Chapter 11

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The game started and I was sitting next to the coach. Aoba Johsai is not bad, not at all, but I'm sure our team's gonna win. Sugawara stood next to me, happy to see how excited I was about the game. 'It's a pity you can't play with 'em,' he said. 'Sadly, yes. But when you're just watching, you recognize things you wouldn't when you're playing,' I said smiling at him and he nodded in agreement.

'Shoyo is too excited! He's not paying attention!' I said to the male,staying next to me. Shoyo tried to take balls, that weren't supposed for him.
But the worst thing is, that he hitted Kageyama with a ball at the head. Damn, that poor boy is way too nervous. Isn't there anything I can do?

The boys lost the first game set. 'C'mon guys! You're gonna win this! I'm sure,' I said, trying to cheer them up. Shoyo looked really upset and I walked up to him. 'Hey, don't feel bad about it. I'm sure I would be nervous too if this was my first game,' I smiled and he looked at me. His eyes looked so sad and it killed me. 'Look, there are a lot of things that are much more scary than a game,' I said. 'Like what?' he asked. I thought about it for a moment. 'You hitted Kageyama with a ball, isn't that scary enough?' I asked. He became a bit pale and I laughed a bit. 'See, the game isn't as scary as Kageyama when he's Angry,' I chuckled. 'HEY!' the setter complained. 'Shut up!' I said and smiled at him. He mumbled something and turned back around.

'I'm sure you gonna get this, okay?' I said, looking down at the middle blocker. He looked much more confident now and nodded. I smirked and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 'Don't disappoint me!' I shouted as he ran back on the field, his face as red as a tomato.

The match went further and we won the second game set.
At the beginning of the third set, a tall, brown haired male appeared. He and the coach of Aoba Johsai talked about something. 'At first you gonna stretch, then you can play!' he shouted as the boy walked away.

'Who's this?' I asked Sugawara. 'That's the captain of Aoba Johsai, Oikawa Tooru,' he answered and I nodded. Isn't that the guy Kageyama told me about? The one that teaches him so much?
We were about to win, but then Oikawa came back and was substituted. The opponents were now on with the serve, which Tooru made. And God dammit he's fucking good at it. Now, they were about to win, but someone could take Oikawas serve and we could turn the game around.
And we won.

I looked at the team. Everybody was happy and they began to cheer. I looked at Oikawa and he recognized me too. He winked and I looked a little disturbed back at the team. 'That was great guys!' Sugawara shouted.

We said goodbye to the other team and went back to the bus. Oikawa stood at the entrance of his school. 'Kageyama! You became pretty good!' the boy shouted but Kageyama ignored him. I laughed a bit at Kageyamas actions and the captain of the opposite team looked at me. 'And who are you?' he asked with a smirk. '(l/n) (y/n), ' I answered plain and simple. He came closer 'You're pretty cute, y'know?'. 'Yeah I know, and now?' I asked and shrugged my shoulders. 'Oh you're stubborn, huh? I like it,' he flirted further. 'Geez, why do all the annoying people flirt with me?' I asked myself. 'Are you talking about me?' he asked and I gave myself a face-palm. 'No Sherlock, I'm talking about the tree, standing behind you!' I shouted. He looked a bit confused at the tree behind him and I groaned annoyed. 'Bye,' I said as I walked away. 'Can you give me your num-' 'NO'.

Daichi waited at the bus of me and laughed a bit. 'Not funny,' I said but he just chuckled further.
I sat down next to Shoyo and he looked a little pissed. 'Everything okay?' I asked. 'Yes,' he said plain with an annoyed voice. 'I don't believe you. What's bothering you?' I asked further. He sighed. 'Do you have a crush on Oikawa?' he asked and his eyes looked sad. 'What the fuck, why would you think that? First, I don't even know him. Second, He's not my type. And third, I already like someone else,'I said.

He looked at the ground. 'Why did you guys flirt then?' he asked nervous. Are you being serious right now? Bruh. 'We didn't flirt. HE did, I answered and raised his chin to look me in the eyes. 'And.. And who's the one you like?' he asked a little uncertain. Again..are you being serious right now?
'It's you, I said and his eyes widened. 'R-Really?' he asked. 'Yeah and I already told you?' I said. 'Oh, you're Right, he said and began to smile bright.

'Get yourself a room!' Tsukishima yelled and the other team members laughed. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Shoyo, who was blushing like hell.
I chuckled and kissed the tip of his nose. It looked like he was going to pass out for a moment but then he kissed my cheek and now it was my turn to blush. I took his hand in mine and rested my head on his. He leaned his head against my shoulder and we both fell asleep.

If you find some spelling or grammar mistakes, please tell me, so I can correct them. Thank you :D

Thank you for reading, have a nice day :))

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