22. Quidditch Season!

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• November, 1998, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry •

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• November, 1998, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry •

Percy kept tapping her foot anxiously under the table. The Great Hall was lively with the students excitedly chittering about the first Quidditch match of the season. The green-eyed girl in the other hand, was nervous about the game.

Finch-fletchly cleared his throat, jerking her back to reality. She had to sit with her team at the Hufflepuff table for the match. "The Lions," he tilted his head towards the red and gold house. "have been winning for years-"

Smith cut him off. "Obviously, they have the best seeker of the century."

"This year," Finch-fletchly continued, as if he wasn't interrupted. "We have the best team we've had for a while." He nodded at the new recruits on the team.

"So we go out there and give our best. Winning or losing doesn't matter. Just give your best." Percy nodded at her Captain's words.

Smith raised his spoon. "May I?"

The Hufflepuff Captain nodded. "Go out there, don't fuck up and don't fucking die."

Finch-fletchly and Eric, who always seemed to be at the brunet's side, face palmed at Smith's words. Summerby laughed and the others hid a smile.

"Great, we're all bloody inspired." Percy muttered and went back to her porridge.


Percy fiddled with her shin guards as a worried frown graced her face. The other teammates were equally nervous. Pomana Sprout had already wished her badgers the best of luck and was waiting right outside the tent for them to get ready.

Percy took a deep breath. She had to win this game. A lot had put their trust in her. She had led two wars, fought countless monsters, been to hell and back...and she was nervous. 

Gathering every bit of courage she had, she stood between Smith and O'Flaherty. The Captain had made them stand in height order wise and she stood third in the line. Pushing her fear to the back of her mind, she mounted her broom and kicked off the ground after her Captain and Smith. Her yellow and grey robes whipped behind her in the wind. She offered the crowd a lopsided grin. O'Flaherty followed her and then Fleet, Prescott and finally, the shortest, Summerby. At the other side of the pitch, she could see the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

The tall wooden doors opened slowly as Harry Potter, the Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, walked out with every bit of bravery he could muster. Finally, he understood how Wood felt all those years ago. Careful not to whack anyone unintentionally with his Firebolt, he looked up at the sky to see the Hufflepuffs doing a warm lap along the field. His brow raised at Percy, he had to admit that she seemed to be a good player. He had heard that she was playing chaser, he didn't have to worry about the match with 'puffs. Ginny was a great chaser and if Demelza joined her, the cup was surely theirs. Summerby wasn't that much of a seeker either. The Gryffindor was feeling good about the match.

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