15. That's A Cry For Therapy From You All

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• 14th October, 1998, Hogwarts Library •

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14th October, 1998, Hogwarts Library •

Percy strode across the bookshelves in search of a seat. She came across an empty table with only one person at the far end of the library, secluded by the bookshelf. The girl who sat reading a Quibbler upside down was none other than Luna Lovegood.

"Hey, can I sit here?"

Luna looked up from the book she was reading to see a familiar 'Puff. She smiled at her to which she got one back. She had left her dirty blonde loose and her wand was stuck in between her hair. She, as usual, wore radishes as earrings and a cork necklace hung by her neck.

"You can, but the others think I'm odd." Luna said in her dreamy voice. She expected her to move to another table but to her delight she sat down.

"Then I think we'll get along just fine 'cause I know I'm odd." Percy grinned at her.

Luna noticed the absence of her friends. "Where are your friends?"

"They will be here soon." Percy took out her parchment and started the potions assignment.

"Why do you write in Greek?"

"I'm dyslexic. The only languages I can read and write is Ancient Greek and Latin."

"Both are ancient dead languages." She wondered out loud.

Percy nodded.

"Then where did you learn those?"

"My Dad's side family. He is Greek." She couldn't possibly say that Greek was hardwired into her brain as she was a demigod.

"Then, Latin? The Romans' language, isn't it?"

"Again, my Dad's side."

"So you are Greek and Roman."

Percy nodded and grinned as she recalled all the chaos on whether she was Greek or Roman after the war. Both the camps had decided on a truce but both wanted Percy as their leader. The obvious answer would've been Camp Half-Blood but it wasn't that easy. Percy was a Greek but unlike other Greeks she could understand Latin perfectly even before she was taught. The other Greeks could only speak and understand bits and pieces, those similar to the Greek language.

Even Chiron couldn't decide. He tried to win the argument by the rule that only a male and female can be preators and that should only be two. The Romans retorted by saying that Percy has already been their preator and if they are going to start new ways, why not this? At last, they came to a conclusion that Percy can be the leader of Camp Half-Blood but she should also be the Honorary Preator for Camp Jupiter.

Poor Percy was too soaked in grief and guilt that she just nodded not bothering to listen. It was quite a shock for her when she actually came to know of this and her first thought was to bang her head against a wall. She can't show how shattered she was on the inside, it would break them. She steeled her nerves and took up the jobs. Camp Jupiter was much easier than the other camp as she has Reyna and Frank. The Greeks tried to make her work easier too, the senior campers offered her help all the time and she appreciated it.

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