Chapter 6

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'Woah! The movie was amazing!' Shoyo yelled. 'The fight was incredible! The hero was so SWOOSH and the Villian BAM! You know what I mean?!' he asked excited and jumped around me. 'Yeah I think so' I giggled.

'Now we gonna get some pizza! I'm so hungry!' he said and his stomach began to growl. 'But you almost ate all the snacks?!' I said confused. 'That doesn't count! I want pizza and I know what you are trying! You can't stop me from paying it' he shouted. 'All right!' I said, scratching the back of my head. The little Tangerine smiled bright and took me to a pizzeria.

It was small but pretty cozy. 'Ah hello Hinata!' the Pizza baker said 'Who's your friend?'. 'His name is (y/n) !' he said excited. 'You know him?' I mumbled in his ear. 'Yeah he's an old friend of the family'. I nodded. 'All right kids, what do you want to eat?' the old man asked. 'Salami pizza for me' Shoyo shouted and raised his arm. 'Uhm... I'd like a peperoni pizza' I said. He gave us a thumbs-up and started to make the pizza.

Among other things we talked about useless stuff, but also about our lifes so far. Shoyo told me, for example, that he has a little sister. It was nice to get to know him better. 'What about your family?' Sunnyboy asked. 'I'm an only child and me and my mother life alone. My dad left when I was young' I said with a little smile on my face. 'Oh I'm sorry' Shoyo said glum. 'You don't need to be sorry, it's okay! I've never got to know him' I smiled and the tiny boy smiled too. 'The smile looks much better on you' I said without thinking about it. He began to smile brighter and I just chuckled about it.

'Here's your Pizza!' the old man said happily and placed both plates on our table. 'Thank you' I smiled and Shoyo did the same. He just winked at us and left us confused at our table. Okay? What the hell was that?

We ate our pizza in silence, but it was a very pleasant one. We didn't need to talk, we just enjoyed each other's company.

Later, Sunnyboy payed for the food and we walked down the streets together. I looked at the clock and it was already 5.40p.m. 'Man I didn't know we already spend that much time together, it felt like an hour or two' I said and looked at Shoyo. He looked at his watch. 'Yeah you're right' he grinned. 'So, wanna go home now or play some volleyball?' I smiled cause I knew he wouldn't say no to volleyball . He looked at me with sparkling eyes. 'I wanna play volleyball!' he shouted and we rode by bike to a park nearby. There we looked for a free meadow and as I knew Shoyo, he had a volleyball with him.

We played about 2 hours before my mum called me.

I picked up. 'Yeah? Mum? What is it?'. 'It's already 8 p.m and you're still not home! I mean it's okay if you're doing something with your new friends, but please call me and tell me that you're gonna be home later than usual! I'm worried about you!' she shouted on the other side of the phone. 'I'm sorry! I totally forgot to tell you that me and Shoyo met after practice' I said in an apologetic voice. 'Oh with Shoyo, huh?' I could hear her grinning. 'It's okay, but be at home no later than 10p.m!' she said and hang up. I sighed. 'Are you in trouble?' Shoyo asked concerned. 'Nah, not really. I have to be at home at 10p.m' I said and he nodded. 'Did you tell your mum that you're gonna be home late?' I asked and he shook his head 'No, she's used to the fact that I'm home late'. 'Okay' I said plain and went back to him.

'And you really told him to shut up?' Shoyo asked and giggled. 'Yeah. He was a pain in the ass and I couldn't beat him up cause a teacher was around' I slightly smiled. 'You're unbelievable!' Shoyo laughed.
We walked home and I told him about my old school and classmates and some funny stories. 'There we are' I said as we stood in front of my house. 'Guess we have to say goodbye now' Shoyo said a little sad. 'No shit Sherlock?' I giggled and he chuckled a bit. 'It was pretty fun today, thank you' he said. 'I have to thank you! You're the only one in ages who made me laugh' I smiled and his face turned red. 'Ahh no need to thank me for something like this' he said nervously.

I looked down at him and our eyes met, it was quiet and a light breeze blew around us. I leaned down slowly and he was still looking into my eyes. My eyes changed between his eyes and lips.

'Ah (y/n) ! There you are!' my mother shouted from the door. I stopped the interaction and looked up to her. 'Hi mum' I shouted annoyed. 'H-Hello Ms (l/n) !' Shoyo stuttered. 'You have to be Shoyo, right? Nice to meet you' my mother greeted the ginger. 'Uhm yeah!' he smiled nervously. 'I'm sorry but I have to go now! See you on monday! ' Shoyo said and looked at me like he don't know what to do know. I gave him a little wave and he smiled. 'Bye' I whispered and then he drove home.

I turned around and saw my mum grinning. 'YOU GUYS WERE ABOUT TO KISS, RIGHT?!' she yelled and I glanced at her. 'I don't know, maybe. We'll never know since your timing is TERRIBLE' I shouted back and she giggled. 'You like him, huh?' she asked sensitive. 'I guess' I said a little desperate and she patted my back. 'I'm glad you found someone you like' and with that she went back into the house.

If there are some grammar or spelling mistakes, please tell me so I can correct them! :)

I hope you had fun reading, have a good day! :D

Teach me how to love! (Hinata Shoyo x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now