29. I Know

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• 10th December, 1998, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry •

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• 10th December, 1998, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry •

It was snowing outside. Large, thick, white flakes of snow fell from the gray skies and landed softly on the ground below. Despite the chill, various bodies rushed out, black dots against the glistening white blanket, every form enjoying the cool feel of the soft snow against their cheeks. They ignored the sudden breeze and the way the snow cooled their flesh; they were caught in the beauty of the world and the simple, childish love of playing in the snow.

"Way to go, Jackson, you survived another Christmas." Percy whispered to herself, admiring the snow from the small window in the Owlery.

She had always liked Christmas. Her thoughts became immersed in swirling Christmas lights, the sights and sounds of Christmas, the smell of cookies baking in the oven, the sound of caroling, and the sight of joy spread all across the land. If there was one day out of the year that could push everyone from the brink of depression, it was Christmas.

She loved Christmas. She thrived in the smell of pine and the soft glow the lights would create at night. She loved spending the Eve sitting in front of a fire, munching on candies with her family and loved ones.

Sitting around the campfire, they knew that there would be another prophecy, another war and blood thirsty monsters waiting for them outside, but they wouldn't care; it was Christmas and that was what mattered.

She let out a soft sigh. True, she loved Christmas, but she hated the cold. Her gloved hands and the scarf wrapped around her neck were contrasting to how she would just run into the snow when she was young and her mom would be chiding her to wear her coat. A lot had changed. She despised the cold, it was a painful resemblance to the cold atmosphere in hell. The sight of snow that had sparked so much joy in her when she was young had changed to a reminiscent of her agony that she had experienced.

Shaking off her thoughts, she strode out of the Owlery. She had kept her distance from the aggressive owls; she didn't want to die by the owls pecking her to death, that would be highly embarrassing than anything. Aquila hadn't returned with a letter after the one she had sent to Chiron about how she will be staying at Hogwarts. She was both worried about her eagle and the response to her letter. So, the first thing she did after lunch was to advance to the Owlery. She had burrowed Draco's striking Eurasian eagle-owl, Athena (she had laughed at the name for hours when she found out) to send the message.

She found her friends at the entrance of the castle, bundled up in scarfs and coats. "Why are you guys here, freezing your arses off?" She asked them as soon as she had reached them, rubbing her hands together.

"Oh, come on Percy, it's not that cold!" Theo whined.

"Bloody hell, it is freezing!"

Percy nodded, wholeheartedly agreeing with Blaise. She rubbed her gloved hands, trying to create some heat. Warmth seeped into her coat as Astoria cast a warming spell on her. She nodded at the girl with a smile.

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