Chapter 17

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Our team was in the gym, stretching for practice. I was with Nishinoya and we talked about (your favorite Manga). Tanka walked toward us, 'Hey Noya, how did you train during your suspension?'. I looked closer at the brown haired boy, sitting next to me and saw a lot of bruises on his arms and legs. 'Hmm, I trained with the older women. Most of the time I received blocked balls. I'm still not the best in it, but when I keep training it, you guys can attack more easily,' Nishinoya smiled. 'Impressive,' I mumbled and the second year in front of me gave me a grin.

Tanaka cried and shouted, 'NOYA, YOU'RE SO UNBELIEVABLE COOL!'. 'Why are you crying?!' NOYA yelled overwhelmed and I just sat there, laughing the shit out of me.

'Listen here everybody!' Takeda shouted as he walked into the gym. I walked towards him and stopped 5 meter in front of him. A tall guy with blond hair stood next to him. 'This is your new coach. Coach Ukai,' he said and I looked a bit surprised at the two adults.
'O-Our trainer? For real? ' Daichi stuttered. 'But only until after the game against Nekoma,' Ukai answered. 'Oh,' the captain said a little disappointed.
'He's the grandson of the famous trainer Ukai,' Takeda said smirking. 'WHAAAAT?!' the whole team shouted in union and I was just confused. 'Who's this trainer?' I asked Sugawara and he looked shocked at me. 'Are you being serious right now? He's one of the most famous coaches in Japan,' he answered and I gave him an impressed look.

'I already have opponents for you guys, but at first, warm up!' Ukai said in a loud voice. 'Who?' Daichi asked and Ukai smirked. I don't know if I find this guy creepy or not. 'Karasunos neighborhood club'.

We started to train and a few men walked into the gym. 'Who are you guys?' Yamaguchi asked. One of the men answered, 'the neighborhood club...', and then the other ones shouted in union 'IS READY!'.
'We're starting now!' Ukai shouted during the gym. 'Yeah' everybody shouted back. Ukai turned to Nishinoya, 'What about you?'. Daichi walked to them, 'Sorry, he can't play with us'. 'Why not? Is he hurt?' Ukai asked. 'No it's just-,' Daichi tried to explain, but Ukai interrupted him, 'If you're not hurt you can play. I don't know the reason but play with the opponents. Our libero is working today, so he can't join'. Noya walked on the court and I looked at him with pity, you could clearly see that he felt uncomfortable with it.

'We still need two more people,' the new coach mumbled. 'Hey, there's Asahi!' Shoyo shouted and everybody looked startled at the short boy. I could hear him say, 'Oh no! This guy again'. I walked behind Shoyo and glared at him. Asahi began to panic, looks like he can't handle this kind of stuff. 'Stop that! You're scaring him!' Kageyama whispered and I sighed. Coach Ukai ran towards him, 'WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!? YOU'RE TOO LATE! WHAT'S YOUR POSITION?! ANSWER!'. Alright, this man is creepy. 'I'm a wing spiker-', but before he could end his sentence Ukai yelled, 'THAT'S GOOD. WE STILL NEED ONE. COME IN AND WARM UP! HURRY!'.

As he walked in, everybody seemed excited.
'We still need a setter,' Ukai mumbled and then he turned to Sugawara and Kageyama, 'One of you guys play with the neighborhood club!'. 'Alright, I'll do it,' Sugawara said and walked to them.
'Now Asahi's back,' my boyfriend said excited.' Yeah you're right, 'I answered and smiled.

We began to play and during the set, it seemed like something fixed the broken band between Sugawara, Asahi and Nishinoya. I was kinda happy to see how they began to trust each other again.
In the end, our team lost but we were grateful for the experience to play against adults.

I walked out of the gym as someone pinned me against a wall. 'What the hell! Who are yo- mpfh,' I got interrupted by a pair of lips crashing against mine. I stood there, frozen. Not knowing how to handle the situation as Shoyo walked out of the gym and looked directly in my direction. '(y-y/n),' he asked startled with tears in his eyes. My heart broke as I saw him like that and I pushed the person away. 'SHOYO!' I shouted but he already ran away. I wanted to chase after him but the person grabbed my wrist. I turned around and looked in Kayas smirking face. 'Honey, y'know you like me, I just wanted things to go faster,' she smiled and I looked disgusted at her. 'I never wanted you! And you know why? BECAUSE I'M GAY YOU STUPID BITCH!' I yelled. She looked startled at me, 'Y- you're what?'. 'You've heard me! AND NOW LET GO OF ME!' I yelled. 'Tomorrow everybody will know!' she shouted and I slapped her.

She held her cheek and looked shocked at me, a tear running down her face. Sugawara ran out of the gym, 'What's going on here?!'. I didn't pay any attention to him and ran in the same direction as Shoyo.

I was searching for him for about three hours. I called the whole team and asked if he was by them. Everybody denied it. I called mum and asked if he was at home but she also said no. I know Shoyo and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't go back to his mother now. So I continued looking for him.

If you find some spelling or grammar mistakes, please tell me so I can correct them.

Have a nice day and thank you for reading :D

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