Chapter 14

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The next day Shoyo and Kageyama dragged me with them. 'What do you guys want?' I asked them annoyed. 'We're gonna talk to Asahi! He has to come back to the team. We need an ace!' Shoyo shouted and Kageyama nodded voiently. I sighed and followed them without complaining. 'Geez, you guys are so annoying!', I shouted and some third years looked at us.

We stood in front of a classroom. 'You go first,' Shoyo mumbled to Kageyama. 'But you wanted to meet the ace!' he complained. Then, a tall boy walked out of the room, Sugawara behind him. 'Asahi, wait! Please!' the gray haired boy shouted after the tall one with long hair. 'Asahi?' Kageyama und Shoyo said in union. I raised an eyebrow and looked at him. He doesn't really look like an ace. 'What?' Asahi asked. 'What are you guys doing here?' Sugawara asked us. 'They wanted to see the ace,' I answered, shrugging my shoulders.

Sugawara walked in front of us, 'these are our new team members: Hinata Shoyo, Kageyama Tobio and (l/n) (y/n)'. 'Ah, so y'all are first years?' the long haired boy asked and we nodded. 'Nice to meet you,' we all said in union.
Sugawara and Asahi talked about something but I didn't really listened. I looked at the short boy next to me, it seemed like he was completely lost in his thoughts.

I looked back to the two third years. 'Give your best y'all,' Asahi said. 'But why don't we give our best together?' Shoyo asked and I sighed slightly. It's cute how he tries to reunion the team.
'I want to become an ace too! And I want to see the current one playing!' he said in an excited voice and I smiled. 'Asumane! The teacher's waiting!' a boy behind the ace complained. 'Sorry, but I'm not the ace anymore,' Asahi said and turned around to walk away.

'Is he hurt or something?' Kageyama asked Sugawara. 'No he isn't. The problem is that he may hates volleyball now,' he answered. 'What? But he's so tall and the ace?! Why would he hate volleyball?' Shoyo asked shocked and I nodded in agreement. 'Asahi was the tallest and strongest player in our team, even in difficult situations could he get points. That's why he was the ace and we trusted him but..' Sugawara told us. 'Then he would be defeated', Kageyama said. 'On one match, all of his attacks got blocked and Asahi is very sensitive,' the older setter said.

We went back to our classes. 'Just because he got blocked, it doesn't mean that he's not a good player,' I mumbled. 'Did you say something (l/n)?' the teacher asked and the whole class looked at me. 'No,' I said plain and the teacher turned back to the board.

During practice Nishynoya showed us his 'Rolling Thunder'. Me and the other first years, except for Kageyama and Hinata, laughed about it. 'Why are you yelling so loud?' Kageyama asked which made me laugh more. 'Please teach me the rolling thunder!' Shoyo shouted excited.

We got interrupted by coach Takeda. 'HEY GUYS, LISTEN TO ME!' he shouted excited and we walked up to him. 'We will take a part at the trainings camp in the golden week!', he said. 'Yeah, we should take this opportunity,' Daichi said and we nodded in agreement. 'And at the last day, we have a match!' he yelled and we cheered. 'Against who?!' Sugawara asked excited. 'An old school from Tokyo, the Nekoma-Highschool,' he explained.
'We heard a lot about them. The coaches of our schools were rivals and the team often played against each other,' Tanka said. 'Right, these are legends. Cats against crows, the battle at the Garbage place,' Sugawara told us.
'That sounds pretty interesting,' I said, excited about our match. We talked a while about the match.

Shoyo and I were walking home. 'Do you wanna meet my family too?' Shoyo asked out of nowhere and I looked at him. 'I mean, I already met your mother and I want to introduce you to my mum and Natsu,' my boyfriend smiled. 'Yeah, why not. I'd like to meet them,' I smiled and Shoyo smiled back. 'Should I tell them that we're a couple?' the ginger asked. 'That's your decision, but how else will you explain all these hickeys?' I giggled and he blushed. 'leaf blower,' Shoyo said and I looked a bit disturbed at him. 'For real?!' I asked. 'No you idiot!' he shouted and laughed. 'I wanted to tell my mum anyway,' I said. 'Does she know that you like boys?' he asked a bit worried. 'Yeah, she's the one that forced me to ask you out,' I giggled and Shoyo did too.

'What about your mum? You said you didn't know till you fell for me,' I said. 'I-I don't know, I think she thinks I'm just a late bloomer or something,' Shoyo stuttered. I stopped walking and parked my bike. Sunnyboy stopped too and looked at me while I walked towards him. I putted his face between my hands and leaned down a bit, 'listen, if you don't want to tell her alone, I'll come with you. Take the time you need, if you don't want to tell her yet, but I'll be there if you want me to'. Shoyo smiled and putted his hand behind my neck, pulling me closer to him.

Our lips connected and moved in sync. We let go and Shoyo looked in my (e/c) eyes, 'please come with me'. I smiled and pecked his lips, 'of course, and when?'. 'Now,' Shoyo said and I looked a little startled at him. 'You're sure?' I asked and he nodded confident. 'As long as you are with me I'm not afraid,' he said. 'Oi you're so cute baby,' I said pulling him into an embrace and he chuckled a bit.
'Okay then, let's go,' he said and I went back to my bike.

I hope you had fun reading :))

If you find some spelling or grammar mistakes, please tell me so I can correct them. Thank you!

Have a nice day :D

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