Chapter 20

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The last day of the trainingscamp arrived soon and we got ready for the game against Nekoma. We walked in front of a huge gym and I whistled impressed, 'That's a big gym!'. The others nodded in agreement. 'Oi, (y/n)! Isn't that your first game?' Tanka asked and I nodded. 'Yeah you're right. I totally forgot about that,' I mumbled and Shoyo looked a little startled at me. 'How can you forget about that? I'm still as nervous as I was at my first game,' he said while holding his stomach. I chuckled a bit and shrugged my shoulders.

Then Nekoma walked up. We stood up in a line in front of the opponents. Then I saw pudding head and his bed haired friend. Shoyo stood in front of Kenma and looked at him in confusion. We walked into the gym and Shoyo ran towards Kenma. 'What are you doing here?' Shoyo asked excited, jumping around the older boy. I walked up to them and greeted the long haired boy. 'I knew we would play against each other, that why I said 'See you soon', he said, shrugging his shoulders. 'How did you know?' my boyfriend asked and Kenma pointed at Shoyo's shirt. 'On your shirt is the word 'Karasuno' printed. I knew we would play against each other', he answered monoton.

'Hey are these two bothering you?' an angry voice shouted and I looked at the guy. He kinda looked like Tanaka, and his temperament is similar. 'Hey leave our first year's alone!', Tanaka yelled. Speaking of the devil. 'Everything's okay,' me and Kenma said in union. 'You sure?' the boy like Tanaka asked and puddinghead nodded. 'Oi, that's enough you idiot!' a short boy shouted and dragged Nekomas Tanaka by the collar away. 'I'm sorry,' Suga apologized. 'Ah nevermind, as you can see we have a similar one,' the short boy answered. Looks like the two team mums gossip.

We started to warm up and after 10 minutes we began the game. Nekoma is a nutshell. They play careful and think about every turn they play.
In the end we lost. But the game was pretty fun and we played a few more sets. 'Thank you for the game!' our two team shouted in union and we began to clean up the gym. Kageyama stared at Kenma and asked him a lot of questions like 'how did you do that?' or 'where did you learn this?'. You could clearly see how uncomfortable Kenma was. Yamamoto and Tanaka talked about Kiyoko or something. Perverts.
Noya and Yaku also chatted. I guess about libero stuff. As we said goodbye to each other you could see the tension between Kuroo and Daichi. Oh I don't want to be alone with them.

We packed our stuff and walked back home. 'That was pretty fun,' I smiled and Shoyo agreed.
'We're home!' I shouted and mum walked out of the kitchen. 'Welcome back! Dinner's ready!' she smiled and hugged us. 'You're the best,' I said and pecked her cheek. She giggled and we walked into the kitchen. My eyes began to shine bright as I saw what we'd have for dinner. My mum chuckled as she saw my reaction. 'SUSHIIII!' I yelled and ran to the table. I sat down and waited impatient for the other two to sit down. My mother introduced the rule that you can only eat when everyone is at the table.

Shoyo and mum finally sat down. 'Thank you for the food', we all said together and I reached for my chopsticks and took the first bite. I moaned satisfied whick made the two others laugh a bit.

After dinner me and Shoyo walked upstairs. 'I'm so full,' I said. I let myself fall into my bed and Shoyo sat down next to me. 'Tomorrow is saturday,' he mumbled and I looked at him. 'I promised that I'll talk to my mum. And you promised you'll come with me, right?' he asked. I smiled, 'of course I will'. He smiled uncertain back and I pulled him on top of me. 'Listen, I'll be there. I'll always be there. You don't have to be nervous, okay? I love you,' I mumbled while pulling him into an embrace. 'I love you too,' he mumbled in my neck bend.

I chuckled cause his breath tickled my sensitiv skin. He smirked and began to kiss it. I gasped a bit surprised, but then I let it happen. He began to kiss my jawline and sucked it a bit. Then he kissed me on the lips. I licked his bottom lip to ask for entrance. He denied it and my hands drove under his waistband, squeezing his ass. He squeaked and I used the moment to push my tongue inside his mouth. We fought for dominance and I won. He moaned and I enjoyed the little noises he gave me.

He gently pulled away and I looked at his red face. We both panted. 'Wanna go shower?' he asked and I just nodded. I grapped two towels and we quickly ran to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and pinned the short boy against the wall. I began to caress his neck and he moaned a little louder. I left a lot of hickeys, then I leaned back and examined my work. I smiled satisfied. The boy in front of me panted and looked at me through half closed eyes, his face covered by a blush. I took of my shirt and then his. My (e/c) eyes scanned every inch of his half naked body. My hands drove down his body. He winced a little as my cold hands touched his warm skin and I just smirked. I began to kiss his neck, then his chest. I sucked one of his nipples and he moaned.
After I took care of his other nipple I began to kiss his stomach, leaving a few hickeys there. His hands ran through my hair. I kissed down his v-line and before I pulled his pants down I looked at the panting boy in front of me. 'Are you sure you wanna do this? We can stop that right here,' I asked huskily.

Teach me how to love! (Hinata Shoyo x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now