24. "You're Doing Amazing, Sweetie."

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• 25th November, 1998, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry •

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25th November, 1998, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry •

Percy watched with a smile on her face as the Slytherin Quidditch team glided across the pitch in a perfect line. The team was clad in their green and silver robes, the epitome of perfection and grace. Not a bristle of a broom was out of place. A certain blond stood out of the team, his unique shade of platinum blond hair, his alabaster skin and his magnificent height made him stuck out a mile. Even from afar, his silver eyes were as striking as ever.

"Welcome to the second Quidditch match for the season-Slytherins vs Ravenclaws." Luna's loud, dreamy voice boomed through the pitch. "Slytherins are in the pitch, led by the Captain Urquart—now there are the Ravenclaws led by, their Captain Davies."

Speeding past the Slytherins, Draco gave a subtle wink to the ravenette who rolled her eyes at him. He joined the circle the others had made at the center. The quaffle released by Madam Hooch was claimed by Draco the next moment. Keeping it tucked under his arm, he raced to the hoops. Jeremy Stretton and Randolph Burrow, the Ravenclaw seekers flanked him. He threw the quaffle to Warrington who threw it to Urquart. The Captain ducked a bludger, and Burrow used the distraction to get the quaffle. Draco gestured Peregrine Derrick, his beater, to hit the bludger at Burrow. As soon as Derrick hit the bludger at the Ravenclaw, he grabbed the quaffle and hurled it towards the hoops. Grant Page, the keeper missed and he scored first ten points for Slytherin.

"Draco scores ten points for Slytherin!" Luna announced cheerfully, uncaring that her house was losing.

Percy cheered along with the crowd. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were obviously rooting for the eagles to win, but Hufflepuff and Slytherin were cheering on for the snakes.

Blaise stood beside her, wearing his house colours to show his support for the snakes. The calm and collected half-Italian was surprisingly vocal and loud. He shouted and cursed loudly when Madam Hooch seemed to not notice an obvious fowl made by beater Ravenclaw on a Slytherin chaser. She found him to be a fascinating spectator.

"The quaffle is passed to Burrow—no, it is now with that tall, big Slytherin-"


"Yes, thank you Professor. Warrington has the quaffle which is passed to Urquart who scores ten points. Ninety to Fifty in the favour of Slytherins!"

"-Page saves the quaffle thrown by Urquart—it is now with Burrow who passes it to Stretton—Stretton is hit with a bludger hit by Bole—Stretton scores, though. One forty to one ten in the favour of Ravenclaws!"

"-quaffle's passed to Warrington who passes it to Draco—oh, that must've been quite a hit-"

Luna's voice faded to an incoherent murmur to Percy as she gripped the railing tightly, a worried frown on her face. Inglebee, the Ravenclaw beater's bludger had hit its target accurately which was Draco's wrist. His wrist had swelled up and had turned red. She winced when he tried to move his wrist only to flinch. Looking into her omniculars, she could say that it was a fracture. She bit her lip as he looked at Urquart who was rushing to the hoops with the quaffle that he had managed to pass with his broken wrist. She hastily checked the others to see others eyes on the blond, satisfied with the lack of attention on her, she flicked her hand.

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