13. Scars Never Fade

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• October 8th, 1998, Hogwarts grounds •

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• October 8th, 1998, Hogwarts grounds •

Percy twisted and turned in her bed. Her hands clutched her sheets tightly. Her breathing was ragged, her eyes tightly closed as her mind replayed her darkest memories, the ones that she kept locked away but bits and pieces of it always managed to peak out.

With a strangled gasp, she shot up on her bed. Her eyes looked around her room frantically, searching for the threat, but she found nothing, just her dormmates fast asleep in their respective bunks. She took a deep breath. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.

She looked around the room again to find five things that Will had told her. 'Find five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell and one thing you can taste.' Will's words echoed in her mind and she did the same.

She was able to breathe a sigh of relief after she had done it. She made herself clear in the Hufflepuff dorm in Hogwarts and that she was out of that place and he was out of her life. She rested her head on the headboard and closed her eyes, her breathing became normal. She groaned when she moved.

She noticed that her scars had opened again. With a tired groan, she reached the bathroom after she made sure she had placed a silencing charm on herself. Her fingers clutched her side to stop the flow of blood from a deep wound. She turned on the shower and plopped down, not bothering to remove her clothes.

The cold water woke her up, the idea of a blink of sleep after that went down the drain. She stayed there for awhile, leaning back on the wall with the shower on. Her scars closed but she knew it would reopen again. Will had her told her that as there was magic was involved while inflicting the wound, there can be reopening of her wounds.

Her first thought when she heard that was, 'Just what I need,' She could care less about it. The physical pain she has because of her wounds was nothing compared to the pain she mentally endures from the nightmares. She shook her head to clear her thoughts and instantly regretted it. She winced when another wound opened up on the side of her neck.

The wound on the side of her neck closed painfully slow and she decided to treat it with some nectar to speed up the process. She turned off the shower and stood up slowly. Her legs almost gave out, but she used the tap for support. Her limbs shook as she took small steps to the cupboard just near the door.

She was panting by the time she reached it. She opened it with her trembling hands. The nectar bottle was on the first shelf. The cupboard was charmed, so that the person who opens it can only get the things that they had placed in it. She reached for the nectar, only for it slip and shatter on the floor.

She flinched and her hand went to pocket. She scrambled away from the glass on the floor, the strength she hadn't had before coming back to her. She took calming breaths when she realised it was just her own imagination. She slid down on the floor, her back rested against the wall. She placed her hands around her head and brought her knees to her chest.

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