18. Oliver Wood Would Love This Chapter

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• 23rd October, 1998, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry •

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• 23rd October, 1998, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry •

Percy took her place on the Slytherin table as usual greeting her friends. She was on high spirits, her conversation with her friends had cheered her up well and it was also one of those days, where she was just happy, the days she had missed thoroughly.

She helped herself to a cup of coffee, filling the goblet to its rim. She loved coffee. She ran on the beverage most of the sleepless days, the nights filled with nightmares and when she was too scared to fall into the realm of Morpheus.

She cupped the goblet with both her hands, relishing the warmth.

"That's too much coffee." Draco advised.

She held her coffee to her chest. "There is nothing such as too much coffee." She said firmly.

Her friends around her snorted. They could never understand her obsession with coffee. She sipped her coffee and hummed with content as she felt caffeine run through her veins. She helped herself to some food to survive the morning.

A loud screech of an eagle stood out of the hoots of hundreds of owls. She recognised the screech of the eagle in the Great Hall very well.

A large eagle entered one of the high windows of the hall. The sunlight streaming through the made the bird glow. The strong, muscular built and the strong beak and sharp talons screamed its power and dominance over the other birds. The brown and black feathers were arranged haphazardly making a sharp and magnificent painting.

It flew right to the Slytherin table without delay and dropped a letter in front of Percy and perched on top of a window sill, it's eyes set on the girl it had just delivered the letter to.

Percy eyes the letter with suspicion while the others around her were surprised. For the two months she had stayed at Hogwarts, she had never received a letter once. She poked the letter with her spoon tentatively.

"Go on then." Blaise urged her to open it, intrigued on who it might be from.

"Something doesn't feel right..." she trailed off, eyeing the letter as if it was from space.

With a harsh prod, the letter burst out. Few yelped and she faintly noticed a first year fall off his bench. She subconsciously flicked her hand and water engulfed the colourful glitter that would have been on her face. It was a peculiar sight. A sphere of water that had fluorescent glitter in it and a slightly baffled and exasperated ravennete.

"Stupid Stolls." She muttered under her breath. The others returned to their breakfast because a couple of years at Hogwarts and you get used to all this shit, from pranks to trolls.

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