21. To Do The Right Thing

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• 12th February, 1998, Malfoy Manor •

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• 12th February, 1998, Malfoy Manor •

Draco Malfoy paused at doorway, listening closely. There were no screams, no wails he could make through the thick wood.  A treacherous part of his mind told him he was wrong, he was making assumptions. For all he knew, a simple silencing spell could have been cast at the door.

Swallowing his nerves, he opened the door, the smell hit him like a hurled brick, bile rose to his throat at the sight of Fenrir Greyback sinking his yellow teeth into the throat of Felborne, a deatheater who was being 'punished' for sabotaging their plan to attack Diagon Alley by alerting the Order about it.

Draco had to lean on the door for support. He swallowed the overwhelming urge to throw up. He, now knew why he didn't hear any screams, Felborne had died a long time ago, judging by the paleness of his skin and missing limbs. He put on a mask of indifference, keeping his gaze fixed on Greyback's hair, as to not let his eyes wander to the detached limbs.

"Greyback," he called to the werewolf, thanking Salazar for his unwavering tone.

Greyback bared his teeth at the blond, showing his blood stained teeth and the flesh stuck between them. "What?" He growled.

He didn't let his gaze wander and stared back at his black beady eyes. "Bellatrix wants you up."

The werewolf huffed and spit out the flesh and blood. "What does she want?"

"I don't know, why don't you go and find out?"

Lucky for him, Greyback merely bared his teeth and pushed past him to go upstairs.

A whimper caught Draco's ears, making him freeze at the doorway. His eyes shifted to the far right of the room, he couldn't make out the shadowed figures and he wished he hadn't.

The figures shifted closer to come into the light provided by the single lamp in the room. Even in the dim lighting of the room, the identities of them were clear. The pupils of the same school that he had been to.

Silver eyes locked with a pair of hazel ones as recognition sparked in theirs. Nigel Wolpert recognised Draco Malfoy as the latter recognised him. It was unmistakable, crouched in front of Draco was none other than the fourth year Gryffindor, the same one that he had caught in his fifth year for being a part of the D.A. Recognition in Nigel's eyes faded to be replaced with mistrust and he shifted to shield the other two from him.

Switching his gaze to the other two, he recognised them as Euan Abercombie and Rose Zeller, third year Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. The couple didn't have suspicion in their eyes but recognition and...hope.

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