.
'Oi, Babe?' I asked, 'How long do you think you'll live here?'. 'I don't know, I want to be here as long as possible,' he mumbled into my chest and I chuckled. 'You know, me and my mum don't care, we both love you, but what do you want to do about your mum? And I'm sure, Natsu's missing you too,' I said, stroking through his soft hair. 'When we're beck, I'm going to talk to her, but I want you to come with me,' he said. 'You sure about that? I don't think that she likes me,' I said, thinking about Shoyo's requirement.

'Pfft, I don't care. You're my boyfriend and if she doesn't like or accept you, I won't come back,' he mumbled stubborn. I chuckled a bit, 'that's cute, but don't you think your mother is more important than you lover?'. He looked up to me, 'even if, it will always go on like this. Then it doesn't care who's my boyfriend'. I sighed, 'I guess you're right'. He smiled and rested his head against my chest. It's kinda sad that his mum kicks him out just because he's into boys. I wrapped my arms around his waist and nuzzled my face into his neck.

'Bye mum! See you in a few days!' I shouted and waved at her. 'Good bye (your mother's name)!' Shoyo smiled too. We walked to Karasuno and the most of the other team members were already there.
'Ahh hello Shoyo and (y/n)! How was your weekend?' Sugawara asked. 'Pretty chill, how about yours?' I asked the third year. 'Same,' he smiled.
'Where are Tsukishima and Yamaguchi?' Shoyo asked. And we all shrugged our shoulders.

After 10 minutes I got impatient. 'Whoaaa these idiots are a pain in the ass! CAN SOMEBODY CALL THEM PLEASE!', I yelled. Everybody giggled a bit and I looked at them in confusion. 'What?!' I asked kinda annoyed. 'Look behind you!' Tanaka laughed and I turned around. Behind me was an annoyed looking Tsukishima, next to him Yamaguchi. 'Ouh you guys finally decided to join, huh?' I asked and crossed my arms. 'Do you want to mess with me?' the blonde asked and formed his hand to a fist. 'Oh I'd love to!' I said, glancing at him.

'That's enough boys! Safe your energy for the game!' Daichi shouted. 'But we're in the bus for about 4 hours. We can get sleep while driving!' I complained and Tsukishima agreed. Sugawara galnced at us and we went silent. 'Sorry,' we mumbled in union and walked into the bus, sitting down at a seat. 'I hate you,' Bean pole said. 'I hate you too, so shut up and leave me alone,' I hissed back. Shoyo fell down next to me and took my hand in his. He squeeze it gently and I calmed down. I laid my head on top of his and closed my eyes, inhaling his scent. He chuckled and I smiled.

'We're there!' Daichi and Sugawara shouted and I woke up. We stayed in front of a big building. 'This is our hotel?!' me and Shoyo shouted in union. Daichi shook his head, 'no its this one'. He pointed on a small building. 'I'm sure that this house is haunted,' Tanaka whispered and I nodded in agreement.

Shoyo ran excited into the house. 'Why are you so excited, it's just an old hotel,' Tsukishima said. 'The first time I agree with him,' I mumbled and Beanpole smirked.

It was pretty late and Shoyo and I walked to the vending machine. He turned around, his face like he saw a ghost. 'What?' I asked and raised an eyebrow. 'T-There was a little b-boy,' Shoyo stuttered. 'Huh? Where?' I asked confused and looked around.' What's going on? ' Tanaka asked and walked towards us.' Shoyo said somebody's here, 'I said.' What?!' the bald one yelled. Then we heard footsteps. I looked in the direction where the noise came from. Shoyo and Tanaka began to scream like girl and I looked at Noya, who stood in front of us, looking at the two little girls behind me.' What happened? 'he asked and I shrugged my shoulders.' They thought you were a ghost,'I answered calm. The girls behind me finally stopped screaming and we looked at them.' You're done?' I asked. They nodded and then Shoyo came closer,' Can it be that you have become smaller?'. I looked at the brown haired boy in front of me and Tanaka came closer, 'You're right'. I sighed, 'it's because his hair is down'. Noya nodded in agreement.

Then out of nowhere, a tall person with long hair stood next to Noya and laid a hand on his shoulder, 'if you continue being so loud, Daichi's gonna get mad' . We all looked at him and the other three began to scream. 'Hey calm down! IT'S ME ASAHI!' the person shouted and I laughed. These dumbasses.

The next day Daichi shouted enthusiastically, 'First we will go jogging'. I groaned annoyed, 'but I just woke up!'. The team laughed and I glared at every single one of them.
After a little warm up we began to jogg around. Shoyo had so much energy that he sprinted straight on without paying attention to us or the way.

I was looking for him for about 20 minutes as I found him, talking to a boy with blond hair. I walked up to them, 'Oi Shoyo! I finally found you'. '(y/n)!' he turned around to the other boy, 'this is (y/n) my boyfriend. (y/n), this is Kenma. I met him a few minutes ago and he also plays volleyball!'. 'Is he always that energetic?' Kenma asked and I nodded. He sighed which made me chuckle. 'Hey Kenma, there you are!' a boy with bedhair shouted, jogging towards us. 'Alright guys, I gotta go. See you soon,' he said in a bored voice. 'I like him,' Shoyo said as we couldn't see the pudding head and his rooster friend anymore. 'You like everyone,' I smiled and ruffled through his hair.

'There you guys are! I've been looking for you for the last 30 minutes!' Sugawara yelled, 'C'mon we're going back!'. 'Alright!' we shouted in union. 'Race?' Shoyo smirked. 'You'll lose!' I shouted and we ran back to the others.

If you find some spelling or grammar mistakes, please tell me so I can correct them.

Maybe you noticed that it's not like the storyline ^^'
I messed it a bit up, I'm sorry xD

Thank you for reading and have a great day :D

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