Chapter 29

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This chapter contains boyxboy smut. Don't like it, don't read it. (Still pretty sure that this is the only reason why you guys will stay xD)

The referee whistled for the game and everyone standing on the field got ready. I stood next to Sugawara and we looked intently at the server. Daichi received the ball and Kageyama played it to Shoyo. The short boy jumped as high as he could and hitted the ball with his palm but out of nowhere, a wall appeared and tried to block the ball. It touched the opponent's palm and fell down on their field. 'Well, we have one point now, but I don't think Shoyo will be satisfied with the way he got it,' I thought out loud and Sugawara nodded in agreement. 'Their block was impressive,' the gray haired male said.

Our team won the first set. And I gave all of them a high five. 'Good job boys! (y/n)! You're going on the field now!' Ukai shouted and I nodded confident. 'Attention ! From the second set, we skip the first rotation! Hinata and the big number 7 without eyebrows met to often at the first set. That was not good. So we change the order at the beginning of the second set. As a result, Hinata is no longer covered by him as often as in the first set!' Ukai exclaimed.' Since Hinata is now less covered, this ensures that you others are covered even more!' the coach said. 'We can't always rely on Hinata! If he does his job, we can do it too. For example, I will do my duty as an ace!' Asahi said and I looked impressed at him. I didn't know he could be so confident. That's new.

We walked back on the field and the second set began. Datekou made the first point but I received almost every ball that came into my direction. 'GOOD RECEIVE!' Tanaka yelled and I nodded as reply.
Unfortunately, we lost the second set. 'Shit,' I cursed as I walked toward Sugawara, who was already holding out a bottle of water. I took it and thanked him. I growled, 'We're gonna win the third set,' I said in a threatening voice. 'I've never seen you so serious about a game, calm down,' Sugawara said smiling and petted my shoulder. I took a deep breath and looked at him, 'Sorry, it's just.. I think it makes me happy to stay on the court and fight for the victory. As I came to Karasunos volleyball club, I thought it's just some boring sport and now I really enjoy it'. He smiled and ruffles through my hair, 'I never thought I would hear you talking about volleyball like that'. I giggled a bit and the referee whistled for the third and last set.

'We won..' I mumbled in disbelief, 'we really won!'. We all began to shout like maniacs. Shoyo jumped around and then he ran into my direction. He jumped towards me and I caught him. 'WE WON!' he shouted smiling. His smile was as bright as the sun, maybe even brighter. It was beautiful. Then he grabbed my face and kissed me roughly. I couldn't react quickly enough and from the momentum that Shoyo caused from the kiss, we fell over together. He was lying on top of me and he just kept kissing me. I smiled into the kiss and pulled away. 'We're in public,' I said smirking and Shoyo hitted my shoulder, causing me to giggle.

'Line up!' Daichi said smiling and we walked to the edge of the court. 'Thank you for the game!' our teams shouted in union and we shook our hands. As we walked to Ukai and Takeda, the white haired boy from Datekou stopped Shoyo. He held out his hand and Shoyo looked at it startled but then he smiled and shook his hand. I smiled at him. He really has the talent to find new friends anytime and anywhere.

We packed our stuff and walked out of the gym. 'Tomorrow we have to play against Aoba Johsai,' Daichi said and we nodded. 'You guys are pretty tired, huh?' the captain asked. 'Why would you think that?' I asked and yawned out loud. Daichi and the rest of the team chuckled, 'you guys should go home now!'.

Me and Shoyo walked through the front door and my mother ran into the floor, 'HOW WAS IT? DID YOU GUYS WIN?! IS SOMEBODY HURT?! ARE YOU HUNGRY?'. 'Oi Mum calm down, at first, it was good. Second, we won both games. Third, nobody is hurt and last, yes I'm so hungry that I'm about to die,' I said while holding my growling stomach. 'Yeah, me too,' Shoyo whined and my mum began to laugh. 'I've already made dinner, come on!' she smiled and waved us to the kitchen. 'DINNER!' we both shouted and ran into the kitchen. 'Calm down!' she said while carrying the plates to the table.
We began to shove the food in our mouths and my mum looked at us with a disgusted look. 'EWW,' she said and we laughed a bit as we swallowed down our food. 'Could you eat like a normal human being?' she asked and we shook our heads and she sighed.

Shoyo laid on top of me and I read a book. He sighed out loud, 'I AM SO BORED'. I laid my book down and looked at him, 'What do you want to do?'. He put his cell phone on my bedside table and looked into my eyes, 'I want you to do me'. I looked at him in shook, 'You WHAT?!'. Did I hear him right? 'You've heard me,' he said and climbed on top of me again. He took of my shirt and began to kiss my stomach. I moaned a bit and he began to caress my neck. He bit into my soft flesh and sucked it. 'I didn't know you could be dominant, even if it's just for a moment,' I smirked.

I turned us around and now I was on top of him. I took of his shirt and sweatpants. He already panted a bit and my hand grabbed his semi-hard member through his boxershorts. He moaned quiet and bit his bottom lip. 'God, I love the way you look at me when you're needy for my dick,' I groaned into his ear and he whined a little. I bit into his earlobe. I placed two fingers at Shoyo's lips, 'you know what to do'. He nodded slightly and began to suck at them. He moaned a bit and I licked my lips. I pulled down his boxershorts and he lightly bit in my finger. I took my fingers out of his mouth and placed them at his entrance. 'Push it in,' the boy whined needy. I did what he said and he dragged his nails into my back. I leaned over him and kissed him passionately, still thrusting my fingers into his ass. He was about to come and I quickly pulled my fingers out of him. He cried because of the loss and I smirked a bit.

I pulled down my trousers while I looked at the panting and sweating boy on my bed. He looked at me with lust in his eyes, 'please hurry up. I-I can't take it a-anymore'. I smirked and licked my lips again, 'gosh baby boy, you're so fucking needy. Do you want me and my dick so bad?'. He nodded and whined at the same time. I chuckled and pulled a condom over my member. I climbed between his legs and kissed his inner tights. I began to lick his hole and he moaned out loud. 'Please fuck me already!' he cried out. 'Beg for it,' I commanded. '(Y/n)! Please, please fuck me already. I beg you! Please just push your dick inside of me,' he begged and I pushed it in. We both moaned in pleasure and I trusted harshly into him. He digged his nails into my back and scratched it. I placed hickeys all over his body and he tried to be as quiet as possible. I grabbed his member and smirked, 'you know I don't like it when you suppress the sweet little noises you make'.

I hitted his prostate and his eyes began to tear up in pleasure. '(y/n) I'm about- I'm about to c-come,' he cried. 'Yeah, m-me too,' I panted and thrusted faster and harder into him. His hazel eyes rolled up and his back arched and then he came over our chests and his stomach. A few seconds later I came into him and pulled my penis out of him. I tied the condom together and looked at the panting boy on my bed. I licked him clean and he moaned again. I chuckled, 'you're too adorable'. He smiled and his eyelids closed slowly. I covered him with a blanket and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

After I walked out of the bathroom my mum stood in the hallway, 'again, really?'. My face heated up and I chuckled nervously, 'sorry'. She grumbled and walked into her room.
I sighed and and walked in mine and laid down next to Shoyo. 'Hey, (y/n)?' Shoyo asked and I hummed in response, 'I love you'. 'I love you too,' I smiled and his tired hazel eyes looked into my (e/c) ones.

Today the chapter is pretty long xD

Okay, so, thank you for reading and I hope you have a good day :D

Teach me how to love! (Hinata Shoyo x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now