Chapter 28

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We won the first game with ease, but towards the end our opponents developed a new fighting spirit. Nevertheless, the game was relatively one-sided. Since we won the game fairly quickly, we'll probably have another one this afternoon. 'Well, that was pretty easy,' I said and Kageyama nodded in agreement. 'But as the coach said: 'It doesn't care if they're strong or weak opponents, if you want to win, you fight for it, never forget that',' I imitated Ukai.'Wow that imitation was pretty good,' Shoyo said in an impressed voice and I giggled a bit.

The whole team walked towards the exit to spend our break outside. But out of nowhere a boy stopped us. He looked at Daichi and cried , 'YOU GUYS HAVE TO WIN! PLEASE, WIN FOR US TOO!'. Hey! That's the captain of the team we played against! Daichi shook his hand, 'Yeah, well do that!'. We all looked resolutely at the weeping boy and then he began to smile. And then we walked away. I turned around and gave him a thumbs up and he walked away. Shoyo also stopped walking and looked at the scenario. I laid my arm around his waist and pecked his forehead, 'C'mon we're gonna win the next game and stay as long on the court as possible'. Shoyo nodded and pulls me down at the collar, laying his lips on mine. 'Oh come on! Dou you guys have to make out everytime!' Tanaka yelled and we giggled and followed the team.

We strechted and I heard a few boys talking about Shoyo, they said something like 'this number 10 is amazing!'. Shoyo looked really happy about the compliments and turned around. Me and Kageyama looked at him and the short boy complained, 'what?! It's the first time I've heard somebody talking about me like that!'. I chuckled a bit. How can he be so adorable?
Kageyama had this creepy face again, 'I didn't say anything. It’s good that everyone just looks out for you. The more they focus on you and watch out for you, the better you work as bait'. 'I don't really get it, but this smile was really creepy,' Shoyo said. Kageyama grabbed his head with one hand and I sighed, 'you guys are dumbasses'. 'What did you just say?' Kageyama asked and turned in my direction. 'I'm pretty sure you've heard me, now let him go,' I giggled and the dark haired male really let go of my boyfriend.

'You're absolutely right! They all have to think that the short number 10 is awesome. The more we can convince them of it and the more Hinata stands out, the better the opposing defense can be tricked. Alright, in the second game, the starting grid remains the same for the time being,'  Ukai exclaimed. 'It takes place half past one,' Daichi said and we nodded. 'And please, don't forget to eat something! But not too much,' our coach smiled we all nodded again.

'Next we play against this iron team with the guy without eyebrows,' Shoyo shouted while, me Kageyama and him played a ball to each other. 'You mean Datekou?' our setter asked. 'Yes, I know that that's their name,' Shoyo said. 'I think Asahi left the club after losing the game against this team in March,' I thought out loud. 'You mean that game was against them?' Shoyo asked and I nodded. 'So that was the defense that blocked him completely?' the tangerine asked further.
'Hinata, Kageyama, (y/n)! Do guys have some time? I have a request. Datekou is a strong opponent, in a game against them, they've blocked all our attacks. But now we have the strongest decoy, a smart and strong setter and a incredibly good defender. I beg you Kageyama, clear the way for Asahi our ace!'.

'Let's go! We're gonna win again!' Shoyo yelled as we stood at the edge of the court. And then this white haired guy without eyebrows walked past us. He stopped and glared at Shoyo. The short boy was shaking because of his impressive opponent. I walked in front of him and glared at the white haired boy. Tanaka looked at me and giggled a bit, 'you're pretty protective'. 'I take care of what belongs to me,' I grumbled and turned around to him. Datekou walked past and I laid an arm around Shoyo's shoulders.

'GO,GO, LET'S GO, LET'S GO DATEKOU!' a guy yelled through the gym. 'Go, go, let's go, let's go Datekou!' a crowd yelled behind him. 'Hey, I also want our school to cheer at us,' I whined and the team laughed a bit.
'At first we're run a bit!' Datekous captain yelled and Shoyo looked afraid at them. 'Hey Hinata, stop being such a cry baby,' Tanaka said and I agreed. 'Hey (y/n)! You should be on my side!' Shoyo cried and I shrugged my shoulders.

The captains of our teams shook hands and shouted, 'Have a good game!'. And then we a began to warm up.
'ROLLING THUNDERRRR!!! AGAIN!' Noya yelled as he received the ball. Shoyo looked at him with sparkling eyes and the rest of the team, even Datekou, looked startled at him. Then Tanaka walked towards him, 'Good receive Noya, really! That was so cool!'. While he said that he began to laugh, 'except for the name!'. 'What?! The name is also cool!' Nishinoya shoutet angrily. We all joked around a little and then our libero walked in front of us, 'listen guys! You don't have to worry about anything, all right ?! Just always look ahead. I'll always cover your back, you will see!'. 'THAT WAS SO COOL!' Tanaka, Kageyama and Shoyo shouted in union. Even Datekou looked impressed.

And then the game began..

Teach me how to love! (Hinata Shoyo x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now