Chapter 4

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I let out a big yawn. I was on my way to the gym, where the light was already turned on. I could hear sneakers squeaking and balls hitting the floor.

I walked in and saw how Tanaka trained with Kageyama and Sugawara with Shoyo. What does Suga do here? I looked at them for a few moments. These guys are fucking crazy. Why do they have so much energy at 5 o'clock in the MORNING. Sugawara noticed me and waved. 'Hello (y/n)!' he shouted 'Hinata already told me you would come too!'.

Kageyama and Tanaka stopped playing. 'Good morning, ' I mumbled. 'Hi, ' the three other males greet back. ' Stretch and then you come to me and Hinata so that you can learn how to receive a ball, ' the gray haired boy said. I nodded and began to stretch. After 10 minutes I went to Shoyo and Suga. He played the ball to me and I took it perfectly. The two boys looked a bit shocked at me, and I looked shocked at my arms. 'How did I do this?' I asked Suga. He shrugged his shoulders. 'I thought it was your first training yesterday!' the orange haired boy shouted. 'It was! I don't know how I did this! It was like.. like the ball came to me and I could receive it perfectly!' I defended myself. 'Oh belive me, ' Suga said, 'this was perfect!'. A light blush began to cover my cheeks and the older boy chuckled a bit. 'T-Thanks' I mumbled. Shoyo smiled and said, 'looks like you're a natural talent'. I slightly smiled back at him while Sugawara watched the whole scenario. 'Wanna practice further?' he asked. Me and the ginger nodded.

I was sitting in class and was about to fall asleep. Tomorrow they wanna do this again. They want to repeat this every day till Saturday. I'm not going to survive this. I signed but smiled a bit. But I have to be honest, it's kinda funny and I think I'm happy. I'm not sure but it feels good to be with them. Especially to be with Shoyo. He always makes me smile and sometimes chuckle. I don't know it's just- '(l/n), could you please pay attention to my lesson?' the teacher interrupted my thoughts. 'Of course,' I said with a bored undertone. He rolled his eyes and turned back to the board and I began to pay attention.

After school I went to the gym for practice. There were two guys I've never seen before. 'I hope you don't mind that you guys have to start training today. I know it would be next week,' Daichi said to them and scratched his neck. 'It's alright, ' a tall blonde said. He had glasses and was maybe one inch taller than me. Next to him was a boy with dark green hair and freckles. 'Ah hello (y/n) !' Daichi said as he noticed me. 'Hi, ' I greet back. 'These guys are the other first years, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, ' he said and pointed at them. 'Hi, I'm (l/n) (y/n) , but you can call me (y/n) . I don't mind these courtesies, ' I said plain as I looked at them. 'Nice to meet you,' Tsukishima said and shook my hand. 'Nice to meet your ass, ' I thought as I rolled my (e/c) eyes in mind. I don't like him and I don't like his little puppy. Yamaguchi waved at me and I nodded back.
'Okay, let's start our practice!' Daichi shouted and we began to stretch.

It was already dark outside as I left the gym. I walked to the school exit as I saw Shoyo and Kageyama train. Kageyama yelled at him while Sunnyboy tried his best to get the ball. Man he's pretty strict, but he's not wrong. If they want to win, Shoyo has to learn how to receive the ball right. Then I saw how Tsukishima and his little doggo walked to the two other first years. I rolled my eyes. It seemed like Tsukishima was trying to provoke Kageyama. Successfully.

The tall blonde took the ball from Shoyo and held it up, so the short boy couldn't reach it. This boy is a pain in the ass. A few seconds later I saw how Shoyo jumped high and got the ball. I gasped. How the fuck could he jump THAT high. This boy is incredible. The two idiots walked away and I saw how Kageyama took his backpack and wanted to leave. 'Hey where are you going!?' the short boy yelled. 'At home, ' he answered pissed off. 'No you won't! We're not done yet!' Shoyo shouted. Kageyama looked at him and smiled. 'Yeah, you're right,' he said. As he walked back to the little tangerine he saw me. 'Wanna practice with us, if you're not too tired?' he asked. I just nodded and went to them. Sunnyboy smiled at me and my heart began to beat faster. What da fuck?! Stop this shit!

We three began to play. 'Wow you're pretty good,' Kageyama said. 'Thank you, ' I said and gave him a little smile. 'How long are you playing volleyball yet?' he asked. Before I could answer, Shoyo did. 'Yesterday was his first training! It's crazy how fast he's learning, isn't it?!' he said excited. Kageyama nodded impressed. My checks began to burn. Ahh shit, here we go again. 'You blush very fast, right?' Sunnyboy smiled and I nodded weak. 'I don't know, I guess?' I said. Shoyo laughed.

Me and Shoyo walked home together. All three of us were about to fall asleep while playing. 'You're pretty cute, y'know?' I said to Shoyo. He looked at me with his tired eyes. 'Ahhh T-Thanks!' he said as he realized what I said to him. Now, it was his turn to blush. And not just a bit, no. His face was completely red. I chuckled a bit.

'See ya tomorrow Sunnyboy!' I said as I walked in our front yard. 'Yeah, ' he said. 'Wait! SUNNYBOY?!' he yelled and I laughed. Back at home, mother was waiting for me. 'I saw you two, ' she smiled. Oh no. Please God, no! I looked at her. 'YOU LIKE HIM!' she shouted happy. I rolled my eyes with a light smile and went upstairs as I heard her chuckle.

I accidentally deleted a part of the chapter and was about to freak out haha
But I found a way to return the lost parts xD
If you guys find some gar or spelling mistakes, please tell me.
I'll correct them :)
Have a nice day!

Teach me how to love! (Hinata Shoyo x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now