4. Draco Malfoy

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• August 16th, 1998, Diagon Alley •

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• August 16th, 1998, Diagon Alley •

Draco Malfoy did not want to come to Diagon alley. He had planned to redo his seventh year. He wanted to do it to complete his education and to grasp onto something that was normal and to remind himself that not everything had changed. Almost everything had changed, Lucius Malfoy has been sentenced to Azkaban for his active participation in the war for Voldemort. The fact he forced his family did not help the matter.

Draco clenched his fists. Family...

He forced himself to forget those awful months but his house reeked of He-who-must-not-be-named and anywhere he went, he was reminded of that snake. His mother had become a shell of who she was though his father was a death eater she loved him. But she had become more of a mother to him.

He had always loved his mother better. Narcissa Malfoy has always stayed by her son. His father never encouraged his son's interest in potions but his mother had encouraged it and stood for him whenever his father found out that he had been making potions. Though, she was depressed by her husband's fate, she did not fail in taking care of her son.

Right now, Draco was rethinking his choice on going back to Hogwarts. The looks that where thrown at him and the not so discreet murmurs that he should be in Azkaban was the reason. He hated how the crowd parted for him as if he was carrying some deadly disease.

He had ordered all his books and other things through owl post but he had to come out for his robes. That's why he found himself in Madame Malkin's robes for all occasions. The people treated him like plague avoiding him and parting a way for him to pass through.

It was true that he had enjoyed it once. But it was long time ago when he followed his father's footsteps to please him or atleast make him glance his way. He was young and tired of being ignored. But as he grew up, he saw the harsh world. That was when his conscience which he had kept buried in the back of his mind spoke to him again. But the situation that he was stuck on that time and the people around him did not appreciate it.

"Hey, you okay?" He felt a hand gently laid on his shoulder as a voice spoke softly.

Draco jerked back to reality to see that his hands and jaw were clenched remembering the pain he had been through. He turned back to see worried green eyes looking at him. It was a girl, probably his age shorter than him looking at him with a worried look. He had never seen anyone looking at him like that, worrying for him save for his mother but this girl, a stranger looked genuinely worried for him.

He nodded absently. "You sure? You weren't looking that good..." She pressed on.

"I'm fine." He smiled at her. She smiled back at him though not convinced she withdrew her hand and her face became clear of worry lines. He had forget how he had missed human touch only after she took her hand, taking the warmth with her.

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